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Fear me.

Community Member
And here I said I'd try and post every day sweatdrop

Well.... I failed all my classes and I'm officially on academic suspension for a couple semesters or so.

But my sister gets to be all smug (even though she won't admit to it) since I've finally decided to go to art school. I really can't figure out why I was avoiding it so long - it really is what I'd like to do. I still wonder if I could do it professionally or not. *goes off into neverland for a bit* . Oh well, art school will be something I'll enjoy anyway, whether or not I get out there and find I suck at it when push comes to shove.

Speaking of art, my latest piece:
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I'm not sure about the way it came out. - I accidently saved it wrong and it fuzzed - that along with the weird way t he colored pencils came out through the scanner
So once again my art is going south computer-wise. IT looks better on paper than it does on the computer screen. sweatdrop Nuts.

User Comments: [1]
Hollywood Royale
Community Member
comment Commented on: Thu Dec 28, 2006 @ 05:21am
I think you're great at drawing.
They will tear you to pieces in art school.
Take it to heart and GROW from it, don't give up.
The critique will make you a stronger, better artist.

I love everything I've seen you draw 3nodding

User Comments: [1]
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