This rant is not about politics surprisingly. This rant is about the recent change Gaia has made with their navigational system.I want my toolbar back.The big empty space is annoying, and the bubble that says "Hey. I've got X pm's." or whatever is stupid. How does making the navigational system easier include loading more pages to get where you want. My net is not that fast. It's not horrible, but it's not that great and I know there are some with worse. These people want to load as little pages as possible to get to where they are going, which is usually their subscribed threads. So how does making the slow net people load more pages to get to their subscribed threads entale making the navigational system easier? That is the thing that really irks me. The fact that I can't get to my subscribed threads without taking more time out of my day because Gaia decided to change something supposedly making it "easier" ticks me off more than anything. Also...why did Gaia not first ask the opinion of the people who will be mainly using this new navigation system, the users. That was a big blunder on their part, and if anyone can give a suitable reason why they didn't, I would like to hear it. For anyone that agrees with me that reads this, I have included a link to a petition started by the people that matter that Gaia seems to have forgotten about, the users. Gaia...please bring back the navigational toolbar and fill that empty space at the top of the page. This new system is not more user friendly. In fact, if it's anything it's less. I'm done ranting for now.
Archmagus ruler Asmodeus · Sun May 27, 2007 @ 10:14pm · 1 Comments |