razz art Two::
Squall: Okay, are we all ready?
Roxas: We need to find Sora first.
Axel: Oh, he's over at the Seaside Shack, trying to get Kairi drunk.
Vaan: Why didn't he go to the Sandsea?
Cloud: Because you're not part of this plan.
Vaan: oh...
Cloud: Also, 7th Heaven would be a better choice than the Sandsea.
Axel: Yeah, that place is pretty awesome.
Roxas: Anyway.
Cloud: Right, sorry.
Axel: So I sneak behind him and throw a thing at his head.
Cloud: We're going to distract him, so you shouldn't need to sneak too much.
Axel: And we see if Roxas feels anything. Besides laughing at Sora's surprised reaction.
Squall: Are we all ready?
Cloud: Let's mosey.
Cloud: Hey, Sora.
Sora: Shush! There's someone sneaking up behind me!
Squall: Oh, crap.
Axel: What? Aw, crap.
Sora: Aha!
Cloud: Oops.
Sora: The Evil Eggplant of Death! Oh, hey Axel.
Squall: Well, feel anything?
Roxas: Embarrassment that I was a part of this plan. Otherwise, no.
Axel: Welp, I’m outta here. Some dude with a tattoo of an eye on his ankle wants me to burn down this mansion in Britain.
Squall: Should we try to help Sora?
Cloud: I know how to solve this problem.
Roxas: We’re not going to dump him in a lake.
Cloud: Then I have no ideas.