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Damien's Journal
I'ma post some stuff! ^^
Quiz Page 1
What time are you starting this quiz? 11:54pm
Do you like quizzes? Yes, yes I do.
What is your age? 18
What is your gender? Male! blaugh
What is your ethnic group? NZ European.
What is your Location? South Island, New Zealand
What is your Eye color? Blue!
What is your IQ? I'm not sure, but I consider myself a reasonably smart boy. 3nodding
What are / were your normal school grades? A. xD In NZ grades on assignments get NA, A, M, E. (from fail to excellence) I get A's because A M and E get you the same amount of credits, but you do lots less work to get A's.
Do / Did you like school? No, I don't really like it. But I have to go if I want to make any money later in life, heh.
What grade are you in? I'm in year 13, the last/optional year of high school.
Are you in college? In NZ, college is the same thing as high school. So yeah, my school name has 'college' in it, but I'm not telling you what my school's name is. whee
Will you be honest about this question, and ALL of the questions? I'm always honest.
What is your favorite TV show? Lost
Cartoon? Batman and Spiderman, the new ones.
Would you download porn? Yes, and I do. 4laugh
Would you download music? Yup, do that too.
Would you hack someone? Nobody has anything on their computer that makes it worthwhile for me to hack..?
Do you hack? See above, then gather your own conclusions, lol.
Do you know where you are? In mah room! blaugh
Do you like this quiz so far? Yes but I know it's going to keep me out of bed way too long. xD
Do you have YIM? Nopies.
Do you know what YIM is? Yahoo Instant Messager
Do you like The Sims or The Sims 2? Yeah, a bit. I don't really play them though.
What kind of shoes do you have? Etnies skate shoes at the moment. Ones like the ones in my pic. *points to sig*
Sneakers or Sandals? Either shoes or barefeet. 3nodding
Do you call it... Soda Pop, Coke, The name of the drink, Pop, Fizzy Water? We call it "fizzy drink" here but if it's a name brand like coke then we call it coke.
Would you drink? Yes, if I didn't drink I would dehydrate and die! gonk
...Underage? Lol, I'm assuming this means alcohol, in which case yeah, I did drink quite a bit when I was under 18. (18 is the legal age here)
Are you a vegetarian? No but I do eat a lot more vegetables than I do meats.
Are you a healthy person? Yeah I'm a bit obsessed with being healthy, lol.
Do you excercise often? Yup, whenever I go outside. I like running and swimming as well as team sports.
do yuo typo ofetn/ Haha, no not really. blaugh
Could you read that? Yeah, of course I could. xd
When did you last look at the sky? I haven't for a while, it's been raining lately and all grey.
When did you last go outside? Earlier today.
When did you last eat a banana? At the moment we have these huge MASSIVE bananas in my fruit bowl, I'm like, scared of them. Lol I just don't feel like that much banana at once.
When did you last scream at your parents? Um when I was like 10 or something. Screaming is for immature people.
Are you a daredevil? Sometimes, lol, other times I'm a wimp.
Do you hate the south? I live in the South Island, so no. xD
Do you hate the North? No, I don't have a reason to hate the North. o.O
Are you religious? Certainly not.
Do you think I'll judge you based on your answers? You won't see my answers! >.<
Are you a blonde? I was when I was little, now my hair is light brown.
Are you a dumb blonde? xp No!
Do you type in perfect sentences? As much as I can.
or do u tyep like this lol Ack. xD No but I do say 'lol' quite a lot.
0R wOr$3 DO U 7Yp3 lIk3 t#!$?????!/1/1/1/1 No, but I can. cool
Do you judge those that type like that? I hate it when people type 'u' for 'you' and etc. But 1337 doesn't bother me.
Do you judge people? I don't know?
Do you make fun of people? No, not really.
Are you planning on taking over the world? I'm a serious person normally, I don't like bullshit about taking over the world, lol.
Have you taken over the world? -.-
Are you in shape? Yupyup. *points to his abs and muscles* 4laugh
Are you fat? No.
Would it be all over if you get fat? I'd have to try really hard to get fat, and then I'd just lose the weight without even trying, lol. My body is good like that.
Is it all about American Idol? Um, no.
Do you like American Idol? No.
Do you want to kill your neighbor? Nope, I live around a bunch of old people.
What is your favorite kind of clothing? Umm, stuff. I don't have anything in particular, lol. Jeans, shorts, t-shirts, hoodies.
When did you last run around? A few days ago we ran up some random man made hills. whee
Do you cry often? Yeah, pretty much. I cry over little things, especially when it comes to guys and relationships.
When did you last prank your neighbors? I've never done that? surprised
Would you prank your neighbors? No, who would prank poor old people? Lol.
Would you rather party, or be alone? There's a time for both.
Are you friendly and have friends? Or all alone and misunderstood? I have quite a few friends, more offline than online.
Or just hate people? I hate fundamental christians, (I'm just gonna delete this last part of my answer, just reading over this I found it to be kind of assish of me.)
Are you racist? Nah not seriously, I have no problem with people from other countries.
Homophobic? I'm gay.
Stereotypical? *hates stereotypes* Omg, when people are like "I'm emo!" I just wanna smack them in the face.
Do you hate the above? xD
Do you just lick the filling off of Oreos? I don't eat oreos, they're bad for me! whee
Do you think Pokemon is about the dumbest thing ever? ******** no, I love Pokemon! I used to be soo obsessed with it when I was about 12.
Do you think Pokemon is about the coolest thing ever? It is. 3nodding
What is your sexual orientation? I like boys. heart
Do you dress or act certain way to fit in? Nope, I fit in just how I am.
Do you think this is stupid? Nah, lol. It's cool.
Have you ever been chased by the police? No, but some people I was with were. I just stood there and the police ran past me. xD
Type your name with your eyes closed. Damien. I never ever look at the keys when I'm typing! blaugh
Do you have pop ups blocked? Yeah firefox does it automatically.
Do you have a friend name Kelly? Nope. I have a friend with the last name Kelley though.
What is your favorite Shampoo? Oh man, I have so many different kinds of shampoo in my bathroom. Hmm, I can't even spell it. Schwarzkopf. 3nodding
Conditioner? Teh same.
Who are you obsessed with? Hmm, nobody at the moment.
Do you have any obsessions? Yup!
If so what? My computer, my body, my boyfriend (when I have one), Love, hugs and kisses.
Are you addicted to any drugs? No, I don't do drugs.
If so what? -
Are you addicted to caffeiene? Nope, don't drink coffee.
Do you consider yourself good looking? Yeah, I guess so. I know I've had some really cute boyfriends so I guess that means I look okay.
Do you have self confidence? In a way, yes. But I don't want to be arrogant and cocky because that's a major peeve for most people.
...Too much self confidence? No.
Do you have low self esteem? Lol, no.
High self esteem? Yeah I would say so.
WAY TOO MUCH self esteem? ... Repeating questions, lol. No.
When did you last eat an apple? Earlier today.
What color was it? Like, red and yellow.
Do you have a laptop or desktop? Both.
Are you on your OWN computer? Yep, my desktop pc.
Are you old enough for a job? Yeah I am 18.
Do you have one if you're old enough? No, I go to school.
Are you to lazy to get one? No. I'ma get one soon, so that they're not all taken when school finishes in November.
What kind of music do you like? Rock mostly.
What is your favorite band? Breaking Benjamin, Megadeth
What is a band you HATE? Umm, I don't know. Atomic Kitten. XD
Name a random person you know in real life. My Mum. o.o
Name a random person you know from online. xD Juan a hispanic guy.
Name a random word. Sparkle.
What are you doing? Sitting, listening to music and typing this quiz.
Whats on your mind? "My a** hurts from this chair." xD "Damn I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, and it's already 12:30" lol.
Do you watch south park? No, not really. I've seen it but it's not that great, imo.
Do you know any wEirD people? Everyone's weird.
Are you weird? Yup.
Are you daring? It depends on the situation. Sometimes I am and other times I hide behind people. xd
Are you sane? Yep I think so.
Do you have any pets? Yup. A dog, 2 cats, 2 young cats (or old kittens, lol) and 4 newborn kittens. As well as 5 birds and 2 goldfish.
Have you ever been to a karaoke bar? No, I don't think there's any near where I live, lol.
Do you know Martial Arts? Nope but I know a few stretches that I do come from some kind of martial art.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah.. I do.
Do you believe in miracles? No.
Do you like our president? Don't assume I'm from America! xD
Is George W. Bush your president? No.
Would you kill someone? Yeah, if they were going to (or if they already did) hurt somebody I love.
Are you home alone? No, but everyone's asleep.
Would you love someone? I love to love.
Are you in love? No, not anymore.. And I so wish I was.
Is it going to work out? Hopefully.
Are you married? Nope, but plan on being married one day.
Are you keeping in mind to be honest? Once again, always honest! 4laugh
Are you afraid? Often.
Would you kiss someone of the same gender? I am gay, I wouldn't kiss a girl.
Are you a virgin? No.
Do you like food? Yep it's pretty good I guess. whee
Name a song you can relate too. Daniel Beddingfield - Never gonna leave your side.

Name a fun song! The macarena!
Can you sing? Yeah, I sing only to people in private. My boyfriend used to like it when I sang to him..
Name another person you hate. Um, hitler?
What color are the walls of the room you are in? White and green.
What color are the floors of the room you are in? Green.
Is someone mad at you? No, I don't think so. I always try really hard to fix things when people are mad at me.
Do you ever get mad at someone often that is your friend? I'm not an angry person.
Are you toxic? XD WTF?
Are you spicy? Okay, this is weird. Um, I'd be spicy if I put peppers all over me.
Have you ever dyed your hair? No.
Do you highly care about what those who aren't your friend's care about you? No? I'm not sure what that question just asked, lol, but I don't normally mind what people think of me. The only exception is I like to be well mannered around adults so that they don't think I'm rude.
Do you love yourself? Yes, there isn't much I would change.
Did you take that the wrong way? xD Uh I love myself in that way too.
Do you take everything the wrong way? No, lol. *begin cute and innocent act*
Do you have an optical or standard mouse? Mine broke, so right now I'm using a ball mouse. So annoying! gonk
Do you remember the last time you had jelly beans? No, they were giving them out at the thing after my Gran's funeral though.
Have you ever been on a game show? Lol, no.
Ever been on TV? Well, only in AV class when we recorded stuff.
Ever been out of your house? o.O My house has an outside?! xD No, I like being outside.
Ever met a celebrity? I was on a plane with a whole famous rugby team, if that counts.
Name someone you love. My brother and my sister.
What are you wearing? Just a pair of pj pants.
Do you have pride in anything that other people would judge you for? I don't know what that means, once again, it's 1am. xp Umm I try to have pride in everything I do.
Would you support gay marriage? Of course.
Would you not mind? I'm getting married when I'm older.
Would you strongly oppose gay marriage? I don't think any gay person would strongly oppose gay marriage. whee
Did you vote for Bush, Kerry, Nader, or not at all? Once again, not an American. stressed
Are you in my closet? In a way. ninja
Are you an awkward person? Nah, I'm not.
Are you stupid? Nope.

Yes or no?
War I'd like to say no, but that would be ignorant.
Peace Definitely, when possible.
Love Of course! Love is what makes the world go around.
Sex Yes, I do enjoy sex.
Suicide No, I don't think suicide is the answer.
Partying There's a time and place. As long as you don't over do it and die or something.
Homosexuality *is gay* How many times do I have to say that? I think this quiz writer is really into gay people or something. xD
Bisexuality I don't see why not. But I don't really understand it.
Heterosexuality How can you be against that? Lol, almost everyone is heterosexual.
Dancing? *dances* Yay!
Food! You already asked this! whee
Anorexia Is a disease, of course that's a no from me. They just need help to get better.
Evanescence The band? Sure, but Amylee is a poser.
Green Day? Pink day!
Your life? Interesting, and fun. I quite like being me. smile
Religion? No. Religion causes wars, riots, hatred, death.
Athiesm? Quite clearly I don't believe in god.
Making fun of others? It's not nice.
Shop often? Love to shop!
Love often? Love it. heart heart
Been divorced? Haha, nope. I never will be. surprised
Want a divorce? I'm not married lol.
Cheat on someone who thinks you are their soulmate? I've never cheated on anybody and I never will.
Have good morals? Yes.

Are you...
Someone who loves animals? Hehe, yes!
Someone who is for abortion? No, if you can't keep the baby, consider adoption.
Someone who is for legalization of drugs? No.
Someone who sits around all day? Some days haha. I love being lazy sometimes.
Someone who spends 8+ hours on their computer? Yup I do spend a lot of time on here.
Someone who has a life? Yep I have a good life.
Someone who has a cell phone? Yeah but I don't like it. It's a money waster. 3nodding
Someone who is secretly in love with a friend? I like one of my friends, hehe. <3
Someone who believes in magic? No but harry potter is cool.
Someone who believes everything happens for a reason? No, not really. Sometimes I say that to cheer my friends up, but I'm not really convinced.
Someone who believes in life after death? No, not "life" after death. I'm not sure what I believe, but those psychic people can talk to dead people, maybe. I want someone to prove that to me one day, that would be interesting.
Someone who believes in creation of the universe? It was created, otherwise how does it exist? Lol, I don't believe in god at all. I'm a science/intellectual person.
Someone who is prejudice against races, religions, etc? Not against races, but I dislike christians.
Someone who is fun! Yup! blaugh
Someone who likes Spongebob? Not really, it's for younger people.
Someone who wants to have a good time? Indeed!
Someone who believes in romanticism? Aww, of course!

What brand are / is....
Your atheletic Shoes? Nike
Your casual Shoes? Etnies
Your dress shoes? Rugged Shark
Your sandals? I don't have any sandals, only jandals! blaugh
Your car? Mazda Familia
Most of your clothes? Lots of different brands
Your favorite kind of soda? Soda is very bad for you!
The drink you drink most of? Water

What kind of books do you like? Romantic novels
What is your favorite series of books? The Bronze Horseman series by Paullina Simons. A story about a young girl and a captain in the red army, set in Russia in WW2, and there are 2 other books which follow on from it.
Do you drink Orange Juice? Yup I do.
What is your favorite brand of Orange juice? Charlies 100% pure squeezed with extra pulp.
Are you a sibling? Yeah, 1 brother and 1 sister.
Are you the younger / older / same age? I'm the oldest.
Are you a twin? Nope.
Would you watch a horror movie? Yeah but I get scared and have to hide. I got a real big fright when I was watching signs and I started crying and my boyfriend had to turn it off and cuddle me until I was better. xd True story.
Does your ear itch? No but my shoulder does
Does your head ache? Nope and I have really loud music on at the moment.
Have you taken any breaks during this quiz? Not so far but I think I have to go to sleep soon!
Can you type fast? Yes, I type really fast. My hands are like spiders lol.
Dooo yoooou tyyyyyyyyyype sloooooooow? Nooooo.
Was that annoying? Nope. smile
What kind of computer do you have? An okay computer. I won't go into the specs. xD And no it doesn't have a brand because I assembled it from parts.
Are you wearing socks? Yes.
Would you feel awkward around a satanist? No, I wouldn't think he was very smart though. People with high IQ's don't generally become satanists.
Would you feel awkward around a christian? I have friends who are christians. I just can't stand them when they talk about religion, but if they're just being normal then they're fine.
Would you feel awkward around an athiest? I am an atheist.
Would you feel awkward around anyone? Nope, not even if I was naked in a crowded area, lol.
What is the weather like RIGHT now? I don't know. Dark outside.
When did you last bleed? The other day, my cat scratched my hand.
Do you have braces? No.
Do you wear contacts? No.
Do you wear glasses? No. emo <-- he does
If so.. To see? To see far away? To read? lalalala
When did you last go to school? Day before yesterday.
When did you last hug someone? September 8th, the day my boyfriend left.
Who was it? My boyfriend. Now ex.
Are you bootylicious? I'm pretty slim, lol, tiny bum.
Are you mature? Yeah, but I act like a kid too.
Are you immature? No.
Do you like to party? I party sometimes, but I don't go overboard like some people do.
What is a turn on? Omg, don't get me started. xD I think the biggest turn on for me is a boy's smile, and gentle touch.
What is a turn off? Agressive guys.
Are you aroused by kitchen appliances? I tried to hump the toaster and it sparked at me. sad
Do you have language problem? Does it appear so? xd
What's zee quiz like so far? Fun, but it's making my fingers hurt from so much typing, lol.
How's life? Pretty good. I know one thing which would make it 100 times better though.
What is your hairstyle? It's quite short at the moment.
How does your hair look right now? Umm, light brown, short and kinda messy. =p
Do you have clear skin? Yeah I'ma sexy boy. whee
Are you flawless? Pfft, no. Nobody is.
...Are you lying? No! mad
Do you realize that at least one person loves you? Well of course my family does, lol. And my friends love me like a friend.
Do you love someone so much you would die for them? ********, it's scary how far I would go.
If you would die tomorrow, what would you do today? Write. Write pages and pages of things for each and every person I know to read and have to comfort them after I was gone.
Do you live like everyday is your last day? No, because I'm a mathematic person as well as being scientific and intellectual. XD Which means I know I won't die tomorrow, because it is very very statistically unlikely. smile
What time is it? 1:26am
Do you savor every second after work / school? No, but I can't wait for school to be over!
Do you savor every second of life? WTF do you think? xd I've just wasted like an hour filling out this silly quiz.
Name something TOTALLY free. Birds.
Hahaha! Were you breathing automatically? HAHA YES?
Now that I mentioned it, are you having to breathe on your own? No, for some reason I always breathe. I think it's so I don't die.
If you looked to your left, what would you see? A wall and part of a window and some curtain.
What do you love? Love! I love kisses and cuddles and spending time with eachother and holding hands and sharing food and feeling absolutely euphoric.
What don't you love? Cruelty.
When did you last write something with a pen? Tonight I wrote down what I wanted on my sub.
Have you ever been on stage? Yeah not lately though.
Are you married? This is another repeat question! xd No I am not.
Do you ever want to get married? Yes, very much.
When did you last dance? I dance every day, lol.
Do you like the rain? If I'm inside, then yes. But not if I have somewhere to go, because then it makes me cold. Swimming outdoors in the rain is nice though, I do that a lot.
Are you having a good day? Yeah, it's been pretty good.
Do you have an extensive collection of music on your computer? No actually I don't have anything compared to my friend. He has like 8 days of continuous music on his playlist.
Do you like prank phone calls? No, they're for kids.
Ever prank phone call the police? Omg, you would have to be an idiot to do that, lol.
Ever streak? xD No but I would if I knew I could get away with it.
Ever Skinny dip? Yes, and I've had countless naked spas with my ex, I have no problem with being naked, lol.
Do you take showers, baths, or jump in the creek? Showers and baths.
Everyday? Nope, not everday. Some days I can't be bothered and I don't shower when I have a really bad cold. I hate that. whee
On the weekend? Yeah almost every day.
When did you last brush your teeth? About 3 hours ago?
What time is it now? 1:33am
When did you last kick a ball? Oh, a few months ago now.
When did you last hurt someone? I try very hard not to hurt people.
Physically? I'd only physically hurt somebody if it was neccessary.
Emotionally? sad I don't want to comment.
Have you ever killed someone? No.
Are you pissed off? No! scream
When did you last cough? I don't know.
When were you last sick? Hmm, not since like 3 months ago.
Are you a cancer survivor? No.
When did you last listen to music? I am right now. biggrin
What did you listen to? The Killers
Do you live life to the fullest? Repeating questions again! Lol, no.
Do you know someone who has taken their own lives? No.
Are you a thief, a whore, or a liar? I'm none of those things.
Type your favorite song lyric. Umm I can't think of one right now with this loud music in my ears, lol.
Do you love clouds? Mm they're pretty funky.
When did it last snow? It's probably snowing right now, somewhere in the world. xp It doesn't snow where I live.
When did you last go to the beach? Earlier this month.
Have you ever kissed someone? Yes, I like kissing.
How did you kiss them? Slowly and lovingly. The way I always kiss. heart
Are you EXTREME?! OH ******** YEAH DUDE!
What is your favorite pasttime? Watching movies with my boyfriend. smile
Day or Night? Day and night, I can't decide lol.
Name something refreshing. Swimming on a hot day.

I'm off to bed, I'll finish the rest of these tomorrow!

Heh, back. cool It's now 12:17pm the next day, lol.

What entices you? Hmm, I'm not too sure what to say for this one.
Have you ever broken a bone? Yeah, my arm and my ankle at two different times.
What are you afraid of? The dark. xd Aliens and stuff like caving. I did that before and it was all cramped and there were these huge bugs called wetas everywhere and I hated it.
Who is your favorite online friend? All of them! blaugh
Who is your best friend in real life? Jaz (aka Jared)
Do you own an Ipod? Nope, they're well overpriced for what other mp3 players can do for less. =p
What is your parents name? Mum and Dad.
What is the NAME of your street? Quail. And it's not a street, it's a Place. whee
Do you want to go somewhere over the rainbow? I want to slide down it like a slide. 4laugh
Have you ever been to Disney World / Land? No, they're too far away. I have been to Rainbow's End though, that's a theme park in Auckland NZ.
What's the best advice anyone has every given you? Be yourself, don't take s**t from anyone.
What is your life goal? Make some money, meet a great guy and get married, adopt some babies, live in a nice house and make my families lives really good.
Love or Hate? heart
Do you like life? I do like it.
Are you popular? I have quite a few friends but I don't consider myself popular. Everyone in my year is well known because we all hang out together so it's pretty even when it comes to popularity.
...Amongst weird people? Lol, I suppose weird people like me.
How do you dress? Um, normally? sweatdrop I just dress however unless I'm going somewhere nice and then I dress up and make my hair all pretty and stuff. =p
How do you do?! I do great!
What is your favorite color? Green of course! blaugh
Do you dress in Dark / Light colors? Both light and dark. I have lots of different clothes and lots of different colours.

Are / Do your parents..
Nice? Yep.
Baby you? No, lol. I'm 18.
Misunderstand you? Nah they're cool with me.
Judge you? No, I do everything right by their standards.
Give you everything? They give me a lot of things, like food and clothes and presents.
Think you haven't grown up yet? I think they've thought of me as grown up since I was about 14 or so.
Are they Married? Yeah.
Divorced? No.
Fighting? No.
On good terms? Yup.
Rich? Um, no not rich but not poor.
Poor? ^
Employed? Yep they are.
Unemployed? No they're not. xD Some of these questions are dumb.
Make dinner every night? They make dinner most nights yup.
Make you order pizza? We aren't usually allowed unhealthy food for dinner but sometimes we get to have pizza if it's like, someones birthday. I don't really like pizza though.
Go shopping with you? Yeah me and my Mum go shopping for clothes and she pays for them for me! smile

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