Somebitch set up an "avatars rated truthfully" topic in the forums. Thing was she was being a real b***h giving people 0.000001/10's on kickass avvi's. I wasn't part of this for long. after my last comment, she just stopped replying alltogether:
Serinax Enviouspipsqueak02 Serinax Faryn Serinax I might be a b***h, but I look fabulous!!!! You aren't a b***h, you just want to be a b***h cause it's 'cool' and 'edgy' to be a d**k. xD. Whoever told you that you look fabulous must've been blind. You look like you fell into a bushel of thorns while looking for your ugly shoes and a dragon tried to set you on fire cause you were hurting his eyes.
Anyone can throw ugly s**t together. =D It's a different story if you can make it work. *Swallows you whole* oh yeah nice comeback, its only matched by the cruddyness of your avvi... >> Yummy! I eat you too!! >< just when I thought you could sink no lower. For someone with the gonads to dis peoples avvis, you cant seem to hold you're ground for long cuz your comebacks are getting lamer and LAMER
Damn she came back....
Serinax I think I've burned everyone  No one wants your opinion anymore
`Stitches` · Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:12am · 2 Comments |