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Cassnadra's Journal
Miyuki-chan in Wonderland: Miyuki-chan in Hentailand (part 1
Miyuki quivered as the cat woman leaned over her. She had been
wandering in this strange forest when the woman had appeared out from
the branches of a large tree. Miyuki had tried asking her where she
was, but the woman had merely climbed down and now had her hands up
Miyuki's shirt.

"This can't be happening." Miyuki whimpered and clenched her eyes
shut. The air started to shimmer, signaling that Miyuki was about to
be whisked to some other part of this land. The cat woman snarled, not
this time.

"Of course it isn't happening." The woman purred. Miyuki opened an eye
and the shimmering in the air stopped. "Huh?"

"I know how you came here." The woman leaned back, letting Miyuki sit
up. "You do?" Miyuki asked.

"Of course. You followed a rabbit and fell down a hole. You met a
talking door, drank some tea that shrunk you down and met the rabbit,
a madwoman and a dormouse having tea. And now you've met me. Do things
like this really happen?"


"Tell me." Asked the woman. "What does this remind you of?" The woman
smiled broadly, her white teeth flashing. Suddenly, she became
transparent and slowly faded away, leaving only the smile hanging in
the air.

"Aiyaaa!" cried Miyuki. She looked closely at the smile, and thought.
She suddenly remembered..

"Wonderland!" Miyuki yelled.

"Of course!" The woman faded back into view. "And I am the Cheshire
cat. Just call me Cheshire.

"But how can I be in Wonderland?" Miyuki asked.

"Well." Cheshire said. "How did Alice go to Wonderland?"

"Um.." Miyuki thought "She feel asleep and it was only a dream!"

"Your such a smart girl!" Cheshire purred, time to reel this morsel
in. "And so are you! Your safe in your bed having a dream!"

Miyuki gave a sigh of relief. Suddenly she gasped. "But I want to wake
up! I don't like it here!"

"But why not?" asked Cheshire.

"The people are so nasty! All they want to do is fondle me."

"But that happens in dreams."Cheshire mused. "Haven't you ever had
those sorts of dreams?"

"Well, I...." Miyuki blushed and poked the tips of her fingers
together. "Oh come now!" Cheshire adomished. "Its not like I'll go
running around telling everyone. Your secrets safe with me." Miyuki
didn't see the edge of Cheshire's mouth curl up and a predatory look
flit across her face.

"Um..Yes." Miyuki blushed furiously.

Cheshire leaned up against Miyuki. "And how about flying? Walking nude
down the street and nobody noticing? Being super strong? People have
these dreams all the time. There's nothing wrong with it."

"But I want to wake up." Miyuki toyed with the ends of her hair.

"Let me tell you what." Cheshire scooted over to face Miyuki. "You
know how when you come to the end of whatever you do in your dream you
wake up?"

Miyuki nodded.

"Well, if you would have a little fun with me, I promise that you'll
wake up just in time to get to school. What do you say?"

"Uh, fun?" Miyuki asked warily.

"Yes." Cheshire ran her finger along Miyuki's thigh.

"Wahh!!" Miyuki facefaulted. "How about I just get you some yarn to
play with?"

"Oh come now." Cheshire leaned closer. "It's only a dream, Your virtue
will be safe. I promise."

'This has to be a dream if I'm in Wonderland' Miyuki thought 'And I'll
wake up right after this..So..And it's only a dream."

"Ok." Miyuki whispered and lay back on the grass. She wrapped Her arms
around Herself. Cheshire lay next to Her, softly purring."It's only a
dream." Miyuki whispered.

"Relax." Cheshire purred. "Here." Cheshire sat up and put Miyuki's
head on her lap and stroked her hair. Cheshire sang a song that of
course consisted mostly of purrs and Miyuki began to relax.

"I'm going to fall asleep in my dream." Miyuki whispered.

Cheshire grinned and reached behind her back and tugged on the zipper
of her suit and brought it down. She switched hands and pulled it down
partialy, exposing her firm breasts to the cool night air. Her nipples
hardened at the wind's caress.

"Just a momment' Cheshire said and held Miyuki's head gently as She
spread her legs and rested Miyuki's head on the ground. Cheshire
smoothly rolled back and slipped the suit the rest of the way off. Her
p***y hair was the same yellow as the hair on her head, and Cheshire
could see the lips parting as her c**t pushed up with excitment. Her
sensitive nose caught her scent and she licked her lips.

Cheshire put Miyuki's head back in her lap and stroked her head some
more. Miyuki glanced up to see Cheshire's breasts hovering over her
along with Cheshire's smiling face. Miyuki gasped and tensed.

"Relax, it's only a dream,' Cheshire purred.

"A dream." Miyuki relaxed slightly. Cheshire massaged Miyuki's temples
until she could feel the tenseness leave Miyuki. Cheshire stroked
Miyuki's cheeks, then her chin and trailed her fingers along Miyuki's
neck to the knot that was Miyuki's Fuku scarf. Cheshire's nimble
fingers undid the knot, and she purred "Its ok." As she tossed the
scarf to the side.

Cheshire rubbed Miyuki's shoulder's and her fingers danced down
Miyuki's blouse, unbuttoning it. Cheshire rubbed down the length of
Miyuki's arms and caught the edges of Miyuki's blouse and spread it
open revealing Miyuki's white bra.

"Cold." Miyuki said as goosebumps sprung up.

"I'll keep you warm." Cheshire said as she rubbed Miyuki's arms and
shoulders Cheshire slipped a hand down and flipped the latch of the
bra open. She slowly opened the bra and her eyes gleamed as she viewed
Miyuki's young breasts. The nipples were hard, if only from the night
air. But that would change.

Cheshire did not touch the breasts. She instead brought Miyuki's arm
up to her and placed it betwen her own breasts. "See? I'm warm."

"Um.." Sighed Miyuki

"Let me rub your feet." Cheshire purred "If your feet are warm, the
rest of you will be warm." Cheshire laid Miyuki's head on the ground
and craweled over to Miyuki's feet. Taking one in her hands, she took
off the shoe and sock. She then did the same to the other,She then
lifted one up and started to gently rub it. Cheshire pressed it
against her breast as She did so.

Miyuki looked up at Cheshire, she didn't mind that her blouse and bra
where undone. 'A dream' she thought. The moonlight shone through
Cheshire's hair and seemed to make her skin glow. Cheshire looked so
beautiful, and she was so nice. Miyuki felt heself warming up, the
light wind no longer bothering her.

Cheshire massaged down the ankle and calf, she lifted Miyuki's skirt
up around Miyuki's waist and rubbed her fingers into the thigh
muscles. "Your a little tight here." Cheshire whispered as her fingers
danced along Miyuki's inner leg. Cheshire glanced at Miyuki's white
panties and spied a small damp spot. She inhaled, and smelled Miyuki's

Cheshire finished her massage and lay next to Miyuki. "How do you
feel?" Cheshire pressed her body up close.

"I feel so relaxed, and warm." Miyuki murmered.

Cheshire slid her arm around Miyuki, her hand resting just below the
side of Miyuki's breast. "I'm glad you stayed." Cheshire purred. "I've
been lonely. Nobody stays long in a dream."

"I don't want to wake up yet." Miyuki sighed.

"We all have to wake up some time." Cheshire said. "But we have to
enjoy what we have."

"Thank you for being so nice." Miyuki said.

"Thank you." Cheshire purred and with one finger, turned Miyuki's head
towards her. Cheshire lips lightly brushed Miyuki's. Miyuki kissed
back and the kiss deepened, soon Cheshire's tongue speared down into
Miyuki's mouth causing Miyuki to moan.

Both broke the kiss and giggled, then kissed each other more lightly.
Cheshire slid her hand up and lightly cupped Miyuki's breast, Miyuki
gasped into Cheshire's mouth as the cat woman's hand stroked her
breast. Cheshire rubbed Miyuki's n****e between thumb and forefinger,
causing it to harden.

"More." Miyuki sighed. Cheshire grinned and nibbled Miyuki's chin as
She threw a leg over Miyuki's body. Cheshire pulled Miyuki up slightly
and removed her blouse and bra before laying her back down. Cheshire
then trailed light kisses down Miyuki's throat and chest. Pausing at
Miyuki's breast, Cheshire flicked out her tongue and licked Miyuki's

Miyuki yelped as she felt Cheshire's bristly tongue on her n****e.
Miyuki arched her back in an attempt to push more of her breast into
Cheshire's mouth. Miyuki clasped Cheshire's head with both hands, Her
fingers tangling in her hair, and rubbing the cat ears.

Cheshire purred and began to kiss down Miyuki's stomach. Miyuki's
scent was overpowering, mixing with Cheshire's as she reached Miyuki's
waist. Cheshire saw Miyuki's panties were soaked,and rubbed her nose
against them as she unlatched Miyuki's skirt, then lifted Miyuki's
hips so that she could toss it to the side. Now only the panties
remained, Cheshire leaned forwards and extended her fangs. Taking the
straps between her teeth, Cheshire made short work up the cloth.
Leaning back up, Cheshire reached forewards and took the ends of the
straps in Her fingers, and with the slow motions of a one unwrapping a
gift, brought the fabric down revealing Miyuki's p***y.

Cheshire growled as she gazed at the feast before her. Miyuki's p***y
was framed by a light covering of curly blond hair and the lips were

But Cheshire's eyes were locked on Miyuki's c**t. It protruded out,
and was bright red. Cheshire inhaled and and her head swam with the
smells of sex. Rivulets of c** trickled out of Miyuki's p***y,
something had to be done about that.

"Miyuki-chan" Cheshire purred.

Miyuki opened her eyes. It was hard to focus, but she saw Cheshire
sitting between her open legs. The moon was to Cheshire's back and
although they shouldn't be. Cheshire's eyes glowed.

"Hai?" Miyuki asked.

"Your such a mess." Cheshire said as she trailed a finger down
Miyuki's stomach. Miyuki saw that she was covered in a light sheen of
sweat as was Cheshire. She looked further down and saw that her p***y
hairs were matted down.

"I'm so warm." Miyuki whispered.

Cheshire laid herself out on the ground and kissed Miyuki's inner
thigh. "Of course. Let me help you out, by cleaning you." And Cheshire
licked Miyuki's c**t.

Miyuki cried out as Cheshire's bristly tongue stroked her. Miyuki
ground her hips into Cheshire's face as Cheshire deftly nibbled
Miyuki's c**t, the thought of her fangs being so close frightened and
excited Miyuki. Cheshire lapped up Miyuki's fluid and licked Miyuki's
p***y lips. Miyuki's back was arched, and her hips were completly off
the ground, letting Cheshire squeeze her buttocks. Miyuki grasped her
breasts and began rubbing them and tugging her nipples.

Cheshire slid her hand around Miyuki's leg and rubbed her thumb
lightly across Miyuki's p***y, casuing the girl to whimper. Cheshire
pressed harder and her thumb split open Miyuki's p***y lips. Sliding
it down, Cheshire pressed it against Miyuki's opening. She paused.

"Now what should I do with this?" Cheshire mused as she ran Her thumb
in little circles. Miyuki looked up. "Please." she begged.

"Please what?" Cheshire asked and pressed lightly against the opening.

"Put it in me" Miyuki panted.

"This?" Cheshire held up her thumb "What should I put it in?"

"In theeerreee." Miyuki whined as she pointed at her p***y.

"What this?" Cheshire gazed at Miyuki's p***y as though she never saw
one before.

"My p***y!"

"Oh, so it is! How nice!" Cheshire lightly kissed it causing Miyuki to

"Nooo! Don't tease me!' Miyuki cried and pushed her hips towards

"Oh! I'm sorry! Should I leave?" Cheshire leaned up.

"No!" Miyuki howled.

Cheshire pouted and lay back down "Well what should I do?"

"You know!"

"I do?" Cheshire mused "Why don't you tell me what I should do?"
Cheshire's thumb hovered over the entrance to Miyuki's p***y.

Miyuki licked her lips. "Put your thumb in my p***y!"

"Oh! If you insist." Cheshire plunged her thumb into Miyuki's p***y,
causing Miyuki to scream and rotate her hips. Cheshire pistoned her
thumb and flicked her tongue over Miyuki's c**t. Miyuki grunted and
moaned as Cheshire slid two more fingers in and pumped her. Miyuki was
emiting short moans as Cheshire's fingers moved faster and faster.

"Unnngghhhhhh!!!" Miyuki screamed and orgasmed. She cummed all over
Cheshire's tongue, who proceded to lap up as much as she could and
licked Miyuki's p***y and thighs clean. Cheshire lay her body across
Miyuki and kissed her. "Did you like it?"

"Oh, Yes!" Miyuki panted and hugged Cheshire.

Cheshire soaked up the afterglow for a momment. "Now me."

"Huh?" Miyuki looked confused.

"Since I was so nice to you. Its only right you return the favor."

Cheshire sat up and leaned back against the tree while pulling Miyuki
up with her.

Cheshire spread her legs, and Miyuki saw the bright patch of hair
framing an erect c**t and dripping p***y.

"I've never." Miyuki started to say.

"Oh I'm sure you'll do fine." Cheshire took Miyuki's face in Her hands
and Miyuki suddenly noticed the tips of claws underneth the skin.
"Just think of it as an ice cream cone." Cheshire gently pulled
Miyuki's face against her belly and pushed downwards.

Miyuki's nose was the first to become aware of Cheshire's p***y, the
smell was very sweet, like candy. Miyuki eyes then locked on it. The
hair seemed even lighter next to Cheshire's tanned skin, and the p***y
lips puckered as if blowing a kiss.

Miyuki lightly pressed her lips against Cheshire's p***y. Cheshire
began purring loudly and impaitently lifted her hips towards Miyuki.
Miyuki took a quick lick and marveled at the taste of strawberries.
And the c**t looked like a berry.

Miyuki began licking in ernest. She pressed her face as close as She
could and drove her tongue into Cheshire's p***y. Cheshire clutched at
Miyuki's head and started meowing along with the purrs, she then
braced her hands on the ground and thrust her hips up.

"Nibble me." Cheshire commanded and Miyuki lightly took Cheshire' c**t
between her teeth and pressed them together.

"Uhh..Puurrrrrrr!" Cheshire felt herself beginning to cream as Miyuki
began thrusting her tongue like a miniature p***s into her.

"Uhh..Fingers!" Cheshire said and Miyuki brought her hand up, then
suddenly paused.

'What should I do with these?" Miyuki asked. Remembering Cheshire's

"Oh,I think you know!" Miyuki caught a dangerous tone and looked up to
see a sweat covered Cheshire looking at her like with a slightly
frightening look. "Just do what comes naturaly."

Miyuki plunged a finger in, causing Cheshire to yowl and arch Her
back, Cheshire's p***y swallowed all of Miyuki's finger, so Miyuki
slipped another one in, and another. Until she was practicaly fisting

Cheshire hissed and then purred as Miyuki pistoned her fingers in and
out. Miyuki began licking Cheshire's p***y like a girl with a mouth
full of sweet teeth, her head swam with Cheshire's scent and was
becoming drunk on Cheshire's c**.

"ROWARRRRRRRRRR!!!" Cheshire howled and cummed all over Miyuki's hand
and face. Miyuki almost choked on all the fluid and tried to swallow
it all, but was no match for Cheshire.

Miyuki collapsed, and Cheshire lay down on the ground with Her, gently
licking her face clean.

"I'm so tired." Miyuki murmmered as she snuggled up against Cheshire.

"Thats it." Cheshire purred and stroked Miyuki's face. "Just close
your eyes." Soon Miyuki began to shimmer and faded away. Cheshire lay
there for a momment before stretching and began cleaning Herself. She
felt SO much better, and won't the others be so jealous when she told
them what happened. Cheshire lay back on the grass and let the cool
wind blow over her as she purred contentedly.

Miyuki suddenly opened her eyes as she felt a warmth come over her.
She saw sunlight and sat upright with a gasp as she saw herself lying
in a small clearing. Her clothes were lying next to her and her skin
was still sticky from her encounter.

"Wha? Where am I?" Miyuki grabbed her panties, but saw that they were
runined, she then put on her skirt and threw her blouse on.

"I'm not back home?" Miyuki saw a castle in the distance and saw women
painting women who looked like flowers.

"I thought this was a dream!" Miyuki's face contorted in anger. "She

"Who are you calling Hentai?" Miyuki turned at the voice and saw a
tall blond woman walking down a path towards her. She wore a hat that
had a heart on it, and was dressed in a leather suit that had spikes
on it.

she was also carrying a whip.

"I said." The woman snapped in an authoritive voice "Who are you
calling Hentai?" she stood before Miyuki and tapped her whip.

"Uhh.." Miyuki stammered "I certainly didn't call you Hentai ma'am."

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!" The woman yelled and cracked her whip.

"Yes, you Majesty!" Miyuki said. "I was calling Cheshire a Hentai."

"Oh?? You call one of my most loyal subjects a HENTAI???"

"But she made me have sex with Her!" Miyuki cried as she began to back

"Oh?? And you make slanders against her morals? That she likes little
girls rather then ME??" The queen was very angry and advanced on
Miyuki. "Your going to be punished for that! Get down and lick my
boots! The Queen cracked her whip at Miyuki's feet.

"Waaaaaaaa!" Miyuki cried and ran off. "I just want to wake up!" The
Queen charged after her cracking her whip while yelling "PUNISHMENT!"

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DJ Dash-7
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Feb 16, 2005 @ 08:32pm
this is a nice story Cassnadra

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