Just came to the GD and noticed all these sad rant forums. I'm probably no better to set up one of my own, but hey. There's all you people out there who think you're doing something righteous by posting a forum on Gaia whining about skin-tones of your fellow humans, ages of your fellow Gaian, the religions of each other or the origins of your human predecessors. Then to counter, there's these "heroes" who write back and make big jackasses of themselves to express their anger, may deal with many spelling errors, eight approximate seconds of holding one and shift, or a well-thought-out and organized list of complaints. All of the above may be filtered with curse word s**t. Before you whine about how much you hate that fat kid at school, or the social groups around your neighborhood, or being called "emo" all the time, think about what you're writing. It's obvious that there are people out there who don't respect other's thoughts before expressing their own, which makes sense and I can respect. After all, rants aren't supposed to make everyone happy, they're supposed to rile people, and often times get nothing done. If you're going to post what you think is a stellar rant about how you hate the economy here, why the hell are you posting it on Gaia? I'm sure there's tons of business owners waiting to get advice from the GD. Same with your petty little school problems, like "there's a mean bully at my school". All you can get by posting this in the GD on Gaia is people who will sympathize you and people who will laugh at you. Usually the people who laugh are idiots, or just lifeless people. Regardless, posting a topic and getting a bunch of people on your side won't stop the bully. This goes to bullies as well, if you're harassing someone online, get a ******** life. I watch all these "stop cyber bullying" commercials and roll my eyes, I can't believe these lifeless dolts are getting this much attention. If someone's bullying you online, ignore them, they deserve to burn in hell.
Sorry to be so rash, but it's life. It's funny how people can cover up so many things and put a smile on it, fooling people. A pretty rough example, but look at "Mother Nature". It's so beautiful how she creates, and everything is made. Of course, I don't deny this, but this is like what I learned in school about advertising, "Glittering Generalities". Take one thing that everyone can recognize and has many good points, then shun the bad points. Mother Nature is a disgusting, cruel, and rough world. Beings consume each other relentlessly, they bleed, tear each other apart and destroy things. Plants are the same, people chop down trees, and since they don't scream in pain of gush out organs and blood it's innocent. Have a sense of humility. The world is a beautiful place, but that's not all it is.
It's a pretty roundabout way of saying it, but please stop posting these rant topics that are just absolute bullshit. I'm not going to judge what is and isn't, you should before you post it. Good example: I read a few seconds ago this rant that hates completely on black people. (Note: The link will work as long as that awful topic is active. I'm suspecting it'll be taken down, shredded to pieces, and burned into hell soon.) You should be aware that there's equally rash, hard-headed assholes out there that side with something and will attempt to beat the living s**t out of anything that defies their beliefs. And if you're someone who has written back to one of these people swearing up a storm, look, you're no hero. You're just as bad as the poster--maybe worse. The only thing different about your ways is your pushing the s**t farther into his face than he was originally, unless he literally mailed the topic to you. By posting a topic, they don't put it right up in your face, they do the next worse thing: make it available to you. If it doesn't deal with you personally, don't deal with it. It's a stupid forum on Gaia. You're not the only person on Earth who doesn't hate gay people, I can assure you. If it's topic that does no one any good, it'll be torn down soon. And if no one replies to it, it'll be buried so far into the back of the forums no one will see it anyway, so stop trying to make yourself the hero by replying.
Well this took me time to write, and I realize I'm doing the same s**t I'm trying to tell everyone else not to do, it's almost ironic. But I'm posting it in the right place: Gaia, right where it's happening. I'm not whining about it to my classmates who haven't even heard of this place. I'm not going to say "Gee, what a great topic, I'm going to shove it in everyone's face!" I'm leaving the title as plain as it is, and I'll reply to anyone who posts.
Then there's you idiots who try and be funny, or cute, by saying things like "I hate everyone anyway". Don't give me that s**t. If you hate everyone, go die. We don't need some jerk who hates everyone and using up precious watts of energy to power their computer where they can say it, because you're polluting the environment and using up your parent's money. But what if you're not using your parent's money, but your own which you work hard every week to earn? So sue me, I was wrong. But look, now you're serving the people you loathe? It'd do the whole world better if you'd kill yourself and get it over with so the world could benefit from the nutrients of your rotting body and you could pay no homage to the awful pests called "humans".
Thank you for reading. Criticism appreciated, after all I did write this all in one sitting. It's not perfect, but I hope my point is expressed.
SmashLord Spoon · Wed Jun 27, 2007 @ 08:22pm · 0 Comments |