: razz art Six:: (I think)
Zexion: Hey Axel, I heard about the trial from Sora. What happened?
Axel: I thought you heard about it from Sora.
Zexion: Have you ever asked Sora a question before?
Axel: No, I got everything memorized.
Zexion: Well, unless you want a detailed analysis of Sora’s...‘keyblade’....
Axel: Oh
Zexion: ....then don’t ask him anything
Axel: Well, he’s just hitting puberty.
Zexion: Roxas isn’t like that.
Axel: He had twelve mature adults around to explain to him about it.
Zexion: Yeah, that’s true. Wait, who got left out?
Axel: Marluxia
Zexion: But he’s a man
Axel: Who likes other men
Zexion: Oh, right.
Axel: Yeah, if Marly talked to Roxas, we probably would’ve really ended up being lovers.
Zexion: That’s.......that’s just a joke, right?
Axel: So what didn’t you understand?
Zexion: What happened after Ghis was declared a fop by Larxene?
Axel: Well, I’m going to need a flashback for this...
Judge Drace: Wait, how do we know that he’s a fop?
Larxene: Well...because he looks like one!
Ghis: I’m not a fop, I’m NOT a fop!
Drace: But you are dressed as one. And that hideous hair. Ugh.
Ghis: They dressed me like this!
Drace: What?
Ghis: Umm.....Yeah they did!
Drace: .....did you?
Biggs: No!
everyone muttering: No no no no
Biggs: Yes.....
same people: yes...
Biggs: A-a bit
same: a bit
Biggs: He has got a beauty mark
What makes you think he’s a fop?
Larxene: What, he laughed at me until my head exploded!
Everyone: (turns and looks at her) .........
Larxene: ....I got better.
Axel: Burn him anyway!
Drace: Quiet, quiet. There are ways of telling if he is a fop.
Larxene: Are there?
Wedge: What are they, tell us.
Axel: Do they hurt?
Drace: Tell me, what do you do with fops?
Everyone else: Burn them!
Drace: And what do you burn apart from fops?
Axel: More witches!
Sephiroth: Whole villages!
Judge Gabranth: Wood?
Drace: So, why do witches-er-fops burn?
Larsa: Because they’re made of wood?
Drace: Good. So, how do we tell whether he is made of wood?
Axel: Burn-
Larxene: Shut it
Raijin: Build a bridge out of him, ya know?
Drace: Ah, but can’t bridges also be made of stone?
Raijin: Oh yeah...ya know?
Drace: Does wood sink in water?
Demyx: No, it floats.
Seifer: Throw him into the pond!
Drace: Stop, stop. What also floats in water?
Biggs: Bread!
Larxene: Apples!
Ghis: Very small rocks?
Larxene: Quiet you!
Fujin: CIDER
Kadaj: My mother...
Demyx: Cherries!
Goofy: Lead?
Fran: Mist....
Balthier: A duck
Drace: Exactly. So, logically....
Larxene: If he weighs the same as a duck, then he’s made of wood?
Drace: And therefore...
Fujin: FOP!
Axel: This is stupid. I’m just gonna burn him now
~End Flashback~
Zexion: So......you just attacked him?
Axel: Yup
Zexion: Without any provocation?
Axel: He was going to sentence me to life in Marluxia State Prison.
Zexion: Oh, well that’s alright.