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Mai-chan's Special Journal of Random Thoughts, and Fanfictions! This Journal is going to be filled with stuf that happened at school, home, and those levels in certain video games that annoy me out of my mind. Well, enjoy!

Mai Harada
Community Member
Love in Feudal Times Chapter 14
Okay, here it is! The long awaited Chapter 14! It's super long, so that's why I took so long to actually write it! Anyway, here it is!

Chapter 14

The First Attempt

Everyone was back on the pass to Castle Town before they knew it...

"It's about time," Inuyasha said stretching his arms up into the air, "I mean if Miroku didn't have to be Super Monk, then we would have probably gotten out of there faster,"

Miroku stuck his nose in the air, "Well, Inuyasha, I don't see you protecting a young woman from danger," he said.

"Oh, he has," laughed Kagome and Shippo. They began to hum their sing-song from the Akebi Village in unison.

"SHUT UP!" shouted Inuyasha at them.

Sango and Aya laughed as the bustling of people was heard far off.

Aya stopped, "Wait, guys," she said.

Everyone stopped and looked at her.

Inuyasha sighed, "What is it now, Aya?" he asked.

"I hear Castle Town," she said straining to hear.

"Come to think of it," Shippo said perking his pointed ears, "I can hear it too,"

"That's odd," Kagome said, "I can't hear it,"

"Neither can I," Sango added.

"Yes, I don't hear anything either," Miroku said.

"I kind of hear it now too," Inuyasha said, "Yeah, after you pointed that out,"

"Well, let's go," Aya said. She took the lead and they walked by two's: Inuyasha with Aya holding Shippo in the front, Sango and Kagome, following, and Miroku in the back looking for the right opportunity to reach out for Sango.

Finally, Castle Town was reached. The town was busy with people, scurrying about and merchants on the streets selling all kinds of herbs and elixirs. Buildings were high above the ground, close to touching the sky. The chatter was loud and the children were running about with their parents to get the best deals on items.

"Oh wow!" exclaimed Aya, "This is incredible!" she said looking up at the buildings, "And I thought Kasasagi Town was amazing,"

"It's about time as well. I need a bath," Kagome said with a smile. She turned her back to her friends and stretched.

"Me too," Aya added.

"Why do you need one of those?" asked Inuyasha, "You smell fine," he approached Aya and put his nose on her neck, taking a few quick sniffs. Liking her smell, he continued, pushing into her a bit. He put his hands on her shoulders and tried to get closer, resulting in the light pushing. Inuyasha's eyes were half-closed and once her realized how close to Aya he was, he blushed. Then, he stopped taking in her scent and nuzzled her chin, pretending to be smelling her.

Aya just stood there, frozen. She shivered and put her hands on Inuyasha's arms.

"Cut it out, Inuyasha," Shippo said annoyed.

Inuyasha didn't reply and continued. As he pushed Aya's chin up lovingly, he roused a little growl from his throat as if Aya were his territory.

"I wish I could get that close to a girl," Miroku said hanging his head, secretly reaching behind Sango.

Sango wailed and smacked Miroku, blushing.

Kagome turned back around at the sound of the voices. She gasped at Inuyasha. "SIT! SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT! Stupid Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed.

Inuyasha let go of Aya to spare her, before he went falling to the ground: WHAM! WHAM, WHAM, WHAM, WHAM, WHAM! "Ow...." he muttered, face first in the dirt.

"Let's go to the castle," Sango said walking up ahead still blushing.

The girls and Shippo moved on ahead.

"You know, Inuyasha. If you ask me," Miroku said as Inuyasha picked himself up, "That wasn't smart,"

"Shut......up..." Inuyasha growled slowly between his teeth.

* * *

They moved to the next street to see a young boy standing with a pin-wheel in his hand.

"Why is the castle so far away?" asked Aya after a while as they passed the inn and the boy with the pin-wheel.

"Wait!" cried the boy.

Aya stopped, while everyone continued to go. She looked at the boy as he ran to her. Aya squatted down as he came.

"You're going to the castle?" asked the small boy.

"Yes, why?" asked Aya with a smile to the boy.

"Hey, stop whining, Aya," Inuyasha said as Aya replied to the boy. He didn't see her stop and looked around, "Aya? Aya! We lost her already?! Come on!" he shouted angrily gripping his hair. “It's only been a few minutes!"

"Inuyasha, relax," Kagome said sighing, "She has a new friend is all," She pointed to Aya.

The small boy handed Aya a pinwheel, "Can you give this to my sister? She's called Otoki. She works in the castle and I miss her," he said.

Aya took the blue pin-wheel in her hand and smiled, "Of course," she said.

The boy smiled and embraced Aya, "Thank you so much!"

Inuyasha stormed over, and seized Aya by her uniform and pulled her to her feet, "Don't walk off like that! You scared me half-to-death!" he said.

Aya waved to the boy as Inuyasha dragged her off.

"If we're going to the castle, you can't walk off!" Inuyasha continued.

"Wait! Young sir!" a woman called. She raced out from the inn, "You claim you are going to the castle?" she asked Inuyasha quickly.

Inuyasha stopped and let go of Aya, "So what if we are?" he asked.

3 other young women emerged from the inn.

Miroku went for them, but Kagome grabbed his robe, stopping him in his tracks.

"We are the wives of the samurai," they said in unison.

"Our husbands," said one, "have gone to protect the castle from evil forces and have not returned,"

"Yes, and we have food to bring to them," said another, "But we cannot go,"

"We'll take it for you," Sango said.

"Thank you so much," the first woman said, "Please give this to my husband Yukimura," She handed Sango a bentou box.

Soon, everyone held an item from someone to deliver to the castle.

"Thank you," said the second woman, "Please send them our love and hope,"

"Of course," Miroku replied.

"Hold up, mother," a voice came. A young boy, about age 17 exited the inn, "I wish to give this to the blonde girl," he said. He had messy black hair and glowing blue eyes, "Aya, your name is?" he asked looking at Aya.

Aya squealed in delight, "Yes," she said approaching him with a smile, "And you are?" she asked.

"Haruko," he replied, "Akasaka Haruko," His voice, soft, shy and sweet.

"Kururugi Ayame," Aya said, "You said you had something for me?"

"Yes," Haruko replied. He handed Aya a black kimono with gold trimming and a dragon across the chest.

Aya gasped, "Oh wow," she breathed, "It's beautiful!"

"I--I made it myself," he said, "I thought to give it to the first woman brave enough to enter the castle. Please return, Aya,"

"That's very sweet of you," Aya said smiling, "Thank you. It's gorgeous,"

Inuyasha stood behind her, mocking her every word, silently with a scowl.

"Now, now, Haruko," said Mrs. Akasaka, "Let' them go to the castle,"

"B-bye, Aya," Haruko said waving to Aya.

Sango, dragging Miroku from the women, Inuyasha, dragging Aya from Haruko, and Kagome, simply carrying Shippo walked off into the town.

Soon, the girls were in the back as the guys led to the castle down the crowded street towards the castle.

"He was really sweet," Kagome said feeling the fabric of the cloth.

"What a sweetheart," Aya cooed, "I can't believe he gave me this kimono at random. Oh, it's too beautiful,"

"Why don't you try it on?" asked Sango, "It'll give Inuyasha a run for his money,"

Aya, Sango, and Kagome laughed quietly.

Inuyasha turned, "Are you talking about me?!" he shouted angrily.

The girls looked up at him, still giggling.

"Erm, no," replied Aya, "But I was planning on trying this thing on, do you guys mind?" she asked.

"Of course I--" Inuyasha started.

Miroku hit him in the stomach and cut him off, "--not at all, Aya," he said with a smile.

"Great," Aya said, "Inuyasha, you won't regret this!" she said running into a alley to change, "Hey Kagome, Sango, can you guard me?"

"Sure, Aya," the girls replied.

Aya began to change. She pulled on the Kimono and as she did, she found a fan in the bundle. She opened it and examined the fabric of golden flames on black.

"Done yet, Aya?" called Sango.

"Yes!" Aya replied walking out.

Sango and Kagome turned, still not letting the guys see, "Wow!" they said, "You look great!"

"Lemme fix your hair, Aya," Sango said, "You gotta look the part," Sango put Aya's hair up high, letting some hang down on either side of the bun. "There,"

Inuyasha stood on his tip-toes to attempt at seeing over Sango's shoulder.

Kagome and Sango stepped to the side to reveal Aya, "Here she is," they said in unison.

Aya walked out, the fan opened at her side. Her heart pounding, for some reason, nervously as Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo laid eyes on her. “Guys! Stop looking at me like that! You’re making me nervous!”

"Wow..." mouthed Inuyasha.

"Aya, you look great!" Shippo exclaimed.

Miroku approached, "Why, Miss Kururugi, you look stunning," he said taking her hand kissing it.

Inuyasha growled, "What do you think you're doing, Miroku," he snarled.

"I'm only, lucky enough to be in Miss Kururugi's presence," Miroku replied still looking at Aya.

"Hehe," Aya laughed nervously, "You're too sweet, Miroku," she said with a smile.

"Oh, and you're too beautiful," Miroku said.

Aya blushed, "Hahaha, stop that!" she exclaimed.

"Miroku," growled Sango under her breath, "Back away from Aya," she said.

"Just one more minute, Sango," Miroku said continuing to look down on Aya, "Aya needs to be pampered with loving eyes,"

Aya blushed and giggled, "Miroku! Please, cut it out!" she said. Her knees were shaking as she felt Inuyasha steam from where he was standing.

Inuyasha, still enraged looked at Aya and Miroku. His ears, perked angrily, and his fist, clenching with fury. "Let--her--go-----now," he said.

"Just a half a minute, Inuyasha. I must meet Aya's needs," Miroku replied again.

"Grrrrr! WIND SCAAR!" Inuyasha bellowed seizing his Tetsusaiga in his hands and swinging it down.

Miroku glanced at Inuyasha and the color left his face. He raced down the street screaming like a baby as the Wind Scar followed right behind him.

"I HOPE THAT MET YOUR NEEDS, YOU PERVERTED MONK!" Inuyasha roared after him.

Kagome and Sango dropped their heads with an annoyed sigh, "Oh, boy..." they muttered.

* * *

On the Way to the castle....

"So, so far we've gotten stories, and facts from the castle telling us that an evil force is gripping it," Sango said as the group neared the castle gates still in the crowded streets.

"And that the samurai and tax-payers that have gone there, haven't come back," Aya added.

"I guess that leaves one option," Shippo said,

"We infiltrate the Castle, save the hostages, destroy the evil, and get--out," everyone said at once.

"Sounds good to me," Miroku said rubbing his butt, where the Winds Scar got him.

Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared at him.

Aya rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Let's go," Kagome said as Shippo hopped up into Aya's arms again.

They reached the gate. It was a little shack next to a large steel gate that showed the large feudal castle on the other side up a small windy road.

3 men stood blocking it. They wore armor as if they were samurai, but they didn't look the part at all.

"Excuse me," Aya said approaching, "We must get into the castle," she said.

"Sorry, sugar plum," said one with an accent, "We can't let anyone in this here castle,"

Aya crossed her arms, "And why not?" she asked hotly.

"We only allow tax-payers and castle workers in, ma'am, I'm sorry," said the second man, who actually was a young boy about 16 with blonde hair.

"Let us through!" Inuyasha said angrily.

Then, an elderly man came up and passed the men with ease with a small wave to the guards.

"You let him in!" shouted Shippo from Aya's arms.

"He is a tax-payer," replied the boy sternly.

"Aw, come on! Please let us through," Aya pleaded, "Please?!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the boy replied.

Disappointed, Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippo walked away. Aya still stood trying to convince the young guard.

"Come on, Aya, it's no use," growled Inuyasha grabbing her arm. He dragged her off back into the castle town.

* * *

Kagome sighed, "Now what?" she asked.

The party was back at the inn with the wives of the samurai and Haruko.

"I could have taken him on!" Aya shouted pounding her fist into her hand.

"Aya..." Haruko said softly going to her, "Don't be angry," He looked into her eyes.

Aya sighed, "I'm sorry, Haruko..." she said sadly.

"I can feel Aya's anger with this," Sango said, "We have to get into the Castle somehow..."

"But how, Sango?" asked Shippo, "They won't let us by without taxes or employment to the castle,"

"I don't think we could fight our way in," Miroku said thinking.

"How else! We have to fight!" Inuyasha said.

"No, Inuyasha!" Kagome said angrily, "We can't!"

"I agree with Inuyasha on this!" Aya said standing. She smiled, "Come on! We'll slash our way through those jerks that won't let us in!" she said pretending to wave around a sword in front of her.

"We don't know what's in there," Kagome said, "Doing that could be dangerous!"

Aya sighed and sat down next to Haruko as he comforted her.

"I agree with Kagome," Miroku said rubbing his hand, "It's too dangerous for the ladies,"

"I'm not that weak, you know," Sango said scoffing.

"How else can we get in?" asked Inuyasha, "It's not like we can disguise ourselves and concinve them to let us in,"

"Inuyasha, that's it!" Aya said snapping her fingers, "You're brilliant!"

All eyes turned to Aya, "Really?" asked Inuyasha a bit shocked and feeling good about the compliment.

"Don't flatter yourself, Fido," Aya said to him. She looked to Kagome, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, the wives of the samurai and Haruko, "It's time once again for the 'The Beautiful Blonde's Ingenious Idea!'" Aya announced proudly, "Listen up, if we can get the wives of the samurai, if you please, to let us borrow some armor, we can pose as samurai! It's our easy ticket in!"

"Wow, Aya," Sango said smiling, "That's clever, but--"

"Once again, 'The Beautiful Blonde' made a mistake," Inuyasha said looking at Aya.

"And what is that oh, 'Not-So-Smart Canine Demon'?" asked Aya proud of her idea.

"I can see where Inuyasha is going with this," Miroku said looked at Inuyasha, then Aya.

"Me, too, Aya," Kagome said standing and leaning against the wooden frame of a paper door in the inn.

"I think I can too," Sango and Shippo added looking at Aya as well.

"Oh come on! Is it the single flaw THAT obvious?!" Aya asked. She was shaken an bit, "Oh yeah!" she smirked and leaned back into Haruko's arms, "My idea's are flawless!" she sang.

"It is, Aya..." Haruko said softly in her ear.

"Oh yeah?" asked Inuyasha, "The flaw is only one word,"

"I ask you again, 'what is it'?" asked Aya examining her nails with a proud smirk.

"Risk," said everyone in unison.

"Wha?!" cried Aya.

"Your plans so far have been so risky!" Kagome said worriedly, "The one in Kasasagi Town was your worst so far!"

"But, Kagome," Aya said sitting up, "It worked, didn't it? I mean it was brilliant!"

"But we only used it because nothing else would come up," Shippo said sitting on top of Aya's head.

"I know, I know, and same goes for this one, Kagome," Aya looked at everyone after addressing Kagome, "Everyone, if you have anything else we can do, speak now,"

Everyone was silent, while Kagome tried to think of another plan.

"Okay," Miroku said finally standing on his feet, "All in favor of Aya's plan, say 'I',"

Several 'I''s rang out from Inuyasha, Sango, Shippo, Miroku and even the wives of the samurai and Haruko put in a say.

Kagome remained quiet. She sighed and sat back down, "Aya, it's not the best idea,” she said, "It's very dangerous only because the samurai have gone missing, and if we pose as samurai..."

"The danger would come upon us," Aya finished. She pounded her fist into her hand, "But we can take it, right?!"

“We have gotten stronger,” Miroku said, “Kagome, please agree with Aya. Or Naraku will get away,”

Kagome sighed and dropped her head. She looked back at Aya as Aya reached her hand down to help Kagome up.

Inuyasha stood behind Aya to her right, Sango stood to Aya’s left, Miroku behind her, and Shippo on Aya’s shoulder.

“Come on, Kagome,” Aya said smiling, “You’re my good friend, you can trust me, and believe in me, right? I believe in you,”

Kagome smiled and took Aya’s act of kindness and let Aya help her up onto her feet.

Suddenly, the wives of the samurai left the room and returned with 4 suits of armor because Shippo could fit in Inuyasha’s chest plate.

“Thank you,” said Sango putting the suit on. “Whoa!” she cried wobbling backwards and then forwards.

Miroku caught her, “Be careful, Sango,” he said gently, “The armor may be too heavy for some, such as Sango, Aya, and Kagome,” Miroku added looking to his friends.

Aya, ignoring him, fell back into Haruko with a gasp followed by a fearful wail.

Haruko caught her in the nick of time and looked at Aya from his upside down view of her. He kept her stabilized, with her back against his chest. “Aya!” he said worriedly, “please listen to Miroku and be careful about your balance,”

Aya looked up at Haruko and blushed, “Th-thank you, Haruko, I will,”

The couple stared into each other’s eyes and Haruko leaned in to give her a sweet kiss.

Aya let him get closer and allowed him to lay his wet lips on hers. Her heart melted and her legs went limp.

Inuyasha caught them in the corner of his sharp eye and reached for his Tetsusaiga, raising it over his head.

Kagome quickly noticed Inuyasha ready to attack Haruko, “No, Inuyasha! SIT! SIT! SIT!” she hissed before putting on her helmet.

“Uhn! Damn!” Inuyasha slammed into the ground three very hard and painful times before he lay on the ground moaning.

Haruko pulled away from Aya and looked into her nearly closed eyes and kissed her again this time more lovingly.

Miroku watched and sighed, “Ah, young love,” he reached for Sango.

“Don’t even think about it, Miroku,” Sango growled.

“Aw…” Miroku mumbled.

Haruko pulled away from Aya, “You should go…” he said softly.

Aya nodded and stood up, then faced him, “Right…” she said blushing.

Haruko handed Aya her helmet, “Good luck, Aya…” he said sweetly.

“Thank you, Haruko-kun,” Aya said smiling.

“Yes,” the wives of the samurai said walking across the wooden floor of the inn to Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango as well as Aya, “Good luck. All of you,” they added.

“Okay, thank you so very much!” Kagome said smiling, “We’ll be sure to save the castle!”

Kagome, followed by Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Aya, and Shippo in Aya’s armor left the nervous wives, and a very worried Haruko.

Inuyasha walked next to Aya, “What was that all about!” he shouted at her.

Taken back, Aya looked at Inuyasha angrily, “What!” she shouted.

“You and that black haired loser, eating each other’s faces!” Inuyasha said as the group went back to the streets of Castle town.

“You were watching?!” Aya cried angrily as her face flushed red.

“Well, since you decided to make out in the middle of the room, yes!” Inuyasha said eyeing her with his hazel eyes.

“You have some nerve you little piece of—” Aya began when she was cut off.

“Knock it off, you guys!” Shippo said from inside Inuyasha’s armor. He poked his head out where Inuyasha’s head was, “You two are always fighting!”

“That’s cuz Aya’s a slut!” Inuyasha said looking past Shippo at Aya.

“What did you call me, Bingo?!” Aya snarled.

“Slut,” Inuyasha repeated slowly, “S-L-U-T!”

“Why I outta—” Aya drew her fist back to hurl a punch at Inuyasha, when she was interrupted by Kagome.

“Look! The Castle is looking darker, we better hurry,” she said picking up a run towards the castle.

“Right,” Sango added running after her.

“Sango, wait up!” called Miroku, chasing after Sango as she ran after Kagome through the crowded streets.

Aya took off after Miroku, sending a snarl in Inuyasha’s direction.

He sighed, “Aya…” he said softly as Aya’s light eyes left his view.

* * * At the gates….

“We are the samurai!” Aya exclaimed in her deep male voice.

The guards looked up and down at Aya, Kagome, Sango, Inuyasha, and Miroku curiously.

“Yes,” added Sango in her imitation of a man, “we have come to defend the castle!”

The 16 year old boy as a guard approached Aya and looked her over, “Are you sure you’re a man, sir?” he asked circling Aya.

Aya began to breathed hard, “Yes!” she said still in her manly voice, “I’m positive!”

Sango, Kagome, and Miroku quickly knew he was gaining on them, so Miroku spoke up, “We really must go,” he said.

“Alri—” the first guard began.

“—wait!” the boy said continuing to examine Aya, “This one—he’s—well—odd,”

Aya began to pant lightly, ‘Oh no! Not good!’ she thought.

The boy smirked, “Ah-ha!” he laid a hand on Aya’s breast, “She’s a woman!”

Aya screeched and slapped the boy hard, “HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME LIKE THAT!”

Inuyasha immediately went over the to boy, “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!” he bellowed wielding the Tetsusaiga. “I OUTTA CUT YOU TO BITS!”

“Uh-oh…” Miroku sang in his sing-song manner, “Not good,”

“Hey! I know who you are!” the first guard said angrily, “You’re the guys trying to get into the castle earlier!”

“Uh-oh!” Kagome cried, “We’ve been found out!”

“Get them!” the second cried running to them.

“Inuyasha! Aya!” cried Sango as Kagome ran in through the gates, “Let’s go!”

The second guard went for Aya, She quickly pulled off her suit of armor and took a running start to the second guard.

“Aya!” called Miroku turning to her.

“Don’t worry about me, Miroku!” Aya replied. She stopped quickly, clapped her hands, and jumped up like a cheerleader, leaping over the guard’s head, putting her hands on his head, “Later!” she called hitting the ground running. She raced through the gates just as the young blonde guard snatched Aya.

“Gotcha!” he said pulling her up off the ground.

“AAAAH!” Aya screamed as Inuyasha with Shippo raced through the gates.

Inuyasha turned, “Aya!” he exclaimed.


Inuyasha shot a quick glance at Kagome, Sango, Shippo, and Miroku, then took off in Aya’s direction.

Sango turned as she spotted Inuyasha run back out, “Inuyasha! No!” she cried.

Inuyasha snatched Aya’s arm and kicked the guard that held her, “Let go of her,” he growled, his eyes flaring a deep red and glowing.

The boy rolled to the ground and Inuyasha seized Aya into his arms, Inuyasha, sending the guard a demonic look. “Don’t you dare, grab her like that again!” Inuyasha barked.

“Inuyasha…” Aya said softly.

The young guard stumbled back into a hard run away as the other two guards raced towards Inuyasha and Aya.

Inuyasha’s now hazel eyes, looked back at Aya, “Let’s go,” he said darkly running off with her in his arms.

Miroku followed Sango as she went, and Inuyasha followed him into the castle gates, and locked it behind them.

“HEY!” the man shouted. “GET BACK HERE!”

The group slowed down, knowing they were safe now inside the gates and away from the guards.

Aya panted as Inuyasha let her down. “Ugh, finally…” she mumbled, “That guy was a little perv!” she said angrily after she fluffed up her flat blonde hair.

“Yeah,” Inuyasha growled sheathing his blade.

Aya smiled weakly, “Thanks for helping me back there, Inuyasha,” she said, “I would have been a goner if you didn’t come back for me,”

Inuyasha looked down at Aya, then up and away from her captivating eyes, “Uh—no problem—” he replied blushing slightly. He pulled off his armor and let Shippo onto the ground. “Uh—Aya, listen. I’m—sorry for what I said about you being a slut…”

Aya looked at Inuyasha in shock, ‘Is he…apologizing to me?!’ she thought.

“I—didn’t mean it,” stammered Inuyasha, “I mean—you are a slut—just not—eh…Erm—just not in the bad…way….I mean you’re pre—”

“Inuyasha, stop messing around back there, hurry up!” Kagome called finishing the removal of her armor and placing the suit in a small pile off to the side.

Aya laughed and walked ahead on the dirt path leading to the castle surrounded by bushes and trees as well as small cliffs as she came up to Sango. She smiled as Shippo leaped up into her arms.

Inuyasha walked faster as Miroku slowed down his pace to talk to the half-demon. Miroku had already removed his armor and tightened his little pony-tail.

“She really is sweet isn’t she,” Miroku said smirking at Aya as she laughed with Sango and Kagome on either side of her.

“Huh?!” Inuyasha looked at Miroku, then looked at where Miroku was staring, “Who?” he asked.

“That wasn’t the question,” Miroku said chuckling lightly looking up.

“Then what was the question?” asked Inuyasha angrily.

“Never mind,” Miroku said firming his grip on his staff and looking forward at the girls again, “But she is sweet girl,”

“Who?” asked Inuyasha again.

“No one,” Miroku said looking at Aya’s flowing blonde hair as it tapped lightly against her back when she walked. “But you just want to hold her,”

“Who?” asked Inuyasha for the third time, getting angry, “Tell me, Miroku,”

“No one, Inuyasha,” Miroku replied looking at Aya’s lips as she turned to Kagome to laugh, “But her lips make you just want to kiss her!”

“Who!” asked Inuyasha for a fourth time, “You’re pissing me off!”

“It’s no one to you, Inuyasha,” Miroku replied with a sigh looking at Aya’s hips, “Ah, you gotta love her,” he said blushing like a pervert.

“Who!” Inuyasha bellowed.

“No one to you, Inuyasha,” Miroku repeated walking a bit ahead, “Or is she?”

“WHO, DAMN IT!” Inuyasha roared clenching his fists, “TELL ME!”

“Forget it, Inuyasha,” Miroku said keeping his pace.

“But I wanna know!” Inuyasha said catching up to him.

“Inuyasha, hush!” Miroku hissed moving closer the chattering girls, 'Oh I wish I had three hands,' he thought with a smirk.

“Miroku, what are you—” Inuyasha spoke too late, for three screams erupted from the girls as their whole bodies shook like an earthquake. “Huh?” Inuyasha said, “Miroku, you idiot!”

Aya, Kagome, and Sango, turned angry heads to Miroku, “Miroku…” the girls snarled.

Miroku pointed a quick finger to Inuyasha, “He did it?” he said frantically.

Kagome, Sango, and Aya looked at Inuyasha, their eyes flaring, “You little pervert….” They growled in unison.

“What?!” Inuyasha said, “It wasn’t me! I swear it was Miroku!”

The girls began to approach him slowly, Kagome wielding a single arrow for a batting item, Aya letting her shikigami flow through her hands, and Sango with her Hiraikotsu.

“Get him!” cried Aya.

“Oh crap…”

* * *

Inuyasha rubbed his head as he walked now next to Aya. Shippo was now with Kagome. “Ouch…Sango needs to cool it…and so do you…” grumbled Inuyasha.

“I barely touched you, Inuyasha!” Aya laughed, “It was a simple punch,”

“That shikigami or whatever packs one hell of a punch…” Inuyasha muttered rubbing another wound.

Aya chuckled, “Oh, come on, Inuyasha,” she said nudging him, “You’re a big strong man, Why could you deflect the attacks?”

Inuyasha put his hands behind his head with a sigh. He closed his eyes, “You really are dumb, aren’t you,” he said smirking.

“What?” asked Aya blinking awkwardly.

“Aren’t guys not supposed to hit girls?” Inuyasha asked. “That’s what Kagome said,”

“Well…yes…but that doesn’t answer my question,” Aya said blushing a bit. “My question was—”

“Can it,” Inuyasha said cutting her off, “You’re annoying me…” He walked ahead.

“Hey! Get back here!” shouted Aya running after him.

* * *

The party entered the castle. It was dingy, ugly, and dark of all things.

There was a floor below them and several floors above them. Demon aura pulsed from all direction. The floor where they stood was just a large balcony going all the way around with rooms on the outer walls. There were two stair-cases on the north side of the room; one going up and the other going down. There were two halls on either side on the left, and right. The hall on the right was a dead end, but the other held a door.

Aya stopped and looked around, forcing Inuyasha to run into her, followed by Kagome, Sango, then Miroku and Shippo, “I sense demons…” she said darkly.

“No kidding,” Inuyasha growled.

“This scent is powerful, Inuyasha…” Aya said looking back at him, “It’s so stuffy…All I smell is demon,” Aya’s hazel eyes were thin and sharp again.

“Huh?!” Sango looked at Aya, “Aya, what’s the matter?” she asked.

Aya’s attention turned to her, “Nothing, Sango,” she said blankly, “Why do you ask?”

“Erm—never mind…” Sango said quickly shaking it off.

Aya turned back around, “Someone….familiar….is near…” she said.

“Yeah…” Inuyasha said snarling, “Naraku…”

“We’d better go,” Miroku said as Shippo leaped up into Aya’s arms.

The group walked in further to see an injured man, but he was still alive.

“Look!” Shippo exclaimed, “A samurai!” he exclaimed.

Aya, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Inuyasha went to the samurai and helped him back up. Miroku and Inuyasha held him up from each side.

“Hey,” Aya said looking at the man, “Are you alright?” she asked quickly.

“Demons…” the man said, “Everywhere, demons,”

“Where are the workers of the castle!” Kagome asked frantically.

“30….” The man said weakly, “30 men and women are trapped…..help them…” He passed out.

“This man can’t tell us anymore…” Miroku said as he and Inuyasha let the man down.

“We’d better get moving and save those people!” Sango said taking her Hiraikotsu in her hands. “We’ll split up, and meet back here!”

“Right!” everyone replied in unison.

* * *

(This castle room is large with a single staircase and a sliding door on the north wall)

Soon, the group had rescued everyone trapped in the castle, and had met back up in front of the Castle Tower, where the strongest demon aura came from.

Aya was still no where to be found after the longest time.

“Where is she?” asked Miroku looking around, “I’m very worried about her…”

“Well it was Sango’s idea to split up,” Inuyasha said crossing his arms and shooting a glance at Sango.

Sango rolled her eyes and looked down at the stairs, “Wait! I hear her!” she exclaimed.

“What?” asked Kagome and Shippo looking down the steps.

There was the sound of rapid foot-steps coming upwards and Kururugi Aya burst from them, panting. She screamed the first male’s name she saw, “Inuyasha! Help!” she wailed leaping into his arms.

Inuyasha looked at Aya and caught her as she came flying in, “Hey, what’s your problem?” he asked trying to push her away from him.

“B-big demon!” Aya sobbed, trying to cling to Inuyasha with all her might.

Inuyasha, worried for Aya for a minute, then rolled his eyes, “Big demon? Psh, yeah right. The demon is only big because Aya’s so short,”

Miroku shot an angry glance at Inuyasha, “Inuyasha! Aya is trembling in fear, if you say anything, direct it to comforting her! Are you going to be alright, Aya?” Miroku asked soothingly at Aya with care and worry.

“Miroku…” Aya said, “It—”


A large water demon shot up with a loud roar. It towered of Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, and Aya.

“I can’t believe she was right!” growled Inuyasha in the demon's direction.

Kagome got ready to noche an arrow, Sango prepared her Hiraikotsu, Shippo got ready his fox fire, and Aya stumbled back to Inuyasha.

Miroku held out his hand to them, “No,” he said, “I’ll handle it…”

“Are you sure, Miroku?” asked Kagome.

“No, Miroku!” Inuyasha said angrily, “I’m gonna take care of this one!”

Miroku shook his head, “No,” he said angrily.

Inuyasha backed down almost instantly and with some hesitation and looked down at Aya as she trembled so close to him. Her arms were shivering as they were pressed against his chest. Inuyasha blushed deep crimson and put a shaky arm around her and clutched her shoulder.

Miroku looked up at the large demon and snarled, “How dare you hurt a young woman of such beauty,” he began to pull off the beads on his right hand. He pointed the palm of his hand to the demon, “WIND TUNNEL!”

Gusts of wind swept across the room, everyone held on to something as wind erupted from Miroku’s hand, sucking it in.

Inuyasha’s grip loosened on Aya as he began to shield himself from the vicious wind.

Aya fell out of his grasp and stumbled towards as the Wind Tunnel pulled her to it.
“AYAAAA!” bellowed Inuyasha reaching out for her.

Miroku noticed her and grabbed her by her uniform and pulled her back to him, “Be careful!” he shouted over the roar of the Wind Tunnel.

Aya grasped Miroku’s robes as the wind blew her hair in every which way. Miroku’s heavy breathing, pushed Aya away for a minute, but brought her back in to his warm robes a second later. She felt Miroku’s hand push against her back to keep her close and felt his heart beat gently against his chest in time with hers. She blushed and held tighter to Miroku, feeling his warm body against her. He may be a pervert, but Aya found a reason to love him…

The demons screeched as he was pulled in to the Wind Tunnel. It disappeared into Miroku’s hand, and Aya embraced Miroku, “Miroku!” she said crying with fear into his robe.

Miroku, sealed the Wind Tunnel again and put his hands on Aya’s shoulders, “Aya…don’t cry, it’s over,”

Inuyasha burned with jealousy and approached them.

“Miroku-sama…” Aya said blushing, gripping onto his robe for safety.

Inuyasha seized Aya into his arms, carrying her like a bride, “Hey, are you done crying, Kururugi?” he asked angrily.

Aya looked into his hazel eyes and blushed even harder, “Uhm---yes, Inuyasha…” she stammered quickly.

“Inuyasha, put her down,” Miroku said angrily. “Aya dislikes that,”

“And you know, how?” growled Inuyasha from where he stood, a few feet from Miroku.

“Look at her. She’s frightened,” Miroku said.

Inuyasha looked down at Aya as she trembled. He smirked and looked back up at Miroku, “She’s fine,”

“How do you know that?” asked Miroku.

“It doesn’t matter. She was scared when you held her,” Inuyasha snorted.

“We’ll see about that, won’t we,” Miroku said looking from Inuyasha to the frightened girl, “Aya, come,”

Aya crawled out of Inuyasha’s arms and went to Miroku with her arms out as if she wanted to be carried, “Carry me, Miroku-sama…” she said softly. Her eyes went from hazel to black and she let Miroku pick her up. She couldn’t control her body as it moved towards Miroku.

Sango watched and felt a bit of jealousy. She shifted her weight in an annoyed fashion.

“Aw…” Miroku cooed.

Inuyasha growled and clenched his fists angrily, “Why I outta—” he leaped at Miroku, but was stopped by Kagome.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome said (in that annoying way like, ‘Inu-yeah-shu!’ lol) angrily stopping him.

“You sure don’t know how to treat a lady, huh, Inuyasha,” Shippo said shaking his head.

“I guess not,” Sango laughed as Miroku let Aya back on her feet.

“Aya, you have the right to rub it in his face that he can’t pick up girls,” Miroku said smiling at Aya, “Go on,”

Aya shook her head and her black eyes became now half closed, “No…” said softly tugging on his robes.

“Aww,” Miroku laughed, “She pities you,”

Aya turned to him, “Foolish half-demon…” she said with a blank stare in Inuyasha's direction.

Sango, and Shippo laughed lightly and snickered to themselves.

“That’s right, good girl,” Miroku said patting Aya’s blonde hair.

“You approve, Miroku-sama?” she asked, still in her unexplainable trance.

“Of course,” Miroku said with a broader smile than before, patting Aya’s head.

“Something’s up with Aya…” Kagome said noticing her strange behavior, “It’s as if she dislikes Inuyasha, but absolutely loves Miroku…Is someone controlling her? Someone who hates Inuyasha?” (hint hint) Kagome looked at the Tokijin and saw it glow slightly. She shook it off, when suddenly Aya collapsed onto Miroku.

“Aya!” cried everyone.

Aya groaned and stood again, “Ugh…what happened, Miroku?” she asked looking up at him with her hazel eyes. “What was I doing?”

“You were calling Inuyasha exactly what he is,” Shippo said laughing.

Aya looked at Inuyasha as he calmed down, “Foolish half-demon,” she said sticking her nose into the air.

There was a little whimper coming from a corner, and a young girl was cringed in it. She had long black hair and a pink kimono. “Eek! Demons!” she cried.

“Huh?” Kagome looked over at her. “Oh! Don’t worry, he’s harmless!” she said referring to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha gave her a glare while Aya, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango snickered behind him.

Aya stopped and approached the young girl, “Wait! Are you Otoki?” she asked.

The girl nodded, “Yes, I am Otoki…” she said bowing.

Aya pulled out the small pin-wheel, “Here. This is from your brother,” she said, “It’s for you…”

Toki smiled, “Thank you so much!” she exclaimed with a warm smile.

“Don’t sweat it,” Aya said smiling back.

“You need to escape now!” Sango said sternly, “If you can make it to the first floor, there are some samurai down there to help you!”

Otoki smiled and ran off with the pin-wheel in her hand, “Thank you again!” she called.

“Well, now we have to find Yukimura and the other samurai,” Inuyasha said.

“Let’s go,” Shippo said hopping into Aya’s arms.

* * *

(This castle room is kinda crowded with shelves, chests and boxes. It’s large enough to run around in and not fall. It’s dingy and disgusting as well.)

“Ah! Inuyasha get it out of my hair!”


Inuyasha chased Aya around with his Tetsusaiga drawn as she squealed about a demon in her long blonde hair.

“Inuyasha, be careful with that Tetsusaiga!” screamed Kagome.

“Yeah!” Shippo added, “Aya could get hurt!”

“She’s fine! If she could just stop moving! I COULD GET THE DAMN DEMON OUT OF HER HAIR!” Inuyasha shouted still chasing Aya.

“But it’s scratching my scalp!” Aya wailed running around a chest.

Inuyasha followed and slammed the Tetsusaiga into the wood, smashing it to bits, “HOLD STILL, DAMN IT!” he shouted.

“But I’m scared, Inuyasha!” Aya cried. The demon crawled down to the tip of Aya’s hair as it blew in the wind as she ran.

“I got you now, you stupid demon! HAAA!” Inuyasha swung his Tetsusaiga at the demon, and it jumped away, leaving the blade to meet Aya’s hair. The Tetsusaiga sliced through Aya’s hair cutting it a foot shorter so it hung at her shoulders.

“Oh-no!” Shippo cried.

Aya turned and looked at her un-evenly cut hair. The blonde beauty of her locks disappeared and her hair was jagged, un even and made her look hideous. She felt cold and suddenly felt a wave of sadness. Her eyes filled with tears and she gripped it. Aya burst out into tears and Kagome went to her as well as Sango and Shippo.

“Aya,” Sango said patting her shoulder. “Don’t cry…”

“My hair…” Aya sobbed, “I can’t believe this…My-my hair…”

“What’s so great about your long hair anyway…” Inuyasha muttered sheathing his Tetsusaiga.

Aya looked up at him, “Hiro loves girls with long beautiful hair….and now…” she gripped her hair lightly, “Look at it! It’s ugly!”

“It’s not ugly, Aya…” Shippo said soothingly patting her head.

Aya soon became enraged, “INUYASHA!” she screamed leaping at him, “I’M GONNA KILL YOU!”

“Aya!” cried Miroku, leaping in between Aya and Inuyasha, “Relax!”

Aya stopped her rage and began to cry into Miroku’s robes, “My hair is ruined! And it's Inyasha's fault!" Aya sobbed.

Miroku patted Aya’s back, “Don’t cry,” he said lovingly.

Kagome and Sango went to Aya and smiled, “Don’t worry, Aya,” they said, “We’ll have you fixed up in no time!”

Aya wiped her tears and looked at them, “Really?” she looked at her hair, “But it’s so short and ugly…”

Kagome smiled and took the point in one of her arrows and smiled, “Don’t worry, Aya! You’re going to look beautiful!”

Aya smiled at her friends and got out of Miroku’s arms, “Okay…”

* * *

Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo sat down in the large tower room, when Kagome and Sango came back into the room with a broad smile on their faces.

“Is she okay?” asked Miroku, “The poor girl…”

Kagome smiled, “Guys, meet the new Kururugi Aya!” she and Sango replied.

Aya walked out from behind them with her blonde hair cut ever shorter like a little bob. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and blushed as the guys stared blankly, “Um…how do I look?” she asked shyly.

“You look great, Aya!” Shippo exclaimed jumping into her arms.

Miroku rose and put his hands on her shoulders, “You look fantastic,” he replied softly.

Aya smiled and blushed again, “Thank you, Miroku,” she said. She looked over at Inuyasha, “What do you think, Inuyasha?” asked Aya.

Inuyasha blinked and was stuck in a trance for a minute. He shook it off and leaned back, putting his hands behind his head, “You look no different,"

Miroku grew angry and slapped Inuyasha’s head, “Don’t just say she looks ‘no different’!” he said angrily. (Aya’s new look: User Image )

Inuyasha groaned and stood, “Let’s just go already…” he turned away from Aya, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku.

Aya hung her head, “I really thought I could attract Inuyasha…” she said sadly.

Sango looked at Aya and felt sympathy for her friend. She looked up at Inuyasha, “Inuyasha just wants to go because Aya’s turning him on,” she snorted.

Inuyasha stopped walking and turned to Sango slowly, “What did you say?” he growled.

“Admit it, Inuyasha,” Kagome said catching on to Sango’s idea, “Aya’s making your heart beat with excitement,”

“Excitement for what!” Inuyasha said angrily looking at Aya blush and look down.

“Oh, you know,” Sango teased with a small smile.

“Eh!” Inuyasha jumped back, realizing what Sango meant, “You’re sick!”

“I know you do!” Kagome laughed.

Aya blushed and brushed her hair out of her face again lightly.

“Ugh stop saying stuff like that!” Inuyasha said angrily.

“Then apologize to Aya!” Shippo said, “For saying that she doesn’t look any different! She looks beautiful!”

Inuyasha sighed, “Sorry, Kururugi…” he muttered.

“It’s o—” Aya began when Miroku cut her off,

“No, that’s not good enough,” Miroku said crossing his arms, “You have to come near her!”

Inuyasha approached and looked down at Aya, “Sorry, Kururugi…” he muttered again.

“No! Call her by her real name, Inuyasha!” Kagome said angrily to him crossing her arms.

Inuyasha growled and sighed again, “Sorry, Aya…” he grumbled again with even more anger.

“And give her a little kiss on the cheek,” Sango said smiling.

“No,” Inuyasha said backing up, “You’ve crossed the line that time, Sango!”

“It’s okay, Inuyasha,” Aya said softly, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to…” She walked past him through the door with Shippo in her arms.

“Shame on you, Inuyasha,” Kagome scolded in Inuyasha’s direction as she followed Aya.

“You’re so insensitive when it comes to a girl’s feelings, Inuyasha,” Sango said angrily walking past the half-demon and over with Kagome, Aya, and Shippo.

Miroku came up next to Inuyasha, “You know, if I were you, I would have kissed her,” he said looking at Aya.

“Of course you would!” Inuyasha said, “You perverted monk!”

“I would kiss her if I got the chance you know,” Miroku replied beginning to walk.

* * *

The party soon reached another large room through the long demon filled hallways. There in the large and empty room stood three men. They were samurai in red armor, similar to the ones that the wives gave them.

The man in the middle hailed to them, “You! What are you doing here!” he shouted.

Aya, Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku stopped walking and looked at him.

“We’ve come to save the castle,” Miroku explained stepping up from behind Sango and Kagome.

“Oh have you?” asked the man again, “Who are you?”

“Who are you?” asked Inuyasha in reply, gripping his Tetsusaiga in its sheath.

“I am Yukimura,” the man in the middle said approaching them, “I am the leader of the samurai,”

“Yukimura?” the group gasped.

“Yes,” Yukimura replied, “I am him,”

Kagome approached, “Your wife and the wives of the other samurai are very worried about you,” she said handing them men the rice balls.

“Yes, you should go home,” Sango said stepping up as well.

“But we live to serve the castle and we must protect it,” Yukimura replied stubbornly.

Inuyasha sighed, “Just get out of here,” he said angrily, “There’s a demon at the top of the castle and he’s too powerful for you!”

“I will not leave until the castle is saved!” Yukimura and the other men said in unison.

“Please, then hurry down and get the other castle workers out,” Aya said looking up at Yukimura.

Yukimura nodded and ran out with the other men, “Let’s go protect the castle!” he shouted.


“Let’s go!”

The men went out of sight and that left the rest of the 6 alone and to find Naraku.

“Let’s go find Naraku!” Shippo said angrily and excitedly.

His companions nodded and ran out of the room into a large room where Naraku sat with the masked woman from Kasasagi town known as Utsugi.

“Naraku…” Inuyasha growled,

“Utsugi…” added Aya with more anger.

“Ah, if it isn’t the girl…” Naraku said in his evilly mature and creepy voice, “Is this her, Utsugi?”

“Yes,” Utsugi replied.

“What are you two mumbling about!” shouted Kagome.

“Nothing, little girl…” Naraku replied glaring at Kagome evilly as usual.

“Are you ready to die?” asked Inuyasha sending an angry glare at the demon lord.

Naraku laughed evilly and stood, “Have a taste of my miasma…” He raised his palm to them and a purple cloud surrounded them.

“I—I can’t see!” cried Aya as her eye-sight became clouded by the miasma.

“Aya!” Inuyasha shouted. He tried to make his way towards her and protect her, “Don’t worry, Aya! I got your back!”

“Inuyasha…” Aya said softly.

Suddenly, an arrow zipped past Inuyasha’ cutting his arm and hitting Naraku, but was deflected by a shield.

“Ahahahahahahahahahahaha,” laughed Naraku evilly as usual, “As long I have this barrier, you can’t even touch me!”

Suddenly, as the miasma became a bit clearer and the samurai, led by Yukimura ran in, “Everyone! Leave now!” Yukimura shouted.

“No! Yukimura!” Sango called to him.

“I will take care of this demon! Go out of the secret door! Now!” Yukimura shouted rushing to Naraku.

Aya, Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo, Kagome, and Sango were lifted and pushed to the left and into a door.

“No! I have to kill Naraku!” Inuyasha bellowed.

“No! Get out, now!” shouted another samurai.

Inuyasha was pushed out and soon, as well as the others remembered no more.

Well, there it is! Chapter 15: The Magatama Fruit is coming soon!

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