NoobieCon seems to be doing well finaly. It's started to pick up some speed. I end up getting 3 of the 5 companies that we wanted to videos, and may have picked up a sixth. To bad I only got a hold of one of the three I really wanted. O well I guess. Band wise we are pretty much set. Mike F. is in a new band and he thinks they won't have a problem opening for us and then there is Circle Red. They said everything is a good. Now I just have to wait for Ashly to get back to me on Trible Law. That line up would be nice if we can get the last band, at least I think so anyways. Metal up the butt but who cares so long as they don't play to a empty room. Veiing rooms are almost packed. I just need to get back to Bandi tomorrow and see about emailsing Geneon and Funimation again...... god you would think I could get some love being a joy ride b***h but I guess not. lol Soon as I get the confermation email I will have lots of DVDs from ADV I know that. Next is the dealers room. I already got Mind Games rareing to go and I just have to get a hold of Made Japan and we have them. Got a lot of work to do other then that though as well as true dungeon. Well first things first I guess. I'll get all the rooms we can have from Denis tomorrow and send out some more emails...... after a while you would think I would at least get a "we aren't going to help you leave us alone" email. O well never hursts to try. xd