Happy Fun Time Killing Spree |
Dude, Gaia's lagging like a b***h today!
Dream I had last night:
Dad's all like, "Hey [bk], HIM and Lacuna Coil are playing together in Florida! Let's go see em!" And I'm like, "Flipping sweet! Let's go!" And my mother (I have no clue why she's with us) is like, "Be careful, there's going to be showers in Florida today." But we just shrug it off and arrive in Florida in a record 6 seconds. (I love dream physics, don't you?) And we' get to the show and there's barely anyone there yet, and Christina Scabbia and Ville Valo are actually rehersing together. And Dad decides he wants to go speak to them and I'm like, "Um ok, if they want to." And they actually start talking to us. So Christina's flirting with my Dad, (before you go, "EEEW!!!" you should know that my Dad is actually a rather atractive man.) and he borrows someone's guitar and starts showing off. Then he hands the guitar to me and suddenly I know how to play. (Yes, I really do love dream physics. And I start playing a Lacuna Coil song that I forget the name of, and then Christina starts singing along and I'm thinking, "Holy s**t, this is sooo ******** awesome! whee " Then Ozzy shows up from no where. Suddenly this flood just starts happening and everyones running around trying not to drown. When all the flooding stops, Beck comes up to me (once again, showing up from no where, and on top of that I don't even listen to Beck.) and he tells me that Christina, Ville, and Ozzy drowned. And I'm walking around all bummed out cuz Christina was really nice to us, then later in the dream Christina walks up to me, with the rest of the band, all happy and and asking me if my dad and I are alright and I'm like, "Yeah, we're good. I take it Valo and Ozzy didn't really drown either." And she's like, "No, I don't think so." When suddenly, Beck pops out with a machine gun and starts shooting at the band and, they're getting hit but no one's dying. ( Christinas even gets an arm shot off ) and I'm screaming, "WHAT THE ******** IS THE MATTER WITH YOU????" scream Then, Beck run's out of bullets. Christina starts laughing her a** off, then she and the rest of the band rush Beck and start eating him like they were zombies.
Then all I remember is being at a hotel that had cats in all the rooms, System of the Down and Jeordie White inspecting the bathrooms, and me having to carry all the cats out of our room cuz, Dad's illergic.
TheWitchGotRobin · Fri Oct 20, 2006 @ 12:38am · 1 Comments |