"Ah lady Aria I assumed I could find you here." the rough voice was that of Prime minister Joanah. "yes and what was it that you were searching for me for?" She replies softly her mind still fille diwth conundromes. "To discuss the matter of which we spoke yeterday of course we did not tell you our kingdoms most private secrets for no reason Aria. We need your help you see?" Aria sighed at these words he had known in the back of her mind that this wa why she had been summoned here. "you are the only one of the younger of ourrace to maintain such a high power level you see we are ar to old to do this ourselfs. We need you to goout into the woods of Doninica and find Prince marious. Why we will tell you if you can bring him back alive....Will you accept this mission my dear?" Joanah asked his gray eyes staring up at her with hope. "very well but i won't do it for free..I want my own land in return for this." She briskly made her demands. "Done now rets up you leave tommrrow."

Prime Minister Joanah


Prince marius

Prime Minister Joanah


Prince marius

King Rual