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520 days,12,483 hours, 749,017 minutes.

520 days,12,483 hours, 749,017 minutes since I first said ‘I love you’.

I’m not aware of the first moment I first fell in love with him. Someone once said that you can’t have a relationship without respect. If you put it that way, then he’s pretty much had it forever. It was his spirit and attitude that first attracted me. You just don’t dis a demon, man. Funny how it worked out, I mean, for some reason it made me like him, instead of pissing me off like it should have. Guy’s got spunk, but so doesn’t most people. You don’t see me all over Auron, and that guy pisses me off more than anything. So yeah, I had respect, but I don’t know how much he had for me at the beginning, because frankly I know I probably pissed him off, what with me being the weird annoying chibi thing that sat on his head and stole his cigarettes. Haha. He liked me soon enough, though.

The respect kinda morphed into….over-protectiveness after that. Guess I should have realized my feelings at that point, but it would take another two years or so. I pushed myself so I wouldn’t be in the little-form, not so much for defense but as to impress him, but it certainly didn’t hurt, since Auron almost killed him and all. The whole issue of vampires first came up about this time, and I didn’t really take it well. Yeah, and the issue with other demons came before that. I’d like to say that we had our first major fight about the vampire, but it really wasn’t about that. It was trust. Respect. My love said hurtful words, and I was enraged that somewhere along the line, my heart was ruling over my head. Because I respected him, and it appeared that he didn’t hold me up in the same regard.

“You really think so little of me?”

‘truthfully, yes.’

I can still remember those words. So I tried to show him just how much power he had over me, that I would never do anything that he disproved of, or told me not to. Demons just don’t give the upper hand to anybody, don’t become subordinate to any random stranger. Of course I couldn’t tell him that, though. Stubborn an’ prideful, that’s me. We weren’t really at the whole divulge-your-inner-feelings-stage quite yet. So I told myself I wouldn’t let the vampire, or other demons, irritate me. I’d prove to him that I was worthy of his respect.

We became pretty good buddies after that. So what comes after respect, friendship, and protectiveness? Simple blind caring and not realizing your feelings, at least for the stupid. And of course, I always have to screw things up.

So I began to drink. It started out, I guess, harmless enough, just drinking to impress him, who, by the way, introduced me to it. The alcohol was alright, but it amused my human when I got drunk. Or at least that’s the impression I got. Then I found my real motivation.

He took care of me. I would get wasted and hung-over, and my love would be there beside me and hold my hair back when I got sick. I know what you’re thinking--puking one’s guts up isn’t exactly romantic. But at the time, it seemed to be the only way I knew he cared about me. It truly wasn’t the only time he showed that he cared, and yet something in me craved that contact. I wanted his attention. I wanted him to care.

As with everything, I pushed things too far, and ended up getting my poor human pissed at me again. I had drank to screw myself up so that he would comfort me, but I was so caught up in my own feelings and wants, I did not see how much grief and worry my actions was causing him. Instead of bringing him closer to me, I made him leave me.

Haven’t drank since. Never will, either. Bad influence for the kids anyway.

Yes. Kids. Shut up already. They aren’t….they….We adopted them. So to speak, anyway. After the drinking incidents, I did everything I could think of to make things right again. Which brings us to the children. What…great timing….

Children. Right. Well, my love had always mentioned that he wondered what it would be like to be a parent, a father. He usually got pretty depressed whenever that topic came up, and of course I hated seeing him so sad. On one of my infrequent roundtrips to Hell, I found a young demonling near my old “residence”. Abandoned devils are not an uncommon thing, me having been one of ‘em. What was unusual was finding a child so far out from other devils and therefore, energy. Little sucker had been left to die.

I did what any right-minded demon would not have done. I brought it to the surface. To my human.

Oh sure, I pretended that it had followed me. Not a total lie since it had attached itself to me in Hell for some free energy, but little ones can’t do teleportation spells. I didn’t expect the child to be there for long. I totally believed that I could show my friend what it would be like to be a parent for a while, then send the brat back.

Didn’t really count on Cid growing to like him. Didn’t count on the others liking the child too. Didn’t count on finding out that I couldn’t get rid of him.

At first Cid played with the child just to give me some free time, and to “help” me out, but he eventually grew to like the kid. I’ve never told him the real reason I brought the kid up, so when he got into one in one of his moods, I had to tactfully get into his mind that he was the kid’s father, for all it was worth. Because by that point, I had realized that the kid was here to stay, and I was its damn “mother”.

Glaki, as he was so named by his damn piss-licking, ******** insane parents, actually…assisted in Cid and I’s relationship. It wasn’t an easy ride though. A blind person could have seen a mile away just how jealous I would get over sharing my human’s attention with another demon. In order to curb my blatant resentment, Cid and I became more openly affectionate to one another, or at least that’s what I’m saying. There was also a tiny incident where I kinda died and caused Cid a lot of anguish, so…

Whatever it was, it was about this time that I realized just how much I cared for my human friend. I think my thoughts went along the lines of ‘s**t!….but damn, he is handsome’.

Realizing that you’re in love with a very attractive, powerful man that happens not only to be your best friend, but straight as well, isn’t exactly the most comforting feeling. Especially if you happen to be a devil, and your love-interest knows Holy magic. Not that Cid would have ever cast that on me, but sometimes I wonder how he would have reacted if I had confessed my feelings earlier. I wonder how I would have reacted if I had admitted my feelings earlier.

Between fighting with vampires (we fought together, ok?), dealing with my temper, and keeping the kid alive, we finally got a chance to let our feelings come out.

Confessing was…nice…in that bittersweet way. I knew I loved him, but I didn’t see myself owning up to it like I did. I didn’t see it coming. Sitting there in his lap and hugging him….it just came out. And…

He said he loved me too.

His love amazes me even now. How he could love someone that has caused him so many headaches and pain is beyond me. Sometimes I feel like my bad outweighs the good I give him; for all my efforts, I just can’t get things right. I’ve been so blessed to have Cid’s love, and especially his forgiveness for all the times I’ve screwed up.

What’s the bad part, then? My human returned my love, and I…pushed things. There are two things that…wait, make it…three things that I regret in my life.

One of those regrets is being a total ******** to Cid when he was most vulnerable. I didn’t give him…the respect I should have. I should have never pushed the way I did. I was so caught up in amazement that he loved me, I thought he wanted what I wanted. It wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted his love, and he gave it to me, and for some goddamned reason…

…I’m glad he said no. I’m so…glad he had the courage to stop me. Just like me, to ruin things even before they start. Demons don’t really “date,” but my love isn’t a demon; he’s better than that. I would have, should have…let our relationship grow a little. Sure, after four years you outta know a person, but this was different. Love is different than friendship. I should have been nicer to him, I should have showed him how much I cared without…that. When things did happen, it was the right time, for both of us. If only I hadn’t been such an idiot and waited…

What about the other regrets, then?


The elf is calling me for dinner. I’m tempted to stay here, but the last time I refused to eat…didn’t go over too well. Food has become my main source of energy since, yanno, there’s not too many people wandering around on the ‘ship that I don’t know. Don’t give me that, my Cid’s perfectly willing to…lend me energy, but I still hate it. Though, with the lack of opportunity, I’ve been borrowing some of his lately, just a bit. Some days I would even skip it, but the man can see right through my lies, so that’s not really an option anym--


There he goes again. Damn it. The ship is my home. Mine. And it’s pretty ******** weird for your guests to do the things that you should be doing. Not that anyone would want my cooking over the elf’s, but damn. Aside from being banned from doing the laundry, having no skills whatsoever, and failing everything else I try to do, that doesn’t leave a whole lot of things I can manage. The chocobos are the kids’ responsibility, and now Pader and his mutant friend have taken over the cooking and cleaning. They’re just trying to help out, being grateful that Cid let them onboard an‘ all, but still. Can’t hardly help the kids with their homework. What the ******** are alektorophobias? Does it even matter?

…time to eat.

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Dragons Emblem
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Mar 26, 2007 @ 06:07pm
*Knows she'll burn in hell for this, but....Hugs Koryu.*

commentCommented on: Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 07:53pm
You should of known it'd be only a matter of time before I found this. I hope you won't be embarrassed or angry with me for reading. There are a few things I think I need to say, but don’t make that face. I know what you’re thinking. Just hear me out, okay? Let’s go a long way back. In the beginning I said some things (not nice things); I was mean to you and it was a miracle that you stuck around. I’m not really sure why I let you sit on my head and pester me, maybe because you weren’t really irritating me at all. I enjoyed your company, despite your perch and constant toying with my goggles, hair, and smokes. I guess I really never got mad because somewhere deep inside I knew that I rather have you as a friend than get upset about a few possessions. I admired you and your smart mouth. It was something we had in common. But there was something else. I’m still not really sure what it is, I’ll probably never know, but I sensed something special about you. And I still do. And the matter of respect….I always have respected you. We’re a lot a like in the department of attitude. We both speak our minds, pick fights, and in an animalistic way we’re territorial. Even way back when we fought with anything else that dared move within three feet of us, not because we could, but because it evaded our space. The space where we kept each other. My tiffs with Auron, you’re fights with that damn vampire. It wasn’t just to be impressive, or to show dominance, it was to protect those we loved from outsiders. As I think about it, I know I loved you back then, but then it was a strange feeling of absurdity. Only now do I know what my heart was feeling. I never disrespected you. I’ve always held you in high regards, even when it didn’t seem so. Even when my words said otherwise. I’ve seen too many suffer and die, parish forever, and I didn’t want to loose you too. I guess I was either trying to spare you the pain of getting hurt or dying, or sparing myself the pain of having to lose you. But God knows if you would of left for good, I would have been miserable forever. Now, you didn’t screw anything up. I was a goddamn fool to let you drink. I should of known the outcome. I should of warned you as to what of that stuff can do. Why do you think I drink tea all the time now a days? I learned the hard way. The sleepless nights, the hangovers. The porcelain bowl being your best friend. Somewhere along the way I guess I forgot the nightmares, though they soon returned. But by then it was too late. You were walking the same path I was. A drunken misery of loneliness. I never really understood why I drank before. Some days it was to cope with the solitude and depression. To patch the broken dreams. To fool myself that reality was something more. To feel better about myself, about everything. But in the morning it was all the same. Nothing ever changed. I didn’t mean to leave you. But I wanted you to see that being sober made life easier in the long run. Like I said I learned the hard way, and I guess the only way for me to teach you was to have you learn too. It was hard to see you like that. And it was harder since I first lead you down the path to acting that way. I blamed myself for your actions, for your suffering. My leaving wasn’t just to punish you, it was to punish me too. It wasn’t the right choice, it wasn’t the best choice, but it did solve the problem. I’m proud that you haven’t reverted to such tactics to get my attention. You’ve always had it. You always will have it. Children. Hmm. I have three great treasures of my life. Three things I hold dear to my heart. There is you, of course. You mean the world to me. Then there is my ship. My life long dream and many years of hard work. Then there are the children. The kids that you brought to me, even though you didn’t have to. Even though you knew they’d cause so much trouble and pain. You did it for me. You knew I always wanted to be a father, to prove that I could be better than my own neglecting pop. I always wondered what it was like to have something love you unconditionally and look up to you, to your every move, who admires you and wants to be just like you. I could of gotta dog. But no, I wanted a kid. And that’s what you brought me. I know you didn’t want him around, and I’m sorry that I payed so much attention to him. But you know first had what it’s like not to have a family. Not to have someone love you. I didn’t want him to feel the same way. No one should have to feel that way. I loved being a parent. I loved looking after and spoiling that child. Until that point I had felt empty inside, felt as though some pieces were missing. But it was all starting to come together. Now I had a family, I was a parent. I had real responsibility now. But something else was still missing, little did I know I would soon find it. Love. I was missing a life time companion. I was missing my soul mate. I was missing you. It hit me, that day you were sitting on my lap as we hugged and talked. It hit me that the feeling, that special feeling I felt so long ago was love. I felt stupid for just now realizing. But as they say, you can’t search for love, it has to find you. And it did. It feel right in to my lap. I am sorry that I didn’t realize it sooner. Sorry that I pushed you away only to pull you back again. Sorry to cause you so much hurt and pain. I guess we caused each other our share of grief, but it was worth it. You really can’t truly love someone until you see both sides of the coin. We knew each other to know that our love wasn’t blind. It wasn’t lust. I was true, and pure, and meant to be. Our anger and rage from before had brought us together in the end. You’ll always have my forgiveness, even though you don’t need it. You’re not the only one to mess things up. I’ve done my fair share of that. You need not be forgiven. You were doing what you could, what you thought was right. You gave up everything for me, and I thank you for that. Your life of freedom, your trips to hell, your attitude, your pride. You have given me your life, and for that I am forever thankful. Better yet, you have given me your love. it’s the best gift anyone could have. Don’t feel bad about pushing things. Everyone makes mistakes. Look how many I’ve made in pushing you away. How many times I got frustrated or scared. How many times I hurt you. How many times I let you down. But you still love me with all your heart. As I do you. Nothing you could do or say could make me angry enough to leave you. There is nothing that could cause me to hate you, or even think of it. You’re part of me. That last piece of the puzzle in life? I found it. It was you. You completed my life. And how many times have I told you that I’ll give you as much energy as you need!? You’re damn right I can see straight through those lies of yours. You have a soul, I can see it in your eyes, and I know when it’s fibbing. I know it hurts you, hurt your pride to take it, but I don’t care. I rather have you happy and full of life. You’ve made so many sacrifices for me, let me make some for you. I have enough energy, take all you need. Please. I need you to stay healthy. I need you to be here with me. Now, why can’t you talk to me about things? I’m sorry. Sorry I let them onboard. I was just trying to keep the peace. I have an idea, okay? I’ll talk to Kurt and Pader. The house we have, the one given to us, we’ll give it to them. We have the ship now, we don’t need it. Pader hates to fly anyways. They can live there and be out of our hair. Neo and Auron are never around anyways, so once the elf and mutant are gone, the ship will be ours again. I didn’t know having them aboard made you feel that way. And you don’t fail at everything you do. You’re smarter than you know, and you do a lot for the kids. For me. I think your cooking is wonderful, and you make the greatest damn tea. You keep me company, watch the kids, help me with all sorts of things. When I’m tired, or sick, you take care of me. And you keep our room neat, and the main deck, and the kids rooms too. And you’re not banned from the laundry. We’ll start doing it, me and you, together. Okay? You’re far from useless. You’re my world, and the kids too, without you we’d be nothing. Now, what are your other two regrets? I hate when you bottle things up inside. When you don’t talk to me. I what to know what your feeling. I can’t read minds, unfortunately. I wish I could, life would be easier. I don’t know what I can do to make you happy. I should know, and I’m sorry I don’t. Please… I love you, Koryu. Love you more than life itself. More than you’ll ever know. You’re my other half, my life, my world. Thank you. You do more than you know. You keep me sane. You showed me what love was. Thank you. Don’t be so hard on yourself, no one’s perfect. Look at what a ******** I can be sometimes. I love you, no matter what.

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