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Damien's Journal
I'ma post some stuff! ^^
Here's another quiz for my journal, I had to do it as part of a contest in my guild, The Gaian Gay and Bisexual Boys Guild. ^^


Name: Damien Carter
Place of Birth: New Zealand!
Date of Birth: 16th of July, 1988
Astrological sign: Cancer
Profession: Just finished school and right now I’m unemployed, heh.
Education: Hopefully I managed to pass year 13, but I won’t find out until January!
Height: Around 5’ 10”
Weight: About 140lbs
Hair colour: Light brown
Eye colour: Blue

Although you may not have an “absolute favorite,”
answer the following questions spontatneoulsy. The best
answer will be the first thought coming to mind.

A color you like to wear: I like to wear almost any colour but I have lots of blue clothes. 3nodding
Any animal you’d like to own as a pet: I really really would like one or two of these beautiful birds. I especially like the blue and gold ones. ^^
A flower you would like to grow in your garden: Chocolate Smelling Perennials, they are so awesome. They’re like a deep red colour and they smell like chocolate, obviously. whee
Your lucky number: My lucky numbers are 11 and 21. ^^
A smell that makes you pause: I’m not too sure if it makes me pause, but I really like the smell of food cooked on a BBQ (I guess you might call that a grill if you’re not from here, lol).
A taste that makes you melt: Hmm, my favourite kind of candy is butterscotch toffees, they’re so creamy and good.. I want some right now. xD
A hobby that occupies your time: I love to swim, and it’s almost summer here, yay!
A sport you enjoy watching: I like watching rugby and tennis. =3
A sport you enjoy playing: Swimming races, although that’s not really a sport so my other favourites are tennis and volleyball. ^^
A city you like to visit: Christchurch, that’s the biggest city near where I live. I like going there for the shopping, and to look at lots of cute boys. =p The drive down is really fun too because it takes a long time.
A country you like to explore: I’ve never been outside of NZ before, but there’s lots of exploring to do here. 3nodding I haven’t been to too many places around NZ either, so I’d have lots to see.
Your favorite meal of the day: I would have to say lunch, light food is the yummiest kind.
The magazine you read most frequently: I don’t read any magazines, but my girl friends read the girly mags and make me take all of the quiz things in them, lol, they’re pretty fun.
The singer/band you listen to the most: I really don’t have a singer or band that I listen to most, I listen to lots of different music depending on what mood I’m in. I like John Mayer and Ronan Keating kind of music a lot but I also listen to bands like Judas Priest and Megadeth and I also listen to trance/dance music so you never know. ;o
A TV show you watch regularly: I have too many favourite shows, lol. I love the show LOST, I like watching reality shows like Survivor and I always watch Supernanny. xD My latest fav show is Entourage because I really like (to look at) the guy that plays Vince on there. =p
A piece of clothing you love to wear: Gotta be my board shorts, (the brown and pink ones in particular xD) I’m always wearing these or jeans. 3nodding I have like 10 different pairs of boardies.
A favorite time of the day: I like the middle of the day when it’s most hot, or sunset. They’re both good times. ;D
Your favorite place to sit at home: On my couch or my bed in my room. 3nodding I don’t like my computer chair though, it’s too hard. xD

The Things You Wear To Bed

Your watch: I don’t own a watch, which is kind of strange but the watches that I like are too expensive for me, lol.
Your cologne: I don’t have cologne either, I just smell like this nice deodorant I have, and my nice smelling shampoo, heh. ;p
Something important on your desk: Right now on my desk I have a partly finished Wasgij jigsaw puzzle, it’s awesome. I like these puzzles, you don’t know what you’re making until it’s made so you have no picture to go by while you’re doing it. They’re hard! Haha.
Something important on your night table: My lamp, without it I’d be scared at night.. I’m scared of the dark. xD
Something you hide: I don’t think that I hide anything. surprised Oh maybe some naughty videos on my computer, they’re hiding in a folder where nobody would look, haha.
Under your bed ... Under my bed is clean! I vaccummed under there the other day so the books and stuff that were under there got picked up first, heh.
In your closet ... There are clothes, old school books, old toys and boardgames. biggrin Regular stuff.. Oh I mean a big scary monster!
If you could afford it at this moment, you’d buy: My plane tickets to the states, they’re going to take me a little while to save up for though! =3 Oh and a passport. xP
Your strangest possession: A wind-up jumping p***s which my friend bought me back from her trip to Aussie. XD He is so awesome, he’s kinda top heavy though so he doesn’t hop along too well. ;o
Your most expensive possession: Hmm, my car and my computer or my laptop.. Then maybe my TV, my bikes, my robosapien (he is awesome! cool ) and my shoes. xD
Your prized possession: My teddybear, Frankie.
Material possessions are: Something to spend your money on, to keep you from being bored, lol. And it’s always nice to give and receive presents.
If your house was burning, name 3 things you’d save: Well firstly my family, then my pets, and Frankie. =D

Morals and The Principals

Something forbidden you have done: Driven a car for like 20 minutes at 2am when I didn’t even have my learners licence, to get my friend who was drunk home safely.
People should not marry before this age: 17
The appropriate age for having sex: Hmm not before about 16 or 17, or whenever you find someone you really love. <3
The first time you had sex, it was: It was good, a little awkward but still really fun.
Your most recent lie: I don’t know of any lies I’ve told, I always try to tell the truth.
What do you do me? Tell the truth, or tell white lies? I tell the truth. 3nodding
A lie you tell yourself: Hmm, that’s tricky.
Something you have stolen that wasn’t worth it: I can’t remember ever stealing anything? I can remember when I was little I found like a rolly stamp (a round one, you rolled it and it made like a pattern border thingy) on the floor in my classroom, and I thought I could have it but then it belonged to someone else so I had to give it back. xD
A person you killed in your thoughts: This girl who hurt my best friend a few years ago.. I’d never actually hurt a girl but I really hate her.
A person you’d kill in real life if you couldn’t break the law: I’d go all vigilante and punish all the rapists and murderers.
One thing in this world you’re addicted to: Hm, I’d have to say I think I’m addicted to Gaia now that I’ve been playing for a few months. xD But other than that, hanging out with and talking to David my ex.
If there won’t side effects, you’d addict to: Sex? ;D

Your Thoughts
It’s either a “yes” or “no.”
And, if you want, you can post an explanation.

The right to have an abortion: Uh.. This is a hard question for me because I HATE people who get an abortion even though they’re able to care for the baby financially and everything, the baby is just too inconvenient so they get rid of it.. But I also feel that if a girl was raped and got pregnant then she might need to have an abortion because it would be too hard to have the baby, or if there’s a girl living on the streets or something who can’t provide for her baby. I really don’t like abortion though, I think if at all possible they should adopt the baby out instead.
The right to own guns: Yes. Sometimes you need protection, I think.
The welfare system: Yes, there are people less fortunate who need this.
The death penalty: Not really.. I live in NZ and we don’t have it here, it just seems kind of wrong to me.. Even though I do think criminals should be punished, for some reason organized killing really creeps me out.
Rights and services for illegal immigrants: Well at least basic human rights, you can’t really take that away from them, but not really anything else until they go back to their own countries if they can.
Legalization of drugs: No
The practice of premarital sex: Yes
You have, to this charity: I’ve donated time and money to charities, and food as well to the spca. =3
You would choose these two famous people as your mother and father: I want the Mum and Dad that I have right now! XD Yeah, the famous people I like are the ones I think are hot and I don’t really think that I should be thinking my Dad is hot, should I? o.O
Do you think you’ve heard “I Love you” enough from your mother: Yup she says it to me about 5 times a day. <3
Do you think you’ve heard “I Love you” enough from your father: Yeah he says it too but more like once or twice a day. Hehe, my parents are wonderful.
Whom do you resemble physically: [Mother/Father] I have the same colour hair/eyes as my Dad, but I think I kinda look like both of my parents in a way.

There’s No ‘I’ In Friends

Three traits you look for in a friend: Honesty, humor, out-goingness
The friend you have known for longest time: Jared
How many years? Like 14 years, I met him when I was 4.
The friend you miss the most? David
The friend who makes you laugh often: All of my friends do, they’re all awesome.
The friend to whom you can tell anything: Well I talk to David about everything, he’s my best friend, but I can tell almost all of my friends anything cause they’re cool like that.
A friend to whom you can go for advice: Any of them, it just depends what kind of advice you want to get. xd
The best adventure you had with a friend: Man so many I can’t even think of the best one.. We roadtripped like 4 hours to go hydrosliding once, that was awesome. Same thing with snowboarding too. ;D
A friend you and flirt with: All of my friends. xD I’m just a flirty person a lot of the time.
A friend you should not flirt with as much as you do: The ones that have a boyfriend/girlfriend, lol.
A friend you would like to kiss: Jon. =o
A friend you don’t take seriously: I’m pretty sure I take all of my friends seriously, unless they’re being crazy and weird in which case I just assume they’re joking, lol.
Your mother is your friend: Yeah she’s my other best friend, hehe.
Your father is your friend: Yup he rocks.

You Egomaniac

Your best three qualities: Sense of humor, honesty, reliability
Your worst three qualities: Laziness sometimes, I get angry quickly if someone does something to someone I care about so like irrationality sometimes, and umm.. Maybe that I get upset easily and sometmes cry lots.
Three words describing how others see you: Amazing, Awesome, Wonderful. cool xD I’m just kidding.
Three words you would use to describe your ideal self: Exactly how I am but: Older, richer, inAmerica.. Lol I’m a cheater.
A special compliment that made you blush: I don’t usually blush but I like all compliments, they make me feel all warm and fuzzy. 4laugh
An insult that made you burn: I don’t know, I don’t really get insulted much. My friend Adam who is english tells me that I sound Australian which annoys me because I don’t like aussie accents, and he just does it to piss me off. XD It’s just a joke though.
The animal that best describes you: Well, clearly.
Your are embarrassed when others: I don’t usually get embarrased, I’d expect my friends to do anything, they’re all so weird, heh.
You are embarrassed when you: xd I hate it when you find something so funny that you can’t stop laughing for ages and everyone else stares at you like you’re strange, and then you try to explain it but you only get like 3 words out before you crack up laughing again. Good times. =3
The greatest amount of physical pain you endured: I broke my ankle when I was like 7 years old and I cried because it hurt. D;
The greatest amount of emotional pain you endured: When my boyfriend (at the time) had to move to the other side of the world, and I was saying goodbye to him at the bus station.. I cried like a baby the whole time and then for like 3 days after as well, that really hurt.
When discussing your career, you: Be factual, I say I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up yet. whee
When discussing your love life, you: I think I be factual, I usually quite like talking about it. ^^
When talking about you daily life, you: Be factual, even though it’s not too interesting lately.

Yes Or No.

You keep a diary. No, but I have a gaia journal. (:
You like to cook. Yes. ^^
You exercise regularly. Yup
You have read a book the past month. Yup
You replace the tiolet-paper roll immediately. Yeah, if it runs out lol.
You have a secret you never shared with anybody. No
You snore. Nope
You read in the bathroom. No
You often have people over at your house. Not often, just sometimes
You talk in your sleep. No lol
You fold your underwear. Yup
You eat fast. No, kinda slow xD
You often avoid paying full price. No, I just pay what things cost.
You like being on the phone. Yup I talk on the phone usually everyday. =3
You shave regularly. Yup, I like being smooth.
You are always late. Not usually but sometimes xD
A naked photo of you exists. ninja If he still has them, then yes. =p
You can whistle. Yup 3nodding
You often write letters. Not often
You brush your teeth three times a day. Nope twice. xD
You change your bed sheets weekly. No, I don’t think so but I don’t actually know how often, lol.
You pick your nose. Nope I just blow my nose.
You have eaten at a restaurant alone. I’ve eaten at subway by myself once because I was walking home and I felt hungry. =p
You have seen a movie alone. Not in a cinema but at home I have. ^^
You read the newspaper everyday. No, only the weekend papers.
You have made love in an airplane. No. xd
You lose control in heated arguments. A little, sometimes.
You generally save letters & postcards. I always do. (:
You have stolen money from your parents. No.
You often have the last word. Not really, no.
You enjoy being photographed. Not too much but it’s alright.
Life treats you well. Pretty much. 3nodding

Do Dreams Come True?

Your dream: I just want everyone to be happpy. =3
Your hope: At the moment, I hope that I’ve passed school, I hope that I can get a job which pays well and I hope getting a visa will be easier than I think it will be. xD
You wish you had been born into a different race: No.
...A different religion: I’ve not been born into any religion.
...The opposite sex: Lol no I love being a guy.
You’d retire at this age: Once my kids grow up and move out and I’ve saved lots of money, heh.
Someone’s diary you’d love to read: David’s (although I don’t think he has one, lol) or my other friend’s, they would be funny and interesting. xD

The answer is ‘You did,’ ‘you would,’ or ‘you would not’

Pet A Snake: I would.. If someone held it’s head away from me.
Spending week in empty room: I would not, if I could avoid it.
Ride in a hot-air balloon: I would! ^^
Sky dive: I would not
Sing in front of a huge audience: I would.. Maybe.
Swim across Amazon River: I would not, I’d be scared of crocodiles lol.
Disappear for a long period of time: I would not.
Join a space mission: I would not.
Call off your wedding: I would not
Walk naked through NYC 10 minutes at rush hour: Haha yeah I would do that.
Disarm a bomb: I would not, I don’t know how!
Go on tour with Elvis Presley: I would. 3nodding

Cat And Mouse

You’re more comfortable: In a group or me and one other person.
When you see a new person, you... I introduce myself. ^^
When attracted to someone, you like to be... Cat
Most romantic experience: There have been so many, I’ll just say all of my dates with David and the nights we spent together. smile
Largest age difference in a relationship: 2.5 years
Who was younger? I was
Your friends tend to be... I have about the same amount of girl and guy friends, and they’re all around the same age as me. xD

The Final Quiz

Your sexiest feature: Ummm, I think my chest and arms but people tend to like my abs lots, lol.
The physical feature you’re most complicated: I don’t know what this question means, lol I don’t think anything on my body is complicated though.
A place where you wanted to make love: In a bedroom when I was at a dinner party with my friends at a house my friend was looking after for her boss. =x
The weirdest place you made love: I haven’t really done it any weird places, unless you count outside but that wasn’t too weird, lol.
A special place on your body when touched, makes you feel good: Well aside from the obvious place ( whee ) I really like it when my hips and tummy are touched by someone standing behind me.
An unfulfilled sexual fantasy: Hmm, I wanna tie my boyfriend up and do naughty things to him. =p (who wrote these questions? Lol)
A fulfilled sexual fantasy: Sex on a beach.
Most perverted situation you’ve been in: I once walked in on a threesome. xd I still wonder how they managed to be so quiet.
Approximate number of sexual partners: 50+ cool
xD No, 10.

You wish you had slept with: Lower
The largest age different between you and sexual partner: 2.5 years
Who was younger? Me. ^^
First time achieving orgasm: Um, when I was little. xD
Person regret: I don’t really regret it, I’d just rather not talk about it.
Person regret not sleeping with: Nobody, lol.
You feel most attractive when... I’m naked and either swimming or in the shower. smile
Sex is... As long as you’re ready and with someone you love then sex is really great.


The one thing you wish you could do to change the world. [Please explain.]
I’m not sure how I could change anything to achieve this but I wish there was more love in the world! And I wish everyone could be more tolerant and considerate of others.

Darn this thing was long! I probably wrote far too much, I hope you all didn’t read alll of this. You need lives! ^^ Just kidding. <33

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Baby Vomit
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 08:45pm
heart ninja heart

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 23, 2006 @ 10:21am
I love reading these quiz thingys!
I'm Cancer too! :0

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