there is a person ac ertain person on here well a few actually that I have been meaning to attack personally and have not yet found the tim to do so.
O.k lets start witha person that we all know i hate:
Hints :
this person is a whore(she slept with a guy she wasn;'t dating)
this person isconcided (she aid she was so sexy)
this person is mentally inept in everyway (she thought I wrote this is halloween)
I'm sure by now anyone that knows me knows who I'm refering to...
ok I hope this person beomes so hideously deformed that they off themselves and then go to hell will they will be perpetually raped by dmons because that is apaprently what they want from life.
I hope this person gets Mega-AIDS much worse than regular AIDS and then dies a horrid painful death in themost unkept hospital in Africa.
I dreamthat this person is a starving, stinking, rotting jew in a concentration cmp and I am Hitler.
I dream that this person is when dead will be left out in the sun to dishopnorablely rot in it's heat.
well now that we've covered her lets moce to her lover.
How dumb do you have to be to to think that she wouldn't cheat on you? o you WANT aids?
Is it your fantasy to make it itha whorey nobody with no fiture ahead of them? HOnoestly How can you stand even touhing her?
The thought alone disguist me.
now onto someone that can't take ajoke
Thats all you're so effin stupid thers nothi9ng left tp saytyping about you makes me lose IQ points.
Well no one else has really made m eagrey lately so...well I'msure I'll add more later My hate is imeasurable
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“When you're taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that place on love?”
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