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Pips Rantings
Okay, sometimes, I just come home fuming about something and I HAVE to write it down. I know none of these are in order, and I don't really care. They're just off the top of my head... you can discuss/aggree/disaggree or whatever in the comments, but these are my opinions. Some are more serious matters than others,so, reader discretion is advised for those of you with weak minds and/or stomachs.

For stuff more intense than my usual rants, and more Emo, you can check my Vents. I don't advise it though, its no holds bar, so I will say ANYTHING there.

Nov. 18.2007

arrow Finally, back from Ontario! With a new hat and coat and a new experience under my belt. Thats right, I've been labeled a Hero. For one day, I was a freaking hero. And I couldn't of hated the experience any more.
My grandmother, my mother, and I were out christmas shopping when we decided to stop at Tim Hortons for lunch. the place was packed, so I grabbed us a table and waited for my mom and grandmother to make it through the line.
The table I picked was in front of the end of the line, right where the tray-ledge ends. (you'll see why I bothered to mention this in a second)
And I sat there, waiting, watching the customers pass by, when this old couple (and I mean old. My grandmother is 82 and shes still not as old as these two were) came to the end of the line. The older gentleman took his tray and wnet off to the table, while the woman stayed back waiting for her tray.
Eventually she got it, 2 coffees, a soup, several doughnuts. She went to pick it off the ledge, and almost dropped it. Her hands shook so terribly I thought she had Parkinsons disease.
So I went over, asked if she needed help, and carried the tray over to her and her husbands table. They thanked me and I said it was no trouble, and dashed into my seat again before some stoned 20 year old guy got it.
If I could of just sat down and enjoyed my Chicken soup and IceCap, I woulda been happy. But no.
I had people telling me "how nice it is to see youngsters helping out now" and that I was "a real hero and model teen" and how I was "the only one in an entire restaurant to have the courage to help someone out"... All I did was help an old lady carry her lunch! Thats why I hate hero's so much...
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the people in general... I just hate the term 'Hero'. Its thrown around WAY too much, and carelessly too.
A hero to me is someone who does the extraodrinary, not the ordinary in a room full of cowards.

Nov. 15.2007

arrow Hehehe, guess what? RELIGIOUS RANT! That's right! I'm gonna be on about religion again. Why? 'cause they started it, thats why.
(Nov 15th) They announce that the re-built St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church is finnaly open. Why'd they re-build it in the first place? Because it burnt down. For awhile they wondered whether it was arson or electrical fire...
*cough*...It doesn't take a genious to see the fire hazard in putting candles under tapestry... *rolls eyes*
What really got to me though was that in the end, the church goers THANKED God for what had happened and one person said it was a 'Test of Faith'.
Yes, God burnt down the gift you gave to honor him to see whether or not you'd re-build it... that sounds more like teasing (or jerking around) to me.
Bad enough we even BUILD churches, I mean, has no one ever really sat down and read the freaking thousand page sleeping pill you call a Bible?! Because if you did, you'd see one of God's (yes he said this himself) statements:
"Build no alter unto me"
Ring a bell?!
You're all screwed! *points to people going to Sunday Mass*
There is SO much contradiction in the Bible. Thats how I can tell who's read it and who hasn't; when I ask questions people don't have answers for.
Question number one: Adam and Eve had children, one of their sons went over the hill in the garden of Eden and got married. What the hell did he marry?! Him, his parents and his siblings were the only people there! Don't tell me there was incest in the garden. Or worse, PeoplexAnimals.
I don't want you to take this the wrong away, I don't hate Catholics. I just don't like religion.
Personally, I think religions should shut the ******** up and let people derive their own conclusions about whats gonna happen to them when they die.
The last thing I need is some organization telling me whats gonna happen to me if I don't do this or that. How the ******** do they know?! I'll do what I want and see what happens for myself...

Oct. 18.2007

arrow Okay, this had been bugging the hell out of me for awhile. Here in Quebec, the government is thinking of raising the age to get your drivers license. Why? because they feel the young drivers are proving to be too INEXPERIENCED and reckless.
Inexperienced, really? Think for a second, if you put a 16 year old behind the wheel for the first time, of course they'd be inexperienced... ITS THEIR FIRST TIME!Same thing if its an 18 year old, 24 year old or 45 year old! You put a person in any situation for the first time and they're all going to be "inexperienced" at it.
And for reckless... please. I know for a fact, there are old people, who've been driving for years, who should NEVER have been handed a license. You see them all the time on the road, the old guy in the bowlers cap leaning so far over the steering wheel he's getting nose prints all over the windshield causing a line of traffic that you can follow back through the last two towns because he doesn't realize what a gas pedal is used for!
Time for the government to lay off teens for awhile. We're not the problem! You're just picking on us because we're still legally not aloud/unable to fight back. Too bad for you that most of are aren't gonna forget this, and in a few years, we'll be able to vote.
I know when I walk up to the polls, I'm gonna have a hit list of every politician and party that ever made a stupid campain/law like this. And I'll make sure to vote Green.

-date forgotten-

arrow (This was my first Real rant, so the date was NOT Yesterday) Yesterday, I just so happened to catch a special report on the news. It showed that there are more seniors than ever before in Canada, and that the countrys median age is now 39-ish.
These seniors are the same Baby Boomers born between 1945 and 1960. That leaves even the youngest of them being 47 years old.
This has me scared.
Ummm, well think about this:
First of all, these 47+ year old people make up the greatest part of our population... and 47+ isn't(aren't) exactly a child-bearing age(ages). So these people are most likely going to die, leaving no more children ((other than the ones they've had already)) and take our population with them.
In short; They croak, pop. drops.

Second of all, what do you see more of in families nowadays? Thats right, ONLY CHILDREN. Where a couple has only one child for a multitude of reasons, many of them concluding with the couple being very work-based. Because of the sudden hike in prices in just about EVERYTHING, both have to work to pay off the bills. They wouldn't really have time to care for children, or pay for expenses... seeing how an infant can go through 4000$ worth of diapers per year ((even more sometimes)). But it IS every couples dream to raise a child of their own... so thats what they do. Raise A child. One. Less expensive and easier to keep track of.

This is were I spot a mathematical problem...
Two people, only having one kid... ever.
Not only is it the only time that 1 + 1 = 1, but this makes a big problem for the population.
Try to think of it... like a backwards mitosis (cell division). You lose ((when the parents die)) two people in the population, who are replaced by 1 ((the only child)).
If EVERYONE followed the one-kid-only trend, the population would decrease by half over time... and continue to do so.

But yeah, this is only if EVERY couple stayed together and had ONLY one kid and NEVER had any other children with ANYONE else and KILLED any other infants other than the ONE they wanted and so on and so forth....

But the world ((or any place in it)) isn't like that. Some families do have more children, and people do split up and start other familes and have even more kids... so we're not doomed... yet.
Yes, my idea is exhaggerated, but it holds a certain warning.
The population WILL drop due to drops in religious values ((*Christians supposedly believe in having lots and lots of kids, but less and less people are even PART of ANY religion anymore!)) and prices skyrocketing ((kids are expensive... so is gas and food and clothing and, and, and, and, ect. People can't afford it ALL!)) and probably other reasons too. I just saw this as some sort of concern, perhaps you will(do) too.

*My appologies to offended Christians... or any other religion. I'm not very religious myself, so... sorry. ((PM if you have further questions on my religious beliefs... yeah, I still have them, they're just MY OWN))

-date forgotten-

arrow Its impossible to ‘ruin’ a life. Simply because life is a matter of perspective. I don’t mean life as in alive or dead, but life as how you live it. You cannot ruin a life, because the course of ones life is in constant flux and can be changed at any time by any means. Even if the worst possible situation occurs, in which it seems there is no hope of ever correcting it, by changing your outlook on the situation, you’ve changed your life. Perspective. Its all about perspective. You can either wallow in self pity and accept whatever fate, or you can try to make what’s happened to your advantage and turn it positive.

-date forgotten-

arrow Blame, the first resort when things go wrong. You either blame yourself for a past mistake, or blame someone else, but either way, it doesn’t solve anything. What good is blaming gonna do? Its not going to fix the problem. Sure, if you can place the blame, you’ve located the source of the problem. Great. But you’d be missing a few steps to stop there. For one; make sure your not MISplacing the blame. Two; figure out how to solve it. So many idiots forget about this step. They’ll just fume over ‘oh my god how could this happen’ and ‘how could I have stopped this’ without placing a single thought on how they could be fixing it NOW.
People are living in the past WAY TOO MUCH. The past is in the past, get over it and focus on the NOW.
The only thing worse than people stuck on rewind, are those in fast-forward. Do you really think by planning far in advance, that your doing yourself a favour? Really, all it is your doing is setting yourself up for disappointment. No matter how hard you try, and how many details you look over, NOTHING is going to go the way you planned it. EVER. There’s always going to be something that goes wrong, even if its minute.

-date forgotten-

arrow Time and distance are irrelevant. They’re nothing but systems of measure put in place by a*****e ‘geniuses’ so they can have things all planned out in order. But like I’ve said before about having stuff planned out, its all eventually gonna come crashing down leaving you frustrated and wondering who the hell you can blame this time around.

-date forgotten-

arrow Y'know what would be really sick? Imagine you got a cut in your side, just long and deep enough so you could get your fingertips inside. Then, slowly but surely, pulling at the cut so it starts to tear wider and wider. Tearing skin. Now thats gotta feel wierd. Cuts are nothing; they're quick, they're clean.. but TEARING, thats different. Its like when you choose to tear a paper along a folded edge instead of just picking up a pair of siccors and cutting it. You always get that fibery stuff along the edge when your tear something.
I figure its about the same if you tear skin; you're gonna get some fraying, and you might hit a few blood vessels that'll snag so you're gonna have to pull a bit...
Then the vessels'll pop. Kinda like poping a zit, it'll feel good at first because the pressure's off, but then it'll sting.
Wow, imagine how much you'd have to be forcing yourself to keep going. The pain would be unbearable, but the stress on the mind? Damn, you'd have to be really messed up to see how far you could tear yourself open. Or if you weren't you would be afterwards... Because you'd know as long as you kept going it would only hurt more (so any sadist people out there should please get their fingers outta their stomachs... its not what youre looking for, go get some razorblades...) and it would only get worse... but whether or not it would kill you is a different story. (I just heard a million suicidal people sigh)
Even if you went as far as to go until your guts started spilling out, that wouldn't necessarily kill you. People have been known to live with their entrails hanging out after an accident... and theres even a medical condition where people are born with organs on the outside of their bodies.
You'd only die in a such a case if too much pressure was applied to one or more of your organs or if they somehow got cut or damaged another way.

So, yes, if youre careful enough you could cut your side open and give your spleen a gentle hug.

Then stuff it back in and sew yourself up before your mom wonders where the good carving knife went.

So back to the scenario, youre pulling at your side, tearing your own flesh apart with your own fingers, having random organs begin to slide their way out of your body, the pain is worse than having a nurse miss the same vien in your arm about three times cause she was snorting crack instead of studying her stupid nursing guide, and youre on the brink of sanitybecause your mind can't believe what your body is doing to itself ((or is that 'your body can't believe what your mind is doing to IT' ... w000, I smell another rant coming on...)) and you've probably burst enough blood vessels that every now and then your fingers slip and you end up poking the inside wall of your epidermis
can you quite literaly say this would be the worst time for the phone to ring?

-date forgotten-

arrow This is gonna sound more like an actual journal entry...
But I was laying in the bath, staring at the side tub, watching the little drops of water working their way down the side... and I sympathised with them. Those little drops have to work their way down the side of the tub (which is such a long way for itty bitty drops) just to get to the rest of the water, maybe running into other drops along the way, but maybe not... and never once does the rest of the water go UP to help the little drops... they're all on their own.
I hate being all philosophical so late at night

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 04:54am

    hon, stay away from my spleen....

    Community Member

    Fri Nov 16, 2007 @ 04:04am

    I partly agree with the religious thing, for i dont believe in adam and eve, i think its purely pholosophical and was twisted into something actual and physical. But I do think there is a just and a consequence to all action. But thats me.

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