Kogarashi Daie Ametsuchi
"Day of Withering Wind Upon Heaven and Earth"
Avatar of Destruction and Creation
He Who Exists Yet Does Not
Fragment of the Golden
Chronologically - 5
Physically - 21
Red Panda
Eye Color
Unique Central Hetrochromia
Body Type
Slender, but athletic
177 lbs
Berserker Mode
Part 1
Under Construction
Part 2
Immense Magic Capacity: It's has been shown that Koga has an tremendously high magic capacity, being able to cast powerful spells in rapid succession and more often when compared to other high level magic users. His capacity is so high that he is able to cast the Ragna Blade, one of the most powerful spells in all of magic, a total of two times before being completely drained, while most other high level spell casters aren't even able to do it once and those that can, can only do it once.
Multi-Cast: The unique ability to cast two entirely separate spells at once, something only the highest level of magic users can perform.
All Magic: The term used to describe Koga's mastery over all three main magical disciplines: Black, White, and Shamanism. He is the only known sorcerer in Eaos to have completely mastered these fields.
Holy Magic: While these particular spells have been lost for centuries, Koga has learned to call upon the heavenly powers and cast a few of these spells through hard training and countless hours deciphering the Dragon Glyphs.
Chaos Magic: The true extent of Kogarashi's overall power and potential is seen when he uses Chaos Magic. Chaos Magic consists of the most powerful spells in all of existence, drawing their power directly from LoN. These spells require a tremendous amount of power to cast and great concentration to control.
Fragment of Nightmares: The term used to describe the essence and power of LoN that has been sealed within him. The fragment directly ties Kogarashi to LoN and grants him a few advantages over other spell casters when he draws upon his power. The first is Power Augmentation, which increases the overall power of the caster's spells to a significant degree, allowing for even low level spells to hold a fair bit of destructive power. The second is Overlimit, which allows Koga to continuous chain high level spells regardless of the current level of his overall magic capacity. However, Overlimit causes significant damage to the body, as it put a tremendous strain upon it. When using Overlimit, a distinct gold pattern of runes appears upon his fur as his features become more distinguished and his muscle bulk increases slightly.
The fragment has a few other affects upon the vessel besides increasing their magical abilities.
Advanced Growth Rate – the fragment's power causes the vessel to grow to physical and mental maturity within just a few short years so the body will be able to handle the strain of the power that is sealed within it. The fragment also prolongs the body's life span and youthful appearance, keeping it at it's physical peak, giving a form of immortality. This is displayed in that Koga having grown to maturity in just three years and since then, not having aged a day.
The Sense – Due to all things actually being composed of LoN in some manner, the Koga is able to actually sense the presence of the living things around them. However, this ability does not always manifest itself in every vessel, so it can be questioned if this ability is actually a dormant skill in Kogarashi.
Influence of God – Since Kogarashi is tied to LoN through the Fragment, he is constantly under the influence of LoN, which has an effect on the actions that he takes and overall development mentally. It is possible for the overbearing consciousness of LoN to actually break his mind and cause insanity or warp his personality and thoughts until he isn't even himself anymore. This particular effect is most noticeable when Beserker Mode is active.
Berserker Mode: The berserker mode is the main drawback of the Fragment. Using the Fragment's power for too long will cause Koga to lose control of himself and be swallowed whole by it, destroying everything around him. In this state, it is possible for LoN to be summoned directly into his body and potentially destroying the world. Extreme anger can also cause Koga to unwilling enter this state. When in the berserker state, Koga's normal bright eyes turn a solid red as a deep black pattern of runes appears upon his fur. His fur takes on a more shaggy, feral appearance, his fangs grow more pronouced and his muscular structure increases significantly as red energy spirals out around him.
Additional Info
I take no credit for any art that will be posted here.
Kogarashi Daie Ametsuchi
"Day of Withering Wind Upon Heaven and Earth"
Avatar of Destruction and Creation
He Who Exists Yet Does Not
Fragment of the Golden
Chronologically - 5
Physically - 21
Red Panda
Eye Color
Unique Central Hetrochromia
Body Type
Slender, but athletic
177 lbs
Berserker Mode
Part 1
Under Construction
Part 2
Immense Magic Capacity: It's has been shown that Koga has an tremendously high magic capacity, being able to cast powerful spells in rapid succession and more often when compared to other high level magic users. His capacity is so high that he is able to cast the Ragna Blade, one of the most powerful spells in all of magic, a total of two times before being completely drained, while most other high level spell casters aren't even able to do it once and those that can, can only do it once.
Multi-Cast: The unique ability to cast two entirely separate spells at once, something only the highest level of magic users can perform.
All Magic: The term used to describe Koga's mastery over all three main magical disciplines: Black, White, and Shamanism. He is the only known sorcerer in Eaos to have completely mastered these fields.
Holy Magic: While these particular spells have been lost for centuries, Koga has learned to call upon the heavenly powers and cast a few of these spells through hard training and countless hours deciphering the Dragon Glyphs.
Chaos Magic: The true extent of Kogarashi's overall power and potential is seen when he uses Chaos Magic. Chaos Magic consists of the most powerful spells in all of existence, drawing their power directly from LoN. These spells require a tremendous amount of power to cast and great concentration to control.
Fragment of Nightmares: The term used to describe the essence and power of LoN that has been sealed within him. The fragment directly ties Kogarashi to LoN and grants him a few advantages over other spell casters when he draws upon his power. The first is Power Augmentation, which increases the overall power of the caster's spells to a significant degree, allowing for even low level spells to hold a fair bit of destructive power. The second is Overlimit, which allows Koga to continuous chain high level spells regardless of the current level of his overall magic capacity. However, Overlimit causes significant damage to the body, as it put a tremendous strain upon it. When using Overlimit, a distinct gold pattern of runes appears upon his fur as his features become more distinguished and his muscle bulk increases slightly.
The fragment has a few other affects upon the vessel besides increasing their magical abilities.
Advanced Growth Rate – the fragment's power causes the vessel to grow to physical and mental maturity within just a few short years so the body will be able to handle the strain of the power that is sealed within it. The fragment also prolongs the body's life span and youthful appearance, keeping it at it's physical peak, giving a form of immortality. This is displayed in that Koga having grown to maturity in just three years and since then, not having aged a day.
The Sense – Due to all things actually being composed of LoN in some manner, the Koga is able to actually sense the presence of the living things around them. However, this ability does not always manifest itself in every vessel, so it can be questioned if this ability is actually a dormant skill in Kogarashi.
Influence of God – Since Kogarashi is tied to LoN through the Fragment, he is constantly under the influence of LoN, which has an effect on the actions that he takes and overall development mentally. It is possible for the overbearing consciousness of LoN to actually break his mind and cause insanity or warp his personality and thoughts until he isn't even himself anymore. This particular effect is most noticeable when Beserker Mode is active.
Berserker Mode: The berserker mode is the main drawback of the Fragment. Using the Fragment's power for too long will cause Koga to lose control of himself and be swallowed whole by it, destroying everything around him. In this state, it is possible for LoN to be summoned directly into his body and potentially destroying the world. Extreme anger can also cause Koga to unwilling enter this state. When in the berserker state, Koga's normal bright eyes turn a solid red as a deep black pattern of runes appears upon his fur. His fur takes on a more shaggy, feral appearance, his fangs grow more pronouced and his muscular structure increases significantly as red energy spirals out around him.
Additional Info
I take no credit for any art that will be posted here.