Xangord's PoV
"That could have gone better," Nissa said. "Dragon won't be happy that we didn't take them to the Observation Deck like she asked."
"Are the faries known for cowardly remarks like that last shot?" I asked, ignoring the last part for the moment.
"Generally...no," Nissa replied. "But they have cause to wonder."
"You know," I said, stopping and glaring at Nissa. "Since we are here, I need to know
exactly what happened the last time you and Dragon were here."
"That is up to the captian to discuss with you."
"You may the avatar of Dragon's ship. And in some odd way I am somehow Dragon's sister or offspring or whatever a Nobody is to their host. But Dragon has made it clear that I am second in command here. I order you to tell me--"
"As you just said yourself, you are only
Commander Xangord not
Captian Xangord," Nissa interrupted coolly. "Seeing as you are not
captian I can refuse an order from you if it conflicts with the order given to me by
Captian Dragon.
"Will you two stop bickering?" I asked, walking around the corner while adjusting my coat. "I have my hands full keeping them from finding out about Nogard--and keeping Nogard
away from the faries--without you two bickering."
"Speaking of the fairies," Xangord started.
"They went back to dock," Nissa said.
"I thought I mentioned something about taking them to the observation deck," I said. Shrugging, I added, "Oh well. I haven't worn this in a few centuries. It still looks alright, right?"
"Is that the original uniform?" Nissa asked, referring to the uniform that my crew used to wear before the
Nerissa Altsoba was retired about a decade ago.
"Yeah," I replied, tugging a little on my cravat. It had been ten years since I wore something so tight fitted around my neck; it made me nervous.
"You don't look like it was sewn on you and you don't look like you're borrowing your sire's clothes when you're just a
Hatchling," Xangord said critically.
"Thanks," I replied. "I think.
Suddenly, two kids about three feet tall appeared on either side of me. In a blink of an eye, they grew to twice their height.
The one in black and red said, "We need to--"
The one in white and blue finished, "--Talk to you."
"Scuro and Litch right?" Nissa asked.
"Yes," they replied, looking at her curiously. A second later the two slammed to the ground because of the centralized gravity Nissa activated on them.
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