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Fear me.

Community Member
Okay, maybe not every day.... But y'know - I promise I won't avoid it whenever I remember it.

Well.. it's official. Finals are over... I know I failed all my classes. I don't even want to check that's how sure I am.
There's a slim chance I got a high enough GPA to at least clear the academic probation I was on... but sweatdrop you never know. Maybe the fates will see that I really DID attempt to boost my grades and my luck will hold out.

Let me explain my luck... I'm the luckiest person alive. But in a very weird way.
I don't win at gambling or chance things... but situations usually work out for me. Nothing bad has ever happened to me. I've never gotten chicken pox, or any major illnesses (every once in a while I get a bad flue) and I've never broken anything or needed stitches... etc...
And even though I had a pretty bad childhood (I think) I was nice and oblivious for it...

Stuff like that.
So yeah, maybe life will be good.

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