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chocochip Journal for friends to check up on me...what I'm doin... my Gaia online problems...frustrations.

Community Member
sleepy yet awake..anxious & nervous
I got my hair done today...chopped a lot of it off...colored it red....brown...brown...& brown smile . it looks good I think... smile I'll take pictures in vegas of the "new me". I just got done organizing some business things and I'm totally exhausted...yet I want to watch a movie or something. Me & brea have watched failure to launch,devils advocate, akeelah & the bee & she's the man at least 3 times each these past two days...exciting huh? biggrin I'm nervous about going to vegas today (we leave tonight) I still have to pack...shop...pack...& I don't know what to wear....not to sound "all in myself" but we always look good every year in vegas (at the trade show)..it's just hard topping trips.especially first impressions with clients..if you do something embarrassing or wrong it totally kills the whole trip. I'm gambling the first time this year (legally) biggrin wish me luck on winning the "jackpot" I'm gonna play for a car...seriously after playing slots here on gaia (shh this doesn't leave the journal) I'm scared with real money...auntie & unkie are giving me some sweet moolah to play for my birthday ::moonwalks:: yea...I'm pretty anxious to leave this town....blah so much work to get done before I leave...starting with sleep ::snores:: biggrin -Leesy

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