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Damien's Journal
I'ma post some stuff! ^^
Quiz Page 3
Tell me about you...
Name: Damien
Age: 18
Gender: Boy.
Happy with it? Very much so.
Eye color: Blue. 4laugh
Happy with it? Yup I like blue eyes
If not, what would you change it to? I also like green eyes
Hair color: Light brown
Happy with it? Yup.
If not, what would you change it to? Lighter brown to blonde maybe, but light brown is cool.
Hair length: Short.
Hair style: I don't really have a hairstyle, lol.
Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope I already answered this! whee
What color? Purple!
Do you dye your hair frequently? No, never have.
Has it ever gotten damaged? No.
Are you clean-shaven? Yup, smooth. smile
Are your fingers long and slender, short and fat, or somewhere in between? I think in between, lol. They're kinda long but not too slender.
Thin or full lips? Neither, just normal in the middle sized.
Thin hair, thick hair, or somewhere in between? I'm not sure about this one.
Have you ever had lice? No.
How old were you? I haven't had it, lol.
Nicknames: Dams. (that's like the beginning of Damien but with an S on the end, so kinda like James with a D, lol.)
Happy with them? Yeah.
Aliases: Damien` xd
What made you choose them? Damien` is my name with a cool little thingy on it because Damien was already taken.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? Hmm, I don't know.
Think of the situation above. What would you want your name to be? Something kind of uncommon but not weird.
If you had a choice, would you drop your last name? My last name is Carter and there's nothing wrong with that name, lol. So no it's okay.
What heritage does your first name imply? Umm *looks it up* Origin: Greek. Meaning: Sweet and Harmless. Aww. 4laugh
Middle name? Hugh.
Place of birth: Right where I live now, lol.
Date of birth: 16th July 88
Nationality: New Zealander
Were you named after anyone? My middle name was my Granddad's first name.
Who? ^
What side of the family does your name come from? My last name is my Dad's, and my middle name is my Mum's Dad's.
Did your parents immigrate? No they were born here.
How about your grandparents? Born here too.
Your great grandparents? One of them came to NZ from england, because I'm white. I'm part Maori (NZ Native) but you can't tell.
Where did they emmigrate from? England.
Where did they immigrate to? NZ
Skin color: White, lol pink.
What's your facial structure like? I'm a pretty! Lol, no I don't know.
Height: 5 foot 10
Happy with it? Yup!
Weight: Hmm I don't know. 140ish.
Happy with it? Yup! blaugh
How old are your parents? 45 and 44
What's your father's name? Greg
Your mother's? Helen
Do you have any siblings? Yup, 2.
How old are they? 17 and 15.
What are their names? Ben and Amelia
Do you get along with your family? Yup. =)
Do you wish they were different? No.
Were you ever abused by any member of your family? No.
Were you ever betrayed by a member of your family? No.
Did your family ever disown any other member of your family? Nope.
If so, why?
Who do you get along with most? My Mum.
Color: Green.
Month: July
Year: I don't have one? Lol.
Decade: I don't know.
Century: This one? I suppose, lol.
Millenium: Yeah.. sweatdrop
Animal: I like so many animals. So I'm just going to change this to which animal would I most like as a pet, and that is a big colourful talking parrot! biggrin
Movie: Hmm, I think 'Cars' is a really cool movie, lol. Other than that I like 'Alexander'
Book: The Bronze Horseman.
River: Any river that's clean and good for swimming in!
Lake: Same as above, lol.
Ocean: The oceans around NZ are good. 3nodding
Country: New Zealand.
City: I don't really like cities but I guess I would say christchurch or wellington.
State: Florida.
Province: I don't know?
Place to go in your neighborhood: The park near my house. smile
Person: All of my friends! heart
Relative: My Mum
Pet: My dog.
Actor: I like Samuel L Jackson, I also like Orlando Bloom, Chad Michael Murray and Heath Ledger + Jake Gyllenhaal. Oh and Colin Farell + Jared Leto. And Hugh Jackman.
Actress: Umm, I don't really have one. The girl out of Van Helsing, Anna Beckinsale.
Celebrity: Those guys listed above, lol.
Musician: I like John Mayer, Ronan Keating, Darren Hayes, Jason Mraz, Damien Rice (my name! xd ) Lots of other guys who sing like that.
Singer: Oh, answered above, lol.
Band: Breaking Benjamin, Megadeth, Judas Priest, okay there's quite a few lol.
Movie genre: Drama
Book genre: Romance
Play genre: Any play is good, lol. I like them even if the story sucks because the acting interests me.
Play: Hair
Musical: Hair is a musical. xp
Poem: I'm not sure I have one.
Writer: Paullina Simons, J.K. Rowling
Song: Lochness by Judas Priest. xd This song owns.
Sport: Rugby, Soccer
Drink: Energy drinks like red bull but I'm not allowed them because they're too sugary. whee
Food: Mexican food as long as it's not too spicy, sandwiches, salads
Brand of cereal: CHEERIOS!
Candy bar: I don't know the names, I don't eat them.
Disney princess: Umm, does snow white count? lol.
Disney prince: Robin Hood (yes he can count for this question whee )
Disney villain: Captain Hook
Disney character: Stitch from Lilo and Stitch
CD: Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction AND Megadeth - The System Has Failed. 3nodding
Director: I'm not sure.
Videogame: Castlevania, Pokemon, Harry Potter games lol, Stranger, Silent Hill, Tekken!
Computer game: Random cartoony flash games! heart
Game: Anything that's fun.
Board game: Operation!
Word game: I don't have a favourite one.
Clothing style: Damien Style. cool
Truth or dare question: Truth
Fairy tale: Rapunzel
Lullaby: I don't have one of these either.
Holiday: My birthday. 3nodding
Mythological creature: Centaurs and Minotaurs are cool looking.
Miscellaneous item: My bed. smile
Storybook character: Harry Potter
Movie character: Chihiro from Spirited Away
Play character: Not too sure.
Musical character: I don't have one.
College: Lol, I don't like any.
Football team: My favourite Rugby team is The All Blacks. American football sucks and the English call Soccer football but I don't have a favourite Soccer team, lol.
Soccer team: ^
Tennis player: Gustave Kuerten. Lol, had to google the spelling of that!
Hockey team:
Basketball team:
Baseball team:
Track star:
Vegetable: Carrot and lettuce. Thsoe questions above this: I don't have one. xd I'm so lazy.
Fruit: Apples, plums, berries.
Toothpaste brand: Colgate
Type of computer: I don't have a favourite.
Medication: Whatever makes me better! blaugh
Poison: Um, none.
Type of sword: Big pointy ones.
Type of gun: Paintball guns.
Planet: Neptune smile
Space feature: Anti-gravity
Breed of cat: Russian Blue! Google image search them they're soo cute. 4laugh
Dog: Pitbull, Bull Mastiff, bulldog. biggrin
Spider: Eww.
Fish: Clown fish!
Penguin: Aww, I love penguins. I have a penguin soft toy.
Species of crustacean: xD I like shells.
Arachnid: Eww.
Insect: Ladybug.
Pair of socks: I wore my friends purple and red stripey toe socks, lol. I just like any socks of mine.
Scooby-Doo character: None of them.
Spongebob Squarepants character: Plankton.
Quote: I don't know. Something my brother has said, he's really funny.
Adage: Wha? *googles it* Lol, wikipedia says "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
President: I don't have one.
Astrological sign: Cancer
Chinese zodiac sign: 6 February 1988 - 5 February 1989: Earth Dragon
Number: 16, 11 and 21. 3nodding
Short story: Not sure.
Word: Love. heart
Definition: # a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"
# any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for c**k fighting";
# have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"
# beloved: a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
# a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love"
# get pleasure from; "I love cooking"
# a score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love"
# be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply"
Lol. xd

Time period: I don't have one.
Dictionary brand: Oxford English
Series of books: You already asked this. See way up there when I already answered, lol.
Publishing company: Don't know.
Illustrator: I also don't know.
Artist: I'm not sure.
Childhood story: p***y Willow. A story about a cat and these funny plants.
Childhood memory: I have quite a few.
Facial expression: mad
Serial killer: o.O
Medieval torture device: o.O
Instrument: Guitar and piano.
Brand of chocolate: Toblerone
Candy: I don't have a favourite.
Brand of candy: Nope. whee
Time of day: Either the middle of the day or sunset.
Letter: D for Damien! blaugh
Inside joke: "You're such a lettuce. I want to feed you Rootblast so you grow and I can put you in my taco." xd
Joke: Heh, I don't know.
Scent: Mm, as perverted as this may sound whee boys. But I mean it in a non-sexual way. Some boys just smell so good.
Onomotapoeia: BOOM!
Alliteration: Damien Does Double Dangerous Dancing. xD I just made that up!

Your ideal Boy/Girl friend
Hair color: Blonde or brown
Hair length: Medium length
Hair style: Not short but not long, lol.
Eye color: Blue/green
Skin color: White or tanned
Any makeup? No.
Clothing style: Just how he likes to dress.
Shy or outgoing? Both. smile
Happy or depressed? Happy.
Funny or serious? He'd have to be both.
Abusive or kind? Very kind.
Respectful or perverted? Both.
Completely describe their personality: I want a guy who's great to hang out with. Someone who likes the same things as I do, and is very nice and really fun. I want him to be smart so that we can have good conversation, and I want him to have goals for the future. I want someone who is proud but isn't arrogant. Someone who would loved to be loved as much as I love it, and someone who would be with me forever. Someone who is gorgeous, but that's just a tiny detail, lol. whee
Ideal height: 5'8 - 6'0
Ideal weight: It doesn't matter, but someone around the same weight as me I suppose. Skinny guys are sexy.
Body type: Thin, athletic. I don't mind if he's not though. 3nodding
Completely describe their appearance: Any way he looks is fine with me. 3nodding
Artistic or athletic? Both.
Intellectual or unintelligent? Very intellectual.
Complex or simple? Complex.
What would their hobbies be? Videogames, music, movies and tv shows, sports, walking and running, swimming, kissing and hugging, holding hands, visiting friends, going on drives, going for picnics. Etc etc. biggrin
Interests? Yeah, the stuff I just said.
Obsessions: Being happy, spending time with me.
Would they hug you often? Mm as much as possible.
Kiss you often? Definitely.
Would they frequently tell you that they loved you? Yes. heart
Have you already found your ideal mate? No.. Apparently not.
Or as close as someone can get? I thought I had.
Are you in love? No.. sad
What will you do together? Everything I've already said.
Your ideal date: I like every day to be a date. =p
Your ideal wedding: I'm not sure. I think just me and him together on our own, somewhere outdoors, not in a church. Dressed in pretty tuxedos. smile
How many kids? Maybe about 3.
What will their names be? I don't know, heh.
What do you think they would look like? I don't mind. They'll be wonderful.
Will you even have kids? I'm not sure if I will 'have' any, but I will adopt if nothing else.
If not, why? I will. I love kids. smile
Will you even get married? Yup.
If no, why?
Are you taken or single? I don't have a boyfriend at the moment.

Least favorite color: I don't have a least favourite colour, but some look bad in combination.
Animal: Umm, things that hurt you. Like wild pigs.
Number: I don't have one.
President: We have a prime minister here.
Actor: That kid who plays Draco Malfoy on Harry Potter. *shudders*
Actress: Nicole Kidman. gonk
Director: Don't know.
Celebrity: Don't know.
Artist: Don't know.
Illustrator: Don't know.
Poet: Don't know.
Writer: Don't know.
Band: I dislike lots of bands.
Musician:Can't think of any.
Singer: Nope.
Fruit: I don't really like oranges that much.
Vegetable: Celery is so disgusting.
Candy: I don't know.
Candy bar: I don't know.
Brand of chocolate: I don't know.
Skittles flavor: Lemon.
Month: March.
Year: I don't have a least favourite year.
Time period:
Battle of the Civil War:
War: All of them? o.O Okay these questions are annoying me now so I'm going to take a nap. xd

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