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Cassnadra's Journal
Miyuki-chan in Wonderland: Miyuki-chan in Hentailand (part 2
"PUNISHMENT!!" Screamed the Red Queen as she chased Miyuki through the
halls of the castle while cracking her whip.

"WAAAAAHHH" Miyuki cried. "I just want to go home!"

Suddenly the Red Queen's whip wrapped around Miyuki, pinning her arms
to her sides. The Queen heaved and jerked Miyuki off her feet and
dragged Miyuki to her.

"Got you! GUARDS!!!!" Suddenly running feet were heard and several
armored women armed with swords came into view.

"I caught this intruder." The Queen said. "I want her taken to the
dungeon. But first, have her bathed, she smells."

"Yes Your Majesty!" The guards said and hauled Miyuki to her feet,
pushing her down the hall.

"I haven't done anything wrong!" cried Miyuki. "The Queen chased me in

"SILENCE!" Shouted a guard."The Queen will decide your punishment." A
guard opened a door and the group entered a lavish bathroom. A pool
was in the middle of the room surrounded by marble statues and ferns.
Sunlight streamed in through a skylight and illuminated the wisps of
steam rising from the water. A few women were in the room, one was
pouring some bath salts into the water.

"Is the bath ready?" Asked a guard.

"Yes." said the woman by the pool.

The guard turned to Miyuki "Get in the bath and clean yourself. If you
don't, it will be done for you."

Miyuki quivered and looked around in panic. Knowing that she had no
choice. Miyuki undressed and went to the pool. She stuck a toe in to
test the water and suddenly felt hands grip her arms. With a heave,
Miyuki was flung into the water and came up sputtering.

"Do not delay!" Shouted the guard. "Clean yourself or we'll come in

Miyuki sobbed and lathered herself with soap. Rinsing herself off,
Miyuki then washed her hair.

"At least it feels good to be clean." Miyuki thought.

"Thats enough!" Shouted a guard "Come out!"

Miyuki scrambled out and several maids come forwards with towels.

"Don't move!" One said and they proceeded to wipe Miyuki down. In a
surprisingly short time, Miyuki was completely dry, even her hair.

A maid sprayed some rose scented perfume on Miyuki while another gave
her a red robe decorated with pink roses, and some slippers to wear.

"Thats enough!" A guard said, and the maids withdrew. "Come here!"
Miyuki went over and the guard pulled out a red hood. "You will be
hooded so you will not see the way to the Queen." Miyuki saw that the
guards had put their hands on their swords so Miyuki put the hood over
her head.

She felt the guards grip her arms and she was marched out of the bath
and down the halls of the castle. Miyuki was lead down several flights
of stairs and the air grew cool. Miyuki was then led down a corridor
and marched through a door. The guards took Miyuki a few steps more
and then suddenly, her robe was yanked from her.

"KYAAAAA!!!" Miyuki yelled and tried to cover herself.

"SILENCE!" One of the guards yelled and Miyuki's arms were hauled over
her head. Several other guards held Miyuki in place as Miyuki heard
the rattle of chains and felt leather cuffs tightened around her
wrists. Her ankles were also cuffed, and Miyuki heard the rattle of
chains again as she was lighted off her feet slightly so that only her
toes could touch the ground.

"Remove the hood." Came the Queen's voice.

The hood was removed and Miyuki saw the room she was in. It wasn't
that large and was tiled in black stone. A fire roared in a fireplace
and manacles were set into the walls and ceiling. A number of guards
stood against the walls and there were some maids as well. The Red
Queen stood right in front of Miyuki and held a strap of leather in
her hands.

"Well, Now." The Queen murmured "You look much better after a good

She came over and sniffed Miyuki's hair. "Nice and fresh" she said.
Miyuki would of jerked away, but she had no place to go.

"I'm sorry I came into your castle your Majesty." Miyuki sniffed "I
wouldn't of done it without permission."

The Queen walked around Miyuki while rolling a strand of Miyuki's hair
in her fingers "Oh I have no doubt you are sorry. But I'm not
interested in that right now. What I want to know, is why you came

"It was an accident." Miyuki said.

"LIAR!!!" The Queen shouted and smacked Miyuki across the rear with
the strap. Miyuki cried and thrashed against the chains. "Noone comes
here by accident!" The Queen lifted Miyuki's chin up with the handle
of the strap. "I think you know how you got here. Do you want to tell

*Sniff* "Hai" Miyuki said. "I was running to school when a bunny girl
skateboarded by me, and I fell into this big hole and met a girl on a
door that sucked me in to afield where I met these twins who attacked

"Ah!" The Queen said while shaking her head. "Cho-ly and To-ly! I
don't know what I'm going to do with them!"

"Hai, And then I feel into this field and drank this tea that shrunk
me down. I met 3 women who gave me tea that made me grow big again."

"The March Hare, the Dormouse and the Mad Hatter?" The Queen asked.

"I think so yes." Miyuki said. "Then I met the Cheshire Cat and....."
Miyuki's face suddenly got beet red and tried to hide her face.

"What happened?" The Queen waved her strap in front of Miyuki's face.

"She had sex me." Miyuki mumbled.

"What did she do?" The Queen leaned closer.

"She had sex with me." Miyuki mumbled even quieter.

"ANSWER!!!" The Queen smacked Miyuki across the rear again.

"SHE HAD SEX WITH ME!!" Miyuki yelled.

There were gasps around the room and the Queen's eye twitched. "You
molested one of my subjects?"

"No No!" Miyuki cried. "She..She seduced me! she said I would go home
if I let her have her fun."

"I certainly doubt that she would do anything like that!" The Queen
slapped the strap against her palm. "Sex offenders are punished
severely in My kingdom!"

"It's the truth!" Miyuki yelled. "Just ask her!"

"I will indeed!" The Queen strode to the center of the room and held
out her hand. "Cheshire Cat! I summon you!"

Smoke billowed up from the floor and formed a pillar. When the smoke
faded, the Cheshire Cat stood there. She dropped to her knees.

"Your Majesty!" she purred. "How may I serve you?"

"Do you know this girl?" The Queen waved towards Miyuki.

Cheshire looked at Miyuki and her eyes flashed. "Yes I do, your

"Did you meet her a while ago?"

"Yes I did, your Majesty."

"And did you have sex with her?"

Cheshire's eyes quickly flashed over to Miyuki and a trace of a grin
danced over her lips, then she cast her eyes down and softly said.
"Yes I did, your Majesty."

"Why?" The Queen tapped her strap against her palm.

Cheshire's face took on a sorrowful expression. "She seduced me, your

"Liar!" Yelled Miyuki.

"Silence!" Yelled the Queen. She turned back to Cheshire."What

Cheshire looked down at the ground. "I noticed her wandering around
and decided to talk to her. While we were talking, she started to
scratch my ears. Since many people scratch my ears, I thought nothing
of it. But then she started to rub my neck and shoulders, and since it
felt so good, I didn't stop her." Cheshire dabbed at a tear. "And
before I knew it, she was rubbing down here." Cheshire rubbed between
her legs. "I'm so weak." She sniffed. "And then she took off my
clothes and used her fingers and tongue on me."

"Liar!" Miyuki yelled "You seduced me! You SLUT!!!"

More murmurs and the Queen spun around. "SILENCE!" She yelled and
smacked Miyuki on the hip. She then turned back to Cheshire. "And then

"After she finished with me, she just vanished. Oh! Your Majesty!"
Cheshire gripped the hem of the Queen's cloak. "I'm sorry! I promise
to try my best to never let it happen again. Please forgive me!"

The Queen put her hand on Cheshire's head. "Since you asked for
forgiveness I will grant it this time. Now go." The Queen waved her
hand over Cheshire's head and smoke enveloped Cheshire, and when it
cleared, she was gone.

The Queen turned towards Miyuki with her eyes blazing. "I think that
answers any questions."

"Shes lying!" Miyuki cried.

"I believe her, a loyal subject rather then a total stranger who
charged across my kingdom. And I will pass judgement now." The Queen
strode behind Miyuki.

"You have trespassed on private property and disrupted the activities
of my servants. You then entered my castle without permission. But
most of all, you took advantage of one of my subjects! For your
crimes, I sentence you to be lashed!"

"No!No!" Miyuki cried and thrashed against the chains.

"Yes! PUNISHMENT!" The Queen screamed and brought her strap down
across Miyuki's rear. Miyuki yelled as she felt the stinging as the
Queen slapped her again and again. Soon Miyuki's rear was all red and

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Miyuki sobbed as tears rolled down her face.

"You are?" The Queen came around. And lifted Miyuki's head up. "Are
you sorry you trespassed and interfered with My servant's work?"

*Sniff* "Hai"

"And are you sorry you took advantage of one of my subjects and sated
your desires with her?"


The Queen smiled. "I believe you." The Queen hooked her strap to her

"I may seem cruel, But you must realize there are rules here. And just
as I punish those who break them. Those that seek to make amends, I
can be very generous to." The Queen gently touched Miyuki and slid her
hand down Miyuki's back, cupping her left cheek before starting to
slide her hand between Miyuki's legs.

Miyuki's eyes suddenly flew open. "No!" she yelled and kicked out with
her leg. Her leg didn't go far since it didn't have much chain, but
her toes did nudge the Queen's leg.

The Queen's eyes burned. "You dare!" she snarled and yanked out the
strap. "I see that you have not learned your lesson!" The Queen spun
around to Miyuki's rear.

"No! I'm sorry!" Miyuki cried. "I didn't mean it!"

"I shall be the judge of that!" The Queen smacked Miyuki again across
the rear and legs. She worked up one leg then down the other. And
didn't stop until Miyuki's backside and legs were red and shone dully
in the firelight.

Miyuki's head was drooping and she mumbled "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Over
and over.

The Queen came around again. "Are you sorry you struck out at me?"

"Hai." Miyuki whispered.

"And will never do that again?"


The Queen smiled. "For your sake, I hope not. Now, Lets start again."

The Queen stroked her hands over Miyuki's skin. She softly ran them
over Miyuki's back and rear. Miyuki whimpered but did nothing as the
Queen started to stroke her inner thighs working her way up to
Miyuki's p***y.

The Queen's fingers traced a path towards it, but stopped short and
began to slide up Miyuki's stomach. The Queen gently cupped Miyuki's
breasts and rolled the nipples between her fingers until they
hardened. Miyuki gasped and bit her lip and the Queen then slid her
arms around Miyuki and slid her hands down her back. The Queen stroked
Miyuki's buttcheeks and then slid one hand around to Miyuki's p***y.

The Queen rested her hand over it and began to rub her fingers up and
down the slit. Miyuki moaned as the Queen ran her thumb in little
circles over Miyuki's c**t. The Queen's two longest fingers pressed
harder and slipped in between the lips, rubbing up and down until they
were sticky with juice. Miyuki's head lolled around and she softly
moaned. Her eyes were half-closed.

The Queen suddenly slipped her fingers into Miyuki's opening and
stroked in and out. Miyuki groaned and locked her thighs around the
Queen's hand as her fingers continued to pump her.

"UNNNHHHHH!!!" Miyuki groaned and came all over the Queen's hand. The
Queen withdrew her hand and sniffed at the c** covering them. "Good
girl." She said and gestured to some of the maids. The Queen walked up
to one of the maids who held a bundle. Another came up to Miyuki and
washed her face and dried it. She then held up a small crystal flask
to Miyuki's lips.

"Drink." She said, and Miyuki sipped down a sweet tasting fluid.
Almost instantly, Miyuki's pains vanished and she felt invigorated.

"Mmm..What is that?" Miyuki asked.

"It has no name." The maid said. She then went back to stand against
the wall.

While Miyuki was being tended to. The Queen was likewise being seen
to. A maid had finished attaching something to her. Miyuki couldn't
see because the Queen's cloak was blocking her view, but suddenly the
Queen turned to Miyuki and strode up to her.

"Kyaaaa!!!!" Miyuki yelled as she saw what was attached to the Queen.
A leather harness wrapped around her hips, and a rubber rod jutted
right over the Queen's crotch. It had bumps on it!

"Oh! You recognize this!" The Queen grinned. "Somehow I'm not

"Please!" Miyuki begged "Stay away from me!" Miyuki noticed that two
of the maids had come forward and had loosened the legs chains
somewhat. Miyuki now had about 3 extra feet of chain.

"Oh come now!" The Queen grasped Miyuki's chin. "It's best not to
throw yourself around so much, someone might get...hurt." The Queen's
voice was firm and Miyuki knew what would happen if she didn't behave.

The Queen caressed Miyuki again and grasped her left leg and lifted it
up. With her left hand, she brought the head of the d***o to Miyuki's
p***y and began rubbing it along it's length. Miyuki groaned as the
Queen teased her open and Miyuki's c** began to coat the d***o. The
Queen's face was flushed as she pressed forwards slightly. Miyuki's
p***y lips opened around the d***o, then shut closed. The Queen stood
there for a second and then began to rotate her hips.

"Unh, Unh." Miyuki Grunted as the Queen gave her little strokes.
Miyuki felt the many small bumps covering the d***o slide inside her,
she started to pant. She never felt this aroused, even with Cheshire.

"Please...No more." Miyuki begged.

"You don't like being teased, Hmmm?" The Queen whispered into Miyuki's


"Well then." The Queen suddenly grasped Miyuki's other leg and brought
it up. "Enough teasing then." And the Queen suddenly gave a sharp
thrust forwards.

Miyuki cried out as she felt the d***o penetrate her hymen and bury
itself to the hilt. Tears ran down her cheeks as the Queen held her
close and cuddled her while making shushing sounds. The Queen motioned
her head and a maid came forwards to clean Miyuki's face of tears. The
Queen gently planted kisses on Miyuki's face.

"Don't clench, relax." The Queen whispered and slid the d***o out
almost all the way. Juice dripped off it's length and the Queen slid
it all the way back in causing Miyuki to throw her head back and yelp.

The Queen then started up a slow but steady rythem. The d***o stroked
the inside of Miyuki's p***y, the bumps seemingly caressing each nerve
ending. Miyuki was gasping and her hips thrust forwards as the Queen
moved hers. Even though the Queen was only wearing a d***o, she to was
cumming and fluids stained the harness.

Both of their bodies started to speed up as their crotches ground
together. The Queen was now giving short quick strokes and Miyuki was
seemingly in another world as her eyes were screwed shut and her mouth
gaped open.

"UUHHHHHH!! OHHHH!!!!!" Both Miyuki and the Queen groaned and screamed
as they came. Their juice mixed together and dripped onto the floor as
Miyuki collapsed against her chains, supported only by the Queen.

The Queen held Miyuki there for a few momments, drinking up the
afterglow. She Then gently set Miyuki's feet back onto the ground and
brushed some sweat soaked hair out of her eyes and then clapped her

Guards and maids came forwards. Miyuki was unchained and wrapped in a
blanket. The Queen took a flask from one of the maids and emptied it
in one swallow. "Take her to the bath and bathe her. Then take her to
my chambers. Maids, prepare my bath." The Queen then strode from the
room with her cloak billowing behind her.

Miyuki was carried from the dungeon by the guards virtually
unconscious. The guards retraced their path through the castle and
delivered her to the maids who were in the bathroom Miyuki had visited
before. The maids gently bathed Miyuki who accepted it unresisting.
She was then wrapped in a fuzzy robe and escorted to a large bedroom
that was dominated by a huge bed that was covered in designs of white
and red roses. Miyuki was placed into bed and the covers were tucked
up under her chin.

Miyuki felt like she was floating in a cloud. She dimly saw the room
as if through a smokey mirror and she felt the warmth and softness of
the covers. Suddenly the far doors opened and she saw the figure of a

"Miyuki? Are you awake?" The Queen said.

"Hmmm?" Miyuki mumbled.

"I said are you awake?" her mother said. Miyuki's eyes snapped open
and she saw that she was back in her room.

"Uhh..Yes Okasa." Miyuki said. She was completely stunned.

"Well, Get up! Even though its Sunday, you can't sleep all day."
Miyuki's mother closed the door and Miyuki heard her footsteps
retreating down the hall.

Miyuki sat up and suddenly felt the sweat covering her. Her pajamas
were stuck to her skin and her hair plastered to her head. Miyuki
threw off the covers and immediately became aware of the smell of
musk. Her bottoms were soaked with c** and the bed was stained with
sweat and juices.

Greatly thankful that her mother hadn't come into the room. Miyuki
stripped down the bed and looked out the door. Seeing noone, she
sprinted to the bathroom and threw the sheets into the shower.
Stripping down, she turned on the water and threw her soiled clothes
in with the sheets. Hopping in, she lathered herself up and washed her
hair. She also rinsed the sheets and clothes as best she could.
Afterwards, she wrapped a towel around herself and dumped the damp
laundry into the washer before running back to her room.

Miyuki took out clean sheets and made the bed and opened the window to
let fresh air in. She then stood before the mirror and held her face
in her hands.

"Was it all just a dream?" She said to herself. She looked at the bed
in the mirror and saw how warm and soft it looked. She sighed and
stopped. She could of sworn she could of smelled the scent of roses
wafting over from the bed.

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