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Book of Nod
Information (mostly) about NoobieCon and SGC vampire guild.
Vampire Guild Ranks
Still working on getting the money to make the guild. Almost there thanks to the help of Amber, Tom, Eric, & Mat. I got most of the ideas worked out to. I'm going to us a ranking system to show when you can post. The more you post the more points you get twards your rank, there are other ways to increase rank too. Basically for you to post then you need to wait for everyone with a higher rank then you to post, pass, or not respond to the last post with in 24 hours. I realise that will create some wait but I don't think that everyone is going to be sticking together in the story so it shouldn't be so bad. If not then I guess I'll just have to come up with a new system. Thinking about differn't tournaments I could do that don't just involve beating the snot out of each other. Anyways I guess I'll talk about ranks some more sense that is what this is all about. Basicly as I said before you have a score that showes your rank. The higher the score the lower the rank. The lower the rank the sooner you can post. You can increase the rank by posting fast or multiple times, this doesn't mean posting 1 sentance 5 times or 5 posts that you could have just said as one. Nex is how strong your character has gotten in the game. I'm aware of the fact taht not everyone will have awsome things to write all the time, or maybe even ever, so I figured I would give something to the people who rarly talk but can break stuff good. Next is tournaments that will be going on. You can pay to get into tournaments, wich I am going to try to do on a weekly basis. Basically you will compet in some form or anouther. May it be fighting, drawling, writeing or puzzles there will be prises if your the best as well as points to your rank. The last way to increase your rank is to bribe Kain (my character). Yes Kain can be bought with shinny things. The way that this works is easy. If you give Kain something in Gaia you get rank point for every 1000 gold you give or that an item is worth. Here is the catch, if it is an iteam you will get points added for coolness and general usfulness to Kain. I can be bribed out of the game to but that's a little harded to score as it will more then likly be worth more. Now you don't just have to bribe Kain for rank points. You can do it for help, special bonuses, items in game, clues. Fun things like that. When I get everything running I will post a rank list with everyones rank points as well as a bribe chart to see how much you can get. Anyone that helped by giving money to make the guild already has a higher rank then everyone else. Also I will be giving extra rank points if you email me your back story. You can use your old characters but this is a differn't cronicle. You might want to wait till clans ar posted but if you read this you have a bit of an edge.

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