I've recently been craving a way to release all of my creativity. For those of you taht normally follow my work you've probably noticed that I haven't been writing much lately due to my increasingly dramaful personal life adn school and so forth well I thikn it's time that I start writing again even though i do highly respect my musical asperations writin is what feels right to me and it always ha I've just been in an creative slumber lately. Well the following is just some basic ideas for my reentry into my writing career tell me what you think so far. ^^
---------- Jessi
basic concept has been one that you all have most likely noticed that I had an obsession with is the sins of mankin such as vanity,pride,lust,greed,sloth,gluttony,wrath, etc.
well since I didn't feel like having that many characters i condinced those into three catagories
and indulgance
I chose 3 characters to represent each catagory since this story is told in first person the charater that I will be represented by is Arabella she represents want and covers the sins of lust and envy
Arabella (like me) is shy,quietdark, and hard to get close to and like me she borders on the edge of insanity many times...she is someone who wants everything but feels that she is not worthy to have anything plagued by lowself esteem,unsurity and depression Arabella is often times alone and very rarely smailes and actually means it.

(kindof looks like me>< wink
Marius this next character I thought of represents a certain someone on herewitha fiery temper...
He represents the sins of hate wrath and pride. Arabella is quteinchanted by this quick tempered guy. Marius has just as many flaws as Arabella but his are hidden by his boldness. Marius is protective of his friends and never likes to complain. he is actually a very loving and caring person exept when you upset him. one of his more evident flaws are that his temper has left him somewhat blind to others emotoins and feelings.

Isaballa my last character Isabella is made up of a combination of people that I know. She is un and flirty but her ability to overpower Arabella leaves her on Arabellas hit list throughout the story. Isabella represents indulgance gluttony,greed, and sloth. While she is Arabella's freind there is always a secret compitition being held betwen the 2.

My antagonist in this story also draw rm one of my basic belief that most fo th time people tat start out to be good turn out evil and vice versa and taht while an action may be meant as a precaution and not meant for evil taht it can turn into something more dark and sinister than anyone could imagine.
Uzu My main villain (her name means swirl in japanese) She is the ideal of what a god-fearing christain girl should be she is out to persecute and punish those who go against "gods will" but she takes her ideals so far as people do and has turned into a monster while mantainng her decietful angelic aperance.

Jake this is uzus great defender/slave he isa former preacher/prophet that is unaare of the power that Uzu has over him. he is blindly in loe with her and will follow her into damnation. Another god-fearing christainer he is obedant and follows blindly the wills of other....he is strong physically but no threat mentally.

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