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17 Year Old Rants
:: JAN 27::
EATING: nothing
LISTENING TO: Situations by Escape the Fate
...: Chyeah, being bored. Right about now I'd trade in my virginty for a monkey playing the cymbals...

Today, while chucking stuff at my ceiling, I found a loophole in a familiar question... believe me, you have NO IDEA how many times I was asked this:

"Have You Ever Lied To Make Yourself Look Better?"

If the person answers yes, than they have, and are willing to admit it.
AH! Now the trick!!
Should the person say "no"... are they really being honest?
Or are they lying to MAKE themselves look honest?

Now when I'm asked that question again, I'm just gonna say "no." ^^

-lol- *points to self* Brilliant Mind. Right here. Aw yeah. I don't even NEED to lie to make myself look good, my pure pwning skillz speak for themselves.
*whipping noises*

::JAN 28::
EATING: Re-reheated Chinese Food
LISTENING TO: Spit It Out by Slipknot
...: Damn, I'm hungry!!!

Last weekend I had my personality read. Its alot like getting a tarot card reading, except its more getting to know how your own mind works.
There were three parts;
One was a tarot card reading
The Second was a palm reading
and the Third was an aura reading

First part I was used to, my mom reads tarot cards.
And I got basically the same respose as I always get...
"My mind is always working to find ways around situations in which I feel uncomfortable. As such I can break anything down into workable peices and make it work in a way in which it can benefit me.
A dangerous mindset that can pinpoint any persons weaknesses."

The palm reading was new... I've tried it myself before, but never had my luck finding anyone who wanted their palms read.
"Unfortunatly my life line is spilt, and the bottom half is chained; meaning in the past my life was rocky and uncertain before a traumatic event that turned it around. (If the line was intact but chained at the bottom half, the event would of been a pleasant one, but since its broken, then it was an unhappy experience)
Having my heart line curve up and end between my index and middle finger shows a generous and selfless spirit. I try to see the good in people and seem full of second chances.
I have no Fate line anywhere on my hands.
My Head line is doubled, showing a sharp and calculating mind."

The Aura reeding was COMPLETELY new to me... suposedly she could SEE my aura (after meditating for a few mins) and tell me everything about me from what color it was and how it encircled me.
It went kinda crazy though... as she took the reading, she kept backing off and coming back... I told her I wasn't going to bite, but supposedly:
"I have an electric aura, one that attaches itself to others around me. While the braches appear blue, the aura closest to me is a dark purple.
Red= Irritated/Angry
Purple= Balanced/Indifferent"

::JAN 29::
EATING: Shredded Wheat with 1/2 lb of Brown Sugar
LISTENING TO: Perfect Situation by Weezer
...: ...

I can't wait to get outta my house...

((Dun ask about that *points to last sentance* ... I'm just sick of my parents attitudes...))
I'm afraid I'm stuck in a coma, some day I'll wake up and find out I made up everything.

::FEB 1::
EATING: Gum... it counts
LISTENING TO: Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson
...: Lookie me! I's be at school!!!

YAY! Its February! You guys know what that means...
*Gets out helmets*
... what? I get helmets out for everything.
Really, its that time of year when lovey dovey couples seem to spawn in all public places. Thats right. Goths take cover,
Its Almost Valentines day.
As for me, I'm just looking forward to waking up to a box of random chocolates from my mom and setting off ketchup bottles with firecrackers. ^^
Dont drive through Gratten Lake on the 14th.

I wish you all a lovely month... I know I will in detention if I get caught here.

::Feb 9::
EATING: Pineapple
LISTENING TO: Friends and Alibis by Escape The Fate
...: Also watching Final Destination 3, and its giving me ideas... biggrin

*humming along*
"They always said that I'd be gorgous in a way,
maybe in a box...
maybe six feet under the ground~"

I think I've been watching Final Destination too much, and believing in premonitions. But seriously, have you ever heard that having the same dream three or more times means it'll come true?
I hope it's not...
A couple nights in a row, I had the same dream... or nightmare if you will.
They all differ slightly, but the ends are all the same.

It'll start out that I'm in a car or the school bus. If I'm in the car; I'm sitting alone in the back and my Mom's driving.
If I'm in the bus; I'm sitting with the friends that are normally on the bus with me at the end of the day, that'd be Chris and Billy.
Either way, we're driving down a road that I can't see, if I look out the windows I can't see anything recognisable or its really foggy.
I'll be talking and laughing with whoever is around the whole time...
right up until a point when the viehcle suddenly lurches.
Everything flips sideways, and rolls over, then it'll start sinking... everything filling up with water.
On the bus, I can see everybody flying and falling out of their seats, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to close my eyes.
In the car, I can't see my Mom... but I can hear her scream.
Then everything stops, we're under water and upside down. All I know what to do is try to open the emergency exit on the bus or open the door of the car. Neither work though. In both cases I break my window.
I don't want to get out though... I won't leave until I've saved everybody else.
I can motion Billy to swim out the window, and I tell Chris to break his and get out.
I can never seem to find my Mom though, when I check the front seat of the car... she's already dissapeared.
Then I go to leave... and the glass in back in place.
It won't break this time.
And everything keeps getting darker.
I sink back into my seat, I can tell that I'm crying; I'm shaking, but I can't feel the tears running down my face. Everything I love flashes before my eyes, letting me know exactly what I'll never see again.
Right when I've reached the point where I wish I'd just pass out or die, and everythings finally faded from view, I feel something (arms... or claws... whatever it is it hurts) grab me by the shoulders and around my waist and pull me, violently, backwards through my seat.
I keep flying backwards, screaming, until I hit a wall that stops me
and I wake up.

It may not sound all that bad... but I have a huge fear of being caught under something under water. Like, I can't stand being under the raft at my lake for very long without paniking. Unless someone is there with me... and even then...

::Feb 10::
EATING: Curry Chicken and Ramen
DRINKING: The last case of Pepsi
LISTENING TO: Lost Heaven by L'arc en ciel
...: CURRY! CURRY SO HOT IT BURNS!!! *runs in circles*

*humming along*
"We say good bye lost heaven
how we longed Heaven
we're letting go of something we never had
time goes so fast-

We say good bye lost Heaven
how we longed Heaven
we're letting go of something we never had!
Time goes so fast heaven is lost

I wish you good luck
I still remember every day
I wish you good luck
I still remember every day"

Aw jeez, Wolf and Raven just came on... I love this song!

"I am not what you deserve,
A shadow of a replica...
Ashamed of what I've become
Fear for life I wear as a ring

Entreaty, let me go
Master, I hate you so
How can I sleep by night
When my whole being cries

I had a nightmare
The Wolf eating The Raven

Entrails of life on my plate
And I ate them..."

Chyeah, Sonata Arctica has some pretty wierd lyrics... They remind me of a more like-able version of Dragonforce xd Damn... I'm gonna be beat for saying that later...

surprised another Sonata Arctica song!!! whee

"In the mist of the morning he cannot fight anymore
Hundred moons or more, he's been howling
Knock on the door, and scream that is soon ending
Mess on the floor again...

She should not lock the open door
run away, run away, run away
Fullmoon is in the sky and
he's not a man anymore
She sees the change in him but can't
run away, run away, run away
See what became out of her man"

I love all their songs ^^ the guitar is crazy and the lyrics are like lil' stories. The only one that actually scares me is The End Of This Chapter...

"[Phone rings]
Well, well, how are you?
"Uh.. who is this?"
Who do you think this is?
"Stop it... who is this?"
You know very well who I am... You almost got away from me didn't you?
"...Oh my god.. you can't be.. you can't be..."
Oui, oui, mon amour...c'est moi!

I gave you my time
I gave you my whole life
I gave you my love, every dime..
They told me it was a crime

Do you remember?
Did it all go in vain...

I looked in the light, I sat in your coal mine
The promise they made,
I should keep
Make sure that we would never meet

I can't remember
The promise I made so deep

Tell me that past times won't die
Tell me that old lives are alive

Across darkened skies, I travelled without a light
I sank in the well
of my mind
Too deep, never to be found

I can't remember...
How could you be so vain?

Tell me that past times won't die
Tell me that old lives are alive
Love that expired too long time ago
Kills me, it thrills me

You have a new love and,
It looks good on you.
I have never wished you dead...


You can now have all the things
I could never give to you,

Look out the window: "C'est moi!"

I'm sorry, I am here
I'm not sure if it should bring you fear,
I whisper in your ear;

Why is he in here?!

While you are sleeping, I steal your earring
Light you one candle, this anger I handle...

They said, I won't find you, but now, I'm beside you
I'm not all
that stable,
You should
know by now, that you are mine!

Tell me that past times won't die
Tell me that old lies are alive

I tell you that past times won't die
I tell you that old lies are alive
Love due to expire too long time ago
Kills me, it will kill you too

Past times wont die
I tell you old lies are alive
Hate due to expire too long time ago
Kill me, please kill me before

I tell you that past times won't die"

Ultimate creepy stalker song of doomy doom doom!!! >_<

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Thu Feb 07, 2008 @ 04:22am

    Missing you this much cant be healthy...

    Community Member

    Tue Feb 12, 2008 @ 08:31pm

    Soory for the french... heres a story i worote about catlin.

    Chaque matin, elle va à l’école, et chaque matin, elle parle au même monde. Catlin arrive en retard a l’école, non prépare, et fatigue. Ceci n’est pas surprenant car elle se foute de son éducation. Elle préfère se tenir dans les bars, et se promener en ville. Ceci est la vie simple de Catlin.

    Aux bon bien milieux de la classe, elle se fait tout d’un coup enveloppée par une envie de s’endormir.

    -Mais je ne suis même pas fatiguée…

    Elle renonce et juste avant de fermer ses yeux et de s’endormir de un coup, elle voit du coin de son œil quelque chose ouvrir. Elle essaye de lever sa tête mais tombe dans un sommeil dur.

    Après un petit moment, elle commence à rêver. Elle voit une autoroute, qui est plein de trafique. Plusieurs gens se retrouvent en un demi-cercle au rebord du pont. Il y a quelqu’un sue le rebord, les bras étiré comme la croix de Christ. Les cheveux long et brun, avec des mèches longue et blonde. La jeune fille est petite pour son âge, mais en bonne forme. Catlin essaye de courir vers elle, mais ne réussit pas à avancer plus vite qu’une simple marche. La jeune fille lève sa tète pour voir le monde qui la regarde; elle a la face pleine de larme. Soudainement Catlin reconnait la jeune fille.

    -Mais c’est… c’est moi cela!! Bouge, corps BOUGE!

    Elle commence à accélérer, et elle est maintenant en pleine course. Elle se voix sur le rebord se pencher par en arrière, prêt à mourir, et elle saute. Elle attrape la main d’elle-même, et la tire en haut du rebord. Ceci la cause de perdre balance, et elle tombe soi-même en bas du rebord. La dernière chose qu’elle voix est que tout le monde qui regardait était tous des filles…

    Elle se réveille dans sa classe. Il y a une odeur répugnante dans l’air. Elle lève la tête, et trouve que le bureau en devant le sien et au feu!

    -Qu’est-ce qui ce passe?!?!

    Personne ne répond. Elle regarde autour, et vois l’atrocité de la situation. Tout le monde autour d’elle a été tiré au fusil à la mort!!! Il n’y a pas un seul survivant appart d’elle. Elle commence à perdre conscience quand elle voix plusieurs policiers rentre en fureur dans la classe détruite.

    Le lendemain, elle se réveille, et après que plusieurs docteurs inspectent son corps à longueur, un policier lui adresse la parole. Il lui explique que tout le monde ont été tuée par une attaque terroriste. Quand ils ont trouvé son corps, elle était inconsciente. Elle était la seule survivante car puisque elle dormait, les terroriste ne l’on pas tuée.

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