Gun fire crackles around you. Judging by the tempter and orange tint of the sky you presume that it’s a warm summer night. your plane has been damaged badly and appears to be leaking some sort of liquid onto your boots, there’s no telling if or more likely how long it will take for your engine to ignite the fluid and turn your craft into just another fiery wreck in the sky. although its agenst every thing that they taught you and almost all of the protocols of the American air force you decide to land in the enemy hanger and switch planes even throw the hanger is only about 15 to 20 feet directly ahead of you. Suddenly you thrust the controls into a nose dive position. The ripping speeds of the wind blowing your exposed hair fast that it hurts. at the last possible moment you pull up just barely missing the experience of becoming a splat on the ground like the bugs on your windshield. The wheels make contact with a thunderous jolt nearly sending your head through all the different gauges and levels but your seat belt saves you. The brakes lock and you your plane begins to do a 360 spin. It stops at about 200 degrees, you may have broken a rib or two in the landing but it will be alright in time. Hopping out you have a perfect view of the dog fight up above.
little thing i wrote one night. i was happy with my self for writing something lotsa ppl liked so i up it up here for all to c. now if u read this plz tell me wat type of plane u picture in ur mind
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this is my i write about fiction and usualy of ppl my own age, i kind of like to write short stories but i need proper info before is start
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