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If life wasn't cheesy enough [haha, pun]
Cheesy's Cheesy Life #34 -The most.. disturbing..-
This was the most disturbing dream I have EVER had... I, literally, woke up terrified that I was still in it! GOD IT WAS HORRIBLE.

******** Silent Hill....

Anyway.. I feel a need to turn it into a story... Some way in it, the dream actually ends and I'm just adding to the story. You can have fun guessing where that is! Cause I'm not saying s**t...

Here it goes...


Everything was perfect...

A happilly married couple were walking to the grocery store. Everything had been just as the girl could possibly imagine. A nice, small town filled with people who didn't know her at a younger age but all knew her now. None of the city life to be seen. To top it all off, it was with her highschool sweetheart and the man of her dreams.

It was all going so well.... I was so happy...

The only thing that bothered her was the sudden disappearance of a few friends and a secret she had been keeping from her husband. She figured her friends just lost contact with her, nothing big. They'd probably contact her soon and as for the secret? It wasn't anything bad. In fact, it was a surprise for him.

I was finally happy... Happy beyond belief...

One friend was still there and her name was Jorden. Jorden Bonwell. A friend she had known since middle school but had been acting strange ever since she married Hanz, her husband. Jorden was already a stange girl to begin with but she was being rather odd. She had been avoiding the two but, anytime she was near them, she'd look Hanz up and down in a meniacal(sp) way. As if.. she was plotting something but Alissa took no heed to it.

If I had known... God! If I had only known...

"Oh! Hey you two!," a rather plump but pleasant woman smiled at the couple, waving slightly. The two had been waiting for her to end a conversation with another customer before attempting to buy anything. "Your order is on the counter and take whatever you like, if you want anything. I'll put it on your tab." The lady chuckled, she had been joking about the tab. It was her way of saying "on the house" without the other customers knowing.

Alissa smiled, running her fingers lightly across her stomach. She just couldn't wa- "Thanks!" Hanz had interupted her thoughts, not that she minded too much. Alissa just wrapped her arms around him and laid her head onto his chest. His heartbeat was a soothing comfort... He laughed a bit, finding how she was acting in public rather odd. "You've been lovey recently!" he ran his fingers through her hair then kissed the top of her head. "You heard her, take anything.." Hanz laughed, pushing Alissa closer to the candy aisle. He knew very well that that was what she had wanted.

She giggled and eyed about the candy. Alissa was always happy at this store, they had the oldest candy that she could never find anymore. Nerds... she suddenly had an enormous craving for Nerds... "Common, Angel... we still need to check out our package.." he smiled, teasing her. She stuck her tongue out at him then laughed, grabbing three packages of Nerds and some random item.

"Mary! I'm taking this and THREE things of Nerds!" Alissa pointed at the items she had taken as Hanz was pulling her away. Mary nodded and gave her the thumbs up, "I'll put it on your 'tab'." The two women laughed then the couple left to the back counter where their package lay.

Hanz stood and watched Alissa as she examined the package. She bit her lower lip as she read the labels upon it. It wasn't the package they had been waiting for.. "Something wrong, dear?" Hanz piped in, worried over his love's reaction. "Oh.. it's just.. this isn't our order..." tracing her fingers across the box then reading the names once more.

So many signs... why didn't I..?

"What do you mean?" Hanz walked over to her, reading the names himself now. They were to them but there was no return address, it wasn't what they had been waiting for. "I guess you'll have to wait for your gift," Hanz teased, knowing Alissa would get angry over the wait. "Angel, open it anyway... Let's see what's inside."

Alissa picked up some scissors off of the desk, cutting at the tape holding the package closed. She carefully opened it and saw another box but it wasn't cardboard; it was clear plastic. They looked at it oddly then Alissa took it out and opened it. Neither of them could understand what was inside.

Little plastic tabs lay inside with pictures inside of them. Most of them were of David, an old friend of theirs, atleast.. from what they had picked up. Alissa held one in her hand, reading the text ontop of the picture. "I love you..." with a picture of David inside. He was slightly older then what the two could remember but there wasn't too much of a change. His hair was still that red color he was known for and done up in perfect, swooping spikes. Eyes were still a piercing crystal blue... he was just older.

I shouldn't have bothered.. I shouldn't have bothered...

"What.. is this..?" Alissa was confused, placing the tab back in the box. She searched around for more to see what else was inside. Hanz had picked up the one she placed down, examining it for himself. "Bobo..." that was a name she hadn't heard for awhile. No one around her but Hanz still called David 'Bobo'.

They barely spoke of him anymore ever since their marriage. David was there, by what she could remember, but he had left rather fast. He never said anything to the two ever since which perplexed them. They figured he was just mad over the marriage but now this threw all those ideas out the window.

She picked up another one, this time of Hanz. There was no lettering ontop of the photo but the picture was a tad distorted. "This is odd... Oh, well," Alissa shrugged it off, laughing a bit. It was funny, in a way. "Let's just go home," Hanz smiled, closing up the box and taking it from her. She pouted, "I'm very well capable of carrying a package..." He just stuck his tongue out at her and walked away.

It was a sign! You were so bitter.. how could I have not..?

The two walked down the street, heading back home. It wasn't that far from the store but they were lingering behind. They loved taking their time, there was no rush to do anything really.

Alissa eyed a bum that sat infront of their house oddly. She gave him some change and went inside of their house. It was beautiful and big enough for her to handle. Not too small but not too big. The kitchen was big enough to move around properly in with large countertops where Hanz had set the package down. Dining table fit enough for four, a couch and TV which were barely used. They had their own TV in their room so they just went there to watch anything. Everything was the way she liked it.

It went... so wrong....

There was something wrong with everything about it though. The lights were unusually dimmed, the walls a peculiar(sp) color of burnt red. Even the hallway, which was usually lit, was pitch black. Alissa glanced over at Hanz who seemed like he didn't notice anything odd about the place. She decided it was just her imagination and walked over to Hanz.

She was wrong.

Alissa wrapped her arms around Hanz as she did before, laying her head on his shoulder. "Hanz..." she smiled and kissed him. He laughed, "Yes, Angel?" He knew there was something she was hiding to have been acting this way. There was a catch somewhere in this, not that he minded the attention. "There's something I have to-"

The house went pitch black. Red eyes moving in the darkness and looking directly into her own. She could feel her heart pounding at her chest. Alissa felt for Hanz who was still at her side but now holding onto her. She leaned in until she knew she was by Hanz's ear. "Do you.... s...see that...?" whispering lowly, hoping the owner of the eyes wouldn't retaliate. "Yes..." he responded.

Everything went by so fast. All she could remember was running, lots and lots of horrible running. Nothing had been attacking her but she didn't realize this until much later.

She opened her eyes to a more lit room with the burnt red still upon the walls. She didn't recognize where she was nor did she care. Now sitting up straight, she looked horrified at the person who stood before her.

"Good morning... How did you sleep?" Jorden smirked. She stood next to a cabinet that started from the floor and ended at the ceiling with two compartments. The top one had Hanz tied up with something gagging him in his mouth so he wouldn't speak. The bottom... was one of the most horrid things Alissa had ever seen.. A demonic looking dog with its skin gone and the inner flesh was a bit burnt. The jaw hung open with its tongue rolled out.

Alissa's body trembled, she looked to Hanz for comfort she couldn't find then to the dog. She buried her head under the covers to hide from the horror and somehow wake up from a terrifying nightmare that couldn't be real. "Hiding.. will make it worse..." Jorden sang slightly, more of chimed. She couldn't really sing.

She peeked out and saw the dog, its breathing vaguely noticable. It was too disturbing to watch, now hiding again. Alissa could hear cabinets close and something had slid out of somewhere. Barking was loud and clear with muffled screams and pounding against wood. She panicked and sat up straight, a horrified expression wiped all over her face as she looked over at Jorden. Jorden slid the slide back into the slot which was in between the two cabinets then opened the top cabinet. "Hanz...?" Alissa had managed to whimper, looking desperately for the comfort of his being.

It... was so perfect....

A distorted hand came out of where her lover used to be. The skin had been ripped off, blood dripping onto the floor. She swore she could feel her heart stop as she stopped breathing. The other hand, equally deformed, and his head had come out of the cabinet. She examined the head, feeling as if she was going to hurl any second now. The skin had been removed, blood dripping everywhere... Its teeth stuck out like a sore thumb now that there was no lips to hide them. The beautiful wonder that was her love was gone.

She looked into its eyes, the only thing left that was him. The dark blue she used to find herself get lost in. He ran. She jumped up, watching the monster leave. He had no more torso. His legs had been crappilly stitched together to what was left of his chest. He ran like a jumping spider out of the door.

Everything... was over...

Jorden smiled, watching as her creation ran off. She looked down at Luna, who was once her loyal pup, and smiled. "Whose a good Luna?"

Alissa glared at Jorden, growling slightly then ran out after Hanz. "Hanz!" she cried out, trying to keep up with him but it was rather hard. He had a head start and she couldn't do much in the state she was in. "Hanz! Come back!" running passed more monsters similar to the ones she had seen before. They didn't try to attack her in any way, just looked at her oddly. She didn't understand.. would nothing happen to her?

He stopped at a railing, abruptly looking back to see Alissa closing in behind. "Hanz! Stop! Please!" she begged him, coming closer. He looked to her then to the floor below. Once she came a closer distance, he jumped down to the floor below. "Hanz!" she reached out for him, her eyes watering. The monster she had called out for, the love of her life, was gone. "They were yours..." she whimpered, falling down to her knees. "They.... were yours..." covering her face with her hands to hide the tears that enevitably came. There was no hiding her new found sorrow.

My life... was over...

Alissa had been there for awhile it seemed but she had stopped counting. She didn't care anymore, nothing mattered. Her stomach grew as it should grow just as her empty sorrow did. Part of her felt lifeless and empty, half of her was missing. The half that was distorted and ran away...

Her dress was covered in his blood but she refused to change. Jorden offered her new clothes, a nice room, but she rejected it all. She wouldn't take anything from the person who destroyed her life. Their life... She held in suppressed tears.

Today, she was wandering around to get used to her surroundings. There was no reason to be afraid of anything anymore. She knew that, no matter what she did, the monsters wouldn't attack her. In the darkness would only be the monsters who did nothing but stare at her then go about with their business. They'd never do anything.. just like she wouldn't do anything.

"Was that... there before..?" she muttered to herself, walking over to a door she couldn't remember seeing before. Alissa turned the handle and pushed it open, entering a room of pitch black. Well, she thought it was pitch black. There was a dim light pointing down on something hanging from the wall. It was alive, she saw it move and it looked like it was breathing.

She walked towards it, not caring to be silent. If it was a monster, they'd just look at each other funny and move on. The closer she got, the more humane whatever it was seemed. The shape was that of a human, the breathing was human...

"Oh.. god..." Alissa was close enough to realize what it was. "David?" she stepped closer. It was David... messed up. He looked much skinnier then she had recalled, his hair was a mess, eyes were drained.. His wrists were stuck to the wall by some monster, she guessed, holding him against the wall.

His eyes opened more, looking down at Alissa. A weak smile came onto his face, "Someone... gained weight..." She pouted, of course David had to add some sarcastic remark. "I'm not fat!" Alissa retorted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh...? Then....." he realized what she had meant in two minutes faster then what Hanz never realized in six months. "Where's Hanz...?"

Alissa let her arms fall to her sides, looking down. The subject killed her inside but David had a right to know.. they were all best friends at one point. "He's... one of them..." her eyes watered but she refused to cry infront of David. It was one of the things she always refused to do. "One of... the monsters..?" he was clueing it in rather quickly, something he always had a knack for. She nodded. "But.. how? Hanz would never join them.."

"Jorden," Alissa whimpered, bringing one hand to her mouth. "Jorden made him that way... I don't know what happened to him.. I don't know where he went.. He ran off so long ago.." David understood what she meant all too well. "Why are you here?" Alissa asked, trying to change the subject best she could. "Same as you.." she knew he wasn't brought here the same way but she got what he meant. Jorden had taken him here just as Jorden had somehow got them here.

"I'd say I'm surprise you're alive...," David added, "But I'm not." This perplexed Alissa, she didn't really understand what he meant. "What.. do you mean?" There was a pause, he was trying to think of the right way to phrase it. "She cares about you," he emphasized on the you, his arms tugging away from the wall to get down but he gave up. He failed just as he always did.

"I'm taking it... you want down?" she eyed what kept him there, it wouldn't be hard to cut them down. He rolled his eyes, "No... I want to stay stuck to the wall..." Alissa glared but it faded. There was no reason to care for his stupid retorts now.. there was no reason to care about anything. "Fine.. stay there..." she rolled her eyes to mock them and pretended to walk away.

"Wait!" he called out, groaning. "Get me down..." Alissa smiled, happy to finally have someone else other then Jorden to talk to. "Let me find something to cut it down with... okay?" he nodded and she walked around the room. She stopped. "What? Did you find something?" David bellowed so Alissa could hear him but she shook her head.

I want.. light... suddenly, the room was lit. She smiled as the monsters faded and David fell to the ground. "What the...?" he was confused, not sure what happened. Alissa walked over to him and helped him up, leaning him against the wall so he wouldn't fall over. "You did say.. the monsters weren't attacking me because she cares about me.." There was a pause as he tried to understand it. "So?"

I hated it.. I hated knowing the signs.. I hated feeling stupid...

"I figured I'd try wanting light.. and I remembered she liked Silent Hill.." Both of them smiled, now that he realized what had just happened. They weren't meant to be happy for long though... the lights went out and David was stuck to the wall again but in a lower position. Jorden and Luna had entered the room.

Alissa was standing against the wall next to David, trying her best to stay near what kept her sane. The empty and lonely feeling returned just as the darkness and the monsters came. "So.. you found David..." Alissa just looked down, trying to avoid speaking with her. She hoped she would just go away but she wouldn't.

David looked over at Alissa then at Jorden. He decided to finally do something, he knew Alissa wasn't going to. "Yes, she did... What do you care?" Alissa eyed him oddly then at Jorden, she didn't expect him to say anything. "I did keep you here for a reason.."

Alissa's mind was going blank, it was hard to hear the anymore. She fell onto her knees, hearing their voices around her. Something wet was under her but she didn't know what it was. Was it more blood? Dear god.. no more blood.

Jorden grew closer and David's yelling was louder. Was she doing something? Alissa looked up to see her lingering over her, offering out a hand to her. She shook her head and looked back to the liquid, trying to recognize it. Her stomach began contracting, pain struck through her. Monsters that looked like disgusting nurses were around Jorden now. She finally realized what was going on.

"No! Let David down! I'm not letting those things touch me!" she cried out, an aura of light surrounding her now. "Those things.. aren't touching my babies.." Alissa growled, realizing her water had broke and she was going into labor. David pulled away from the wall more. They both knew that neither of them knew much about giving birth but she couldn't let some monsters touch her children and be expected to take care of them until she recovered.

"Are they not good enough for you?" Jorden placed her hands upon her hips. "I made nurses just for you. I'm trying to take care of you.. Why can't you just let me take care of you?"

"Don't you have any sympathy?! Let David go... we have it fine.. We're doing fine..." she groaned, now in immense pain. There was no medication to go through this with as she had been planning to use at the hospital. All there was was pain.

"I don't believe in sympathy!" she screamed out. Jorden realized Alissa wasn't going to let her help and decided to let David down. "You have it handled.. we'll see." She dropped down a box by Alissa's side then walked away and disappeared as quickly as she came.

"Are you sure about this..?" David stumbled over to Alissa who had her legs spread and was getting ready to have her babies, the babies she'd been waiting for all her life. "No.. I'm not..." she looked up at him, "But.. I'm not going to let monsters.. deliver them.." Alissa sat herself up a bit, trying to get comfortable but it was hard in the position she was in.

"Um.. what am I doing..?" David stood over her, completely confused. "Don't worry.. you don't have to look..." she winced. "Each time a baby comes out, your grab it and put it in hot, not too hot, water.. and clean them off.. cut the umbelical(sp) cord...." He eyed her oddly, a bit disgusted. "And.. WHERE am I getting all of this?" She pointed next to him, "There.." The items needed for what she was talking about appeared next to him. "And.. you're sure I don't need to look?" She nodded. "Good, I didn't want to see that." Alissa laughed.

Thank god he was there...

Hours of labor and child birth went by. The babies were perfectly healthy, from what they could tell. Alissa couldn't focus enough to clean up the mess so David had helped her move to another part of the room that was cleaner. She held her babies close to her, smiling and crying at the same time. They were exactly what she wanted.. twins. A boy and a girl.

David sat next to her, helping Alissa wrap them each in blankets. "What are their names?" she kissed each of their heads then looked at David. "Trei Anthony... and Naomi..." Alissa paused, realizing that her Hanz never came up with a middle name for Naomi. "Michelle.. Naomi Michelle.." she held her babies close to her.

"... Why exactly..?" it was a conversation starter, nonetheless. "Hanz and I... agreed on the names Trei and Naomi... I choose the middle name Anthony to name him after his dad and my dad..." Hanz's actual name was Anthony, Hanz was a nickname an old friend made up. "Michelle? Well.. after Michelle.." she ran her fingers across Naomi's soft skin, she couldn't believe they were actually there.

"Did Hanz know...?" there was a pause. "About you being pregnant.." Alissa shook her head. "I.. was going to tell him.. just before we got stuck in this place..." she remembered them going home from Mary's store, him setting the package down. She never got her chance to tell him... Her eyes watered all over again without her realizing it. She felt someone pull her closer... Alissa looked over to see David sitting by her, trying to comfort her in his own way. She couldn't remember the last time David had tried to help her.. but it reassured her that it was okay to cry.

It was okay to cry...

She picked up the box that Jorden had left by her side earlier, tearing off the tape but being sure to be careful of the babies. David picked them up to make it easier on her. She opened the box, looking at the inside with wide eyes. "What is it?" David looked over as she held out the contents. "Clothes..." they were baby clothes. One had "Trei" engraved into the chest and the other "Naomi" with diapers and everything inside. She took out the note that lay at the bottom of the box.

"I thought they'd might need this... I found the pills you've been taking to have twins in your drawer. I was waiting for you to tell me but I figured I'd just do this instead. I love you.. and I can't wait to live a wonderful life with you, Trei, and Naomi.

I love you with all my heart, my Angel.

"He.. knew..." she whimpered, watching David get the babies dressed. Alissa went to go help him but he shook his head. "I got it.. wait.. He knew?" She nodded, reading the note out loud. "Why didn't you tell him?" She turned away, reading the note over and over. "I wanted... to surprise him.." Alissa smiled slightly, "I was.. telling him.." She stopped talking. "Alissa?"

Dark blue eyes could be seen staring at her as she returned the glance. Tears streamed down her face, a slight smile for reassurance. She mouthed, "I still love you..." He nodded and went away.

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T o x i c Teaspoons
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 10, 2007 @ 09:13pm

Wowww. aha. That really is quite morbid.
But it's intriguing!
But then again, it's really sad. ><
Can Hanz be turned back into a regular human?!

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