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Entries of a traveling poet As noted, though I keep little written records of the past except my history account within my profile.

Leonardo -S- Virunas
Community Member
~{ Leonardo Profile }~
_______________________________ I. Character Identity:
    Screen Name:
    Leonardo S. Tensatsu

    Character Name:
    Leonardo S. Tensatsu


    Crimson King
    [Lables thus due to Leo's history as the king of the Crimson Monarch, an rather ancient title as he has long since left the frivolties of lordship. Yet there are rumors based upon fact that the Crimson Monarch will make its return, with Leonardo sitting upon it's throne.]

    Scarlet Shinobi
    [The Scarlet Shinobi was a ninja of great skill, and dexterity. Capable of feats beyond the normal capacity of mortal ninjas, it was rumored that this steathy beast feasted upon the blood of fallen prey, and fellow ninja alike. His use of chakra was widely forbidden after it's introduction into the world, having been said to be of niether demonic, or human origin.

    Blood Assassin
    [Blood Assassin was the title bestowed upon the master assassin of the Crimson Assassins, harnessing his past knowledge of ninjitsu combined with tactical genious to hunt, and kill anyone on his 'Hit List'. Such a warrior of no equal in the deadly arts retired from the world soon after, word spread quickly that he had grown bored with the living. Seeking more forbidable prey within the netherworld, and other realms of existence.]

    Age: Impossible to determine through the human comprehension of time, directly caused due to his creation, and travels throughout multiple other realms of existence that aren't governed by the same concept of time as this mortal realm.
    Perceived age: Neither young, nor old in appearance Leonardo retains an 'ageless' complection similar to that of vampires, or angelic bodies.
    Gender: Male
    Blood Type: [Modified] Leonardo's blood is what could be classified as 'Vampiric blood', incapable of sustaining it's self without feeding upon the life force, and blood of others. A parasite of sorts, yet given his unique birth, and adaptation throughout the countless years his blood is still 'Dead' in a sense. Actually highly fatal to drink, or touch as it would seep through the poors of one's skin to poison them into almost instant submission.
    Race: His mortal visage being that of your average humanoid in basic principle, retaining almost all his vampiric qualities as well. From first glance, and closer inspection Leo would appear nothing more then your average vampire. Yet for those blessed with the sight of his unique appendages he can be seen for what he really is, an individual among countless races. Currently without his feathered black wings, which where ripped off in an attempt to de-throne him from his monarch Leo harbors an demonic tail extending from the base of his spine.

    Occupation: Dipicted as an poet, caressing the conscious minds of those around of lamenting chants, and beautiful lyrics to poems writen himself. Owner of his own establishment as well, the Malevolence of Innocense. If rumor holds true as well he will once more claim the throne of the Crimson Monarch.

______________________II. Apperance:

    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 175
    Hair: Pitch black, with streaks of crimson.
    Hair Length: Cut short in the back, while retaining length in the front to about chin length.
    Eyes: Blood red, with a diamond shaped pupil that has been known to rotate.
    Body Type: Tall with moderate build, define muscles with little bulk beyond that. Proportionate to his height, and weight.
    Skin Color: Pale white
    Birth Place: Within the eternal nexus of all realms of existence, and alternate planes of reality.
    Overall Description and Clothing: A true ladies man, clad in elegant attire of crimson, and pitch black hues. Cloak often worn during travels, adding contrast to his sensual appearance.

______________________III. Intelligence Type:

    Seductive as most vampires are, yet with a tactical mentallity true to a king. Ruthless at times, yet honest to a fault Leo holds true to his morals above all else.

______________________IV. Abilities:

    ~}:Natural Abilities:{~

    Malignant Ambience
    "Such an aura unique to Leonardo alone, most fatal if left un-checked this energy perpetually surrounding, and emanating from his presence harnesses an array of lethal abilities on both the sub-conscious, and conscious level of Leo's existence. It's main capability would be to drain the physical blood from any creature that supports it's presence in their body. This is done my absorbing the fluid out of the victims body through means of ears, mouth, eyes, and even the pours on their skin. The over all appearance would be that of a 'Red Mist' being devoured out of a persons body by means of un-natural means, while simotantiously consuming their living soul, and life energy. As a vampire this is most commonly done on the physical spectrum, yet Leonardo's age, and wisdom has provided an alternative. This sinister aura is also capable of decay, rotting, and rusting objects away with prolong exposure to it's vicinity often portrayed as an crimson 'Light', or 'Fog'. The energy, and blood drawn out of it's victims constantly flow back into Leonardo's own physical body. Providing endless amounts of energy over time to satisfy his constant blood lust, which has recently depleeted as of recently. This also attributes to his physical, and mental capabilities as to keep his stamina up at all times without growing tired. Consentrated into a single 'Orb', or 'Physical manifestation' the Malignant energy is most deadly, decaying, and destroying anything it comes in contact with. The rate in which it works depends on the saturation level Leonardo allows to emanate from his body, the denser the energy, the faster it works.

    Recondite Energy
    "Recondite" meaning difficult to penetrate, or beyond the comprehension of normal understanding. Named thus for it's unique capabilities, un-like anything else previously found similar to its composition. Depicting the appearance of darkness, usually seen on the physical spectrum as shadows licking off the surface of Leonardo's cloak. Shrouding his physical appearance as his body, and the darkness seemingly phase into one another. Attributed to his Wraith visage, though Recondite energy has four basic forms. Energy, Solid, Liquid, and gaseous states, each with their own function, and potentially lethal touch. The energy basis of Recondite constantly absorbing rays of light such as Micro-waves, UV rays, and your physical color spectrum of light. Hence the pitch blackness of it's appearance. Deterring the sense of sight for those that venture into an area completely engulfed within this substance. An distinct advantage given Leo's infernal optics, used to percieve through absolute darkness.

    The solid state similar to that of "Dark matter" yet not as dense, or durable. Harnessing no gravitational power, though it's durability at about the same level. Resistant to all common metals up to refined steel, yet constant assault from an weapon stronger then refined steel would eventually shatter, or fragment the recondite. Harnessing no electrical properties, thus any electrical attack would be rendered useless against this substance. Heat is also rended useless upon Recondite, as rather then absorbing the heat, it uses a 'Dis-placement' tactic so heat sheets off it's surface without adverse effect. The liquid state harnessing no real use beyond it's adaptation induced upon the solid recondite, allowing the solid darkness to bend, flow, and alter shape like an liquid would. potentially deadly as it can extend outward at a rapid rate, and withdraw back just as quickly. Useful for long range attacks, and close range defense, and attacks.

    The last state of Recondite being the gaseous form, similar to a extremely dense mist of darkness. Given it's fog like form small fragmented rays of light can filter through, yet minuscule for the use of physical sight. O biding by the same physical laws as a gas it can be effected by wind, and air if left un-checked by Leonardo's manipulation of it's form. Potentially the most deadly form of Recondite, as to breath this gaseous state into the body would mean near instant death. The substance of recondite prohibiting electrical current, as it would filter through the blood and destroy, and inhibit all the nerves within one's body. Causing them to go completely limp, and brain dead. Though the gaseous state can also seep through the pores within the skin with prolong exposure. The more that gets into the body, the more deadly it becomes, as once it's within the blood stream it can revert back into a solid to rupture one's body from the inside out.

    Spiritual power physical manifested by ones sheer will power. Through the consumption of countless souls, and the leeching of other spiritual power, Leonardo harnesses a massive amount of stored Reiatsu. Capable of manipulating such spiritual energy in an yet unknown number of variations. The most common being a "Physical shield" rendering most physical attacks dulled, or depending on the strength useless. Reiatsu also governs use of increased physical attributes such as speed, strength, endurance, and with enough applied mobility such as flight. Giving the appearance of "Standing" on air. Applying Reiatsu to one's weapon/appendages allows the penetration of highly concentrated spiritual defenses, and solid objects. Of course to maintain such strength depletes one's reiatsu. Thus Leonardo is left to consume, and devour more from his prey to sustain his own steady supply, this usually done through the use of his Malignant ambiance. Given Leonardo's vampiric traits, a certain measure of Reiatsu is needed to perpetual his physical existence given the simple fact his body is dead for the most part. While he's partially similar to the demonic species as well, thus reducing the reiatsu necessary. He still needs to feed off others to continue bodily functions, despite the already massive accumulation of reiatsu throughout the countless years.

    Extra Sensory Perception
    Similar to a "Sixth sense" yet ranging beyond one extra sense of perception, rather then array of multiple enhanced sense that create Leo's sight. Capable of witnessing heat, energy of all types, sound, and motion. Yet this not perceived through his crimson hues, but rather through his minds eyes. Expanding the otherwise limited views of mortal sight, as while those that see with their eyes can only see what's in front of them Leo's enhanced sense can view what’s around him for a certain vicinity all around his physical body. Painting an crystal clear picture of his surroundings more detailed, and exact then what can be seen with the simple reflection of light. Despite the vicinity around his body for nearly five yards in all directions, Leonardo can focus his sight onto further way objects, and upon certain objects with pin point accuracy. Yet the further he extends his vision, the less focused the objects nearest to him become. Slowly becoming an blur, while areas further away come into focus. This would allow him also to extend his gaze across any where in the world, as long as he's secluded away from danger due to his un-conscious state to the physical surroundings around him. This would explain Leo's adept ability to know the worlds events without actually being there to witness them, an great advantage compared to those that are still limited with physical sight.

    ~}:Racial Abilities:{~

    Typical of any vampire Leo obviously feeds upon the blood of his victims to empower himself, rather then to survive. This is driven from his extenssive age, long past the stereo-typical blood lust portrayed in movies. This Racial tendency also allows for what most title 'Blightly', an rather unknown skill that increases speed. Similar to 'Teleportation' on a smaller scale, Leo would be able to migrat short distances within a blink of an eye. Attributed to minor flight, and levitation as well as your extra-ordinary ability to climb on walls, and ceilings without the effect of gravity.

    Demonic abilities are rather transverse, ranging from all different types of skills, energies, and abilities. Yet the same basic principle governs them all, that being an perpetual emanation of 'Demonic energy' which allows for enhanced strength, speed, endurance, stamina, and other phyiscal traits along with Psionics, and demonic possension tactics. This also enables transportation into the 'Netherworld' or 'Hell' without difficulty, as that's the natural function of such energy.

    ~}:Physical Traits:{~

    Infernal Optics
    Titled thus due to the 'diamond' shape of Leonardo's pupils, yet this not being only for display. This rather unique capability of his body allows for 'Slow perception', veiwing things in what is often known as 'slow time'. Actions, and movements appearing slower then they actually are. This doesn't enhance Leo's speed, only make it more useful as he can witness his 'Slow' moveing opponent, and adjust his own 'Blighting', and speed capabilities to attack, or defend. Yet the diamond shape of his pupil is only the 'common' interpretation of his infernal optics. The last phase of this transformation would be the 'Pentagram' pupil that constantly rotates. This unique, and extremely powerful ability allows Leo to see into the 'Future' so to speak within a limited proximity. Though only capable of working when he stands motionless, being blind to his surroundings to witness a few seconds of the actions that has yet to happen. Interesting, though not perfect as the image of what he 'Sees' in the future can be distorted by movement, and conscious thoughts.

    Vampires are often portrayed as being able to transform into a 'Bat', or a 'Mist'. This holds true to Leonardo as well, though he's not limited to only that. Capable also of turning into a wolf, were-wolf, demonic giant bat, and size, and shape. Though Leonardo retains his humanoid shape most times he can also alter his physical attributes, extending two extra arms out for melee combat. This is an rather interesting ability as no matter how large Leo's opponent is, and can alter his own height, weight, and size to copy, or out match his opponent.

    Demonic tails
    True to his demonic nature Leo has not one, but two serpent like demonic tails extending out the base of his spine. Each tail extremely lethal, and special. Despite the multiple bone structure that allows for bending, and contorting each tail has a little 'pocket' of venom/poison/acid within the spear like tip that it can squirt, or inject with a deadly blow to an victim. This otherwise unknown virus rapidly thickens the blood, while attacking vital organs, and eating away at one's body as it flows through the blood into the whole body within a matter of minutes. Though it has been known that these two tails are the only one's Leo allows to be shown, in rare cases he has been known to harness up to eight different tails of the same type that are capable of extending, retracting, and pierce minor armor, and flesh without resistence due to it's unique compound skin structure. Deadly be all means to sneak up behind Leo means near instant death.

______________________V. Equipment:


Leonardo S. Tensatsu
Weapon Type: Extension swordplay
Type: Condensed Essence
Length: Usual: 4'5 Factual: Variable
Weight: Usual: 100 lb Factual: Variable

Deception is a sword wrought into existence by Leonardo, by using his own body as material. This unique method of 'Condensed Essence' forging giving Deception the same attributes as the one who brought about its existence. It's truly an extension of Leonardo himself, and thus harbors many special traits. The design its self is of a simple broad sword in its common appearance, the hilt artistic in property as three thorned rose stems intertwined up into the half blossom of a rose for the hand guard, and base. The blade scarlet in color, 4'5 in average length extending straight out from the blossoming hilt. 5'5 in full length including the hilt, usually strapped to his back unsheathed.

Since Deception retains properties of Leonardo, its abilities will listed below pertaining to each unique, or corresponding attribute of Leo himself. Deception harnesses two forms, restricted, and unleashed. Deceptions unleashed by introducing Leonardo's blood into the hilt, or blood in access. This usually performed by digging his palms into the retractable thorns of the hilt, leeching away Leo's strength to further it's own. It's safe to assume as well that Leonardo's the only creature capable of wielding such as weapon as Deception. Those who dare grasp Deception would find the blade turn against them by Leonardo's own will, left to his mercy rather then the blades.


Transformation: (:Stage one:) Deception harbors the capacity to alter its shape, size, and weight. Usually weighing in a 100 pounds, it's capable of condensing to roughly 5000 pounds in a matter of seconds. Size also altering from microscopic, to near the size of a skyscraper. This usually introduced depending on Leonardo's current size, to accommodate his particular use of the blade. Shape easily to determine enough, giving it the ability to bend, twist, extend, retract, and contort in any direction Leonardo desires.

Malignant Ambiance: (:Stage one:) Deception also being of a rather obvious talent given Leonardo's vampiric visage. The length of the blade capable of absorbing, and devouring the enemies physical blood. Converting, and manipulating it to heighten its potential power. Also detaching, and sustaining the potent, and more often then not lethal agents of toxins within the blood absorbed. Giving Deceptions scarlet edge the potency of those its slain, adding pathogens similar to venoms, poisons, flesh eating agents, nerve inhibitors, and acids.

Reiatsu: (:Stage one:) Draining a portion of Leonardo's basic Reiatsu, the edges of Deception are coated in rapidly oscillating Reiatsu. This adding to the cutting potential of the blade, through near any substance without effort. Oscillating at near 2000 rotating per second, this meaning it can cut through anything not rotating faster similar to a chainsaw. The ultra high frequency rotation of this particular potent aspect of Deception enabling the cutting, and loosing of physical, and spirit particles with ease.


Recondite Darkness: Playing further upon Deceptions 'Transformation' capability, Deception can alter its physical state once released from its mundane form. Converting between solid, liquid, and gaseous in a fragment of a second. This driven from Leonardo's Recondite energy, while retaining some of its other properties. Such as 'Heat displacement', and its inability to conduct electricity. Furthering Deceptions endurance, and lethal intent.

Malignant Ambiance: (:Stage two:) With Leonardo's own blood introduced into Deception, he obtains the immunities of the previous listed toxins absorbed by the blade. It's not certain how long this affect lasts after the blade is restricted once more. Though immunity to acid, and other lethal agents not already protected by his heritage are thought to last only a few hours.

Reiatsu: (:Stage two:) The rotation of the chainsaw like spiritual pressure heightens to near 5000 rotations per second. This oscillating rotation also contorting to the shape of Deception, even within its liquid, and gaseous state. Though within the gaseous, and liquid state it molds into more of a random assorted circular rotations within the vicinity of the liquid, or gaseous blade under Leonardo's manipulations.

Transformation: (:Stage two:) Once unleashed of its previous bonds, Deception truly becomes part of Leonardo. Thus, more then one 'Deception" can be brought to bare in each hand. When more then two hands are introduced, more then two 'Deceptions' can be created to compensate. Further, multiple 'Deceptions' can be manipulated without physical means. This simple form of hovering blade manipulation capable of potential cataclysmic results, depending on how wide open an area is available.

___Dual Daggers
Weapon Type: [Modified]
Type: Adamatium/Vibilirium
Length: 1'0
Weight: 10 lb [Sheath 6 lb]

Harnessing two special daggers, each made up of adamantium as well. Though compressed to be even denser through telekinetic forgery so it can pierce even other adamantium easily. The daggers consisting of three blade parts, the first being the normal dagger blade that points straight out from the hilt at a little more then a foot long. Then two spring loaded blades folded across the center blade, so when the dagger penetrates some ones body. The spring loaded blades would slice through their internal organs, also making it impossible to remove from the body without ripping a foot long chunk of your flesh from their living body. Then there is two parts to the hilt, at the base of which is an small metal point which can be pulled free to reveal an wire of string that is secretly coiled up within the hilt. The length of the coiled wire about fifteen feet, the wire made of an obsidian base metal for durability.

___Cane "Lupine"
Weapon Type: [Modified]
Type: Adamatium/Vibilirium
Length: 4'2
Weight: 15 lb [Blade: 10lb]

Never leaving home without his walking cane, casually carried around in the manner most sophisticated types do. Black in color, flawlessly smooth the top of which harnesses an silver image of an wolf head. Though this cane heavily modified, consisting of material otherwise unknown to the world. These materials often referred to as "Vilbrium", an special sort of element that actually absorbs kinetic force, energy, and a wide range of yet un-explored phenomina. Yet the blade concealed within the cane it's self rather similar, consisting of mostly Vilbrium with an adamantium coating. Lethal in nature, it's capability of slashing through any known substance if enough force it applied phenomenal. The most controversial mechanism being the cane sheath of sorts, manipulating "Fold space" technology. Allowing to sheath the over five foot blade into it's three foot length, making it quite possible to sheath any other form of sword despite it's size into it's small frame.

Savoki Sanoci
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___ Chaos & Disorder
Weapon Type: Gun play
Type: Carbonadium
Length: 14 in [Each]
Weight: 50 lb [Each]

The guns known as Chaos and Disorder are the primary weapon of Leo. These guns made of Carbonadium, being a resilient, unstable metal that is vastly stronger than steel but more flexible than adamantium, although not stronger than adamantium its durability is only second to that metal, thus very capable for the longevity of use. Among the characteristics of these mighty high caliber glock 18 would be the formation of possessing a double-barreled allowing two shots to be fired in quick succession from the user.

Other than the interesting design upon the virulent weapon that could cause calamity in its presence, Chaos & Disorder has a configuration where just 6 firing chambers just like your usual revolver built directly into this monsterous handgun. The following are the chambers in which can be switched by the user from the color switches near the grip equipped so the gunslinger could quickly activate within the handguns altogether coming with different types of bullets. Another thing included is 3 rows of triggers having the top used for the first barrel, second for lower, both pressed to activate and lastly pressing all 3 for a machine gun like rapid fire within it. Additionally should be known the hanguns are 3 times the size of a normal glock 18.

Wrath- Preceded as the hellfire bullet in certain ways is your fierce Incendiary .50 Beowulf bullet, which this frightening bullet having a flammable mixture in the tip,designed to ignite on contact with a target. Lastly the explosive charge consist of Ammonal having Ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder mix into it to burn the target.

Sloth - Possessing .45 ACP rounds this gun holds no real features as this default gun is purposely used on everyone, thus carrying the most as all chamber hold 20 while this pertains with 30 instead. Still powerful it can pack a punch, yet has no special features.

Envy - The dauntful bullets in this trigger are your .357 Magnum , Hollow-point bullets. Unlike most these bullets this particular caliber bullet holds a steel alloy piercing shell used in armor piercing bullets with tremendous amounts of impact force to mainly be bestowed for the duty in puncturing through metallic substances or enemies.

Lust - Within this slot is your Frangible .35 Remington bullets. Surely even if its to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the danger behind the intended target the idea under this grenade is to bring utter suffering to the foe. Using fragments of transition metal of Cadmium, its known to cause cancer and occurs with zinc ores. Additionally its compounds, are extremely toxic even in low concentrations, and will bioaccumulate in organisms and ecosystems thus transfering the particles of this metal is indeed hazardous.

Pride - For those adversities who decide on ganging up on ya, look no further than to the .38 Smith & Wesson Special caliber bullets. Specialize upon dealing with numerous foes at once, the bullets are far thinner and is designed to fragment as little as possible pertaining to the blast power of a Concussion grenade. With excessive amount of nitration level the Chemically pure compounds of Nitrocellulose to produce a blast radius of pure explosive power to eliminate targets from 6 feet radius.

Immortal - Because of the numerous demonic races lingering in gaia, the invention that deals with the supernatural are the famous .460 Weatherby Magnum. With the drill tiped with a silver shelling, cross branded, and blessed these bullets can pierce directly through a demon with ease, capable of vanquishing those foes without trying with this cartridge.


~ Switching of the bullet chambers or totally reloading the handguns takes an entire turn due towards the nature of this bizarre weapon. Thus its naive to go all gunslinger without any good tactics or defenses while in a vulnerable state like this.

~ The overall weight of the weapon weighs too much for a human to wield it properly in a battle. Weighing over 50 pounds it relys on a human with immense strength or a supernatural being with might great enough to lift this gun without any issues.

Weapon Type: Needles
Type: Adamatium/Vibilirium
Length: [From 3 inches, to 6 inches]
Weight: 1 lb

On his left wrist, an bracelet of needles is worn. Each needle containing an rather lethal venom extracted, and embedded within the metal. These venoms an slightly enhanced product from the black widow spider, various lethal snakes, and the black scorpion. An single sting, or puncture from one of these needles ending in almost instant cardiac arrest, and death.

Weapon Type: Arcane
Type: [Varied]
Length: [X]
Weight: [X]

Three rings noticeable upon his usual gloved hands. Two Adamant rings, and one Argent otherwise known as silver. A piercing luminescent glow accustom to both Adamant rings, and a steady metallic glow from Argent.

[Silver ring "Argent"]

This ring, worn on the his right ring finger has but one known purpose. Some how capable of retrieving the special cane, seemingly making it appear from where ever its location is into the hand that wears the ring. This process still unknown, yet it seems whether the cane's blade is drawn into two separate locations it always re-appears together. Also allowing for 'telekinetic' control of the cane, and blade similar to a invisible 'force' weilding the weapon.

[Duel Diamond rings "Adamant"]

These rings worn on the middle finger of each hand, seemingly linked to the owners conscious mind, and sub-conscious. While they appear of no real purpose, with an simple command from the owners mind each ring would engulf the hand that wears it into an liquid diamond like metal. Extending three claws from the back of the hand outward, while protecting the hand, and forearm it's self from physical harm like an second skin. So far the rings are only capable of engulfing up to the fore arm, while with more extensive use they have the potential to protect the entire body. These rings perfect for hand to hand combat, and close range fights. Virtually useless long range, as they can only extend so far before compensating by retracting the second skin from the fore arm.


___Chain Mail
Armor Type: Torso/ Arms
Type: Adamantium/ Vibilirium
Range: Upper body
Weight: 50 lb

You typical Chain mail, worn beneath Leo's elegant attire as not to make it apparent he's wearing it. An added defense in the event someone assaults him off guard, despite the minuscule percent chance of that happening. Linked with hundreds of individual chain links interwoven into the maximum capacity of resistance, allowing it to turn deadly attacks into glancing blows. Bullets, and most projectiles useless despite the bruise they leave. Given it's unique design, it doesn't seem to effect Leonardo's movements in the least. Composed of a rare, and unique metal substance known as "Vibilirium". Vibilirium capable of absorbing, and rendering useless any energy, including kinetic. Leaving Leonardo with not so much as even a bruise, despite what ever assault.

___Abyssal Gloves
Armor Type: [Modified]
Type: Adamantium/ Vibilirium
Range: Hands
Weight: 10 lb

Woven with fabric specially designed from Adamantium, and Vilbilrium to make it near impossible to penetrate, or slice. Yet this unique feature belittled by the raw ingenuity placed into these otherwise elegant white gloves, two pitch black circular gems on the back of his hands, and two located in the palm of his hands. Combined all four of the gems harness the built in function of 'Fold Space' technology. The two within the palm of his hand holding an near infinite supply of kunai, Cyropractic needles, and other assassionation projectiles. The two on the back of the gloved hands capable of 'absorbing' energy of all kinds, yet only on the external level for a short distance. Yet the energy is then stored into the gem, and can be released on a later date into the same type of energy. A deadly combination, worn only by Leonardo who had them made special to him by a great scientist, and arcane scolar.

___Pulse Boots
Armor Type: [Modified]
Type: Adamantium/ Vibilirium
Range: Lower body
Weight: 20 lb [10 lb each]

Grafted with Leonardo's typical 'Ultimate defense' metal metalloid. Specific attention dealt to the bottom of the boots, allowing to step on extremely sharp objects without being punctured. The boots elegant in fashion lace up to the knee, protecting his lower body. The bottom of the boots also attached with a special enchantment, constantly pulsating an reiatsu energy that allows for enhanced movement on any terrain.

    Fighting Style: Unknown
    Taught By: Self-taught
    Emphasis: Assassination, defense.

______________________VI. Personal:

    ..... • Likes:
    Blood wine, Roses, Dark symphony music, cigarettes, and the occasional murder.

    .....• Dislikes:
    Rudeness, Coffee, Glory seekers, and when people touch his hair.

    ..... • Behavioral Tendencies:

    A prideful king, arrogant as times thought retaining an large portion of his Assassin mentallity. Stable, with an elegant 'loftfullness' about his demeanor that makes it him appear 'care-free' in the most dire of situations. Seductive as well, perhaps a bit to much for his own good as he isn't 'afraid' of physical contact with strangers.

    Living Family: None


    Being created outside the mortal realm before the world was created, where in retrospect one day would equal thousands of years upon the mortal plain of existence.Traveling aimlessly for countless years after the mortal realms creation, and before. Being rather distressed with my banishment, a certain degree of resentment welling within me as I began a rampage to feed my vampiric thirst, accepted by none due to my appearance. My wings becoming an thing to fear as my name spread through out the world, though changing with each culture. After the collapse of the Rome empire, I was found distraught by a malevolent force known as Croix Chikako. He brought me under his own wings, teaching me how to conceal my heritage from mortal eyes. Absorbing the information willingly, wishing to advance my capabilities to there furthest level. Though after many centuries, I realized his true intent. Croix being an creature of pure evil, wishing only the destruction of his prison as well.

    After slaughtering countless innocents, I decided I wanted nothing to do with the destruction of the mortal realm. Beginning to see the gifts it offers, such as limitless life, and advanced physical, and mental capabilities. Once enjoying the onslaught I now fought against it, resenting my new found feelings toward life. No longer harnessing feelings for mortal life, or emotions. beginning to become as heartless as they one that taught me. Resisting, I tap in upon my inner strengths to fight Croix. Using an special gem given to me by an wise mortal that had strong ties to the many other realms while his mortal body faded. Trapping Croix within the stone after many years of chasing him down within his weaken state. Wearing the stone around my neck at all times, as I was the only one able to release what was held within. After entrapping the malevolent force I happened upon his belongings, one being an enchanted flask capable of holding an infinite amount of any liquid put within it if even a drop. Later happening upon the fountain of youth during my travels, filling the limitless flask with it's crystal clear waters.

    Years later I happened upon a bar known as the "Lost souls bar", making that my new home after years of being lost without guidance after capturing Croix. Trying in an sad attempt to repent for my deeds of the past, though my emotions will void, and care for mortal life still gone. The owner kind enough to allow me to work there, though leaving shortly after to join an castle that reminded me of my old home. The Owner of the castle known as "Vladimir Shiko" and his sister "Suki Shiko", becoming an non-blood related part of the family I change my only known name of "Leonardo Sabriel" to "Leonardo Shiko". Believing I have fallen in love with a patron of the castle, Ruiiza I soon learned that I still harnessed emotions no matter how far buried they where. Despite this occurrence it didn't last, as I suppose I wasn't worth it. In despair I destroyed the castle, unleashing my inner evil once more as I single handedly killed each person within the castle.

    Afterward I wandered aimlessly once more, helping random other people as best as I could for a place to rest. Working in various other bars, and taverns before creating my own. Adopting a young girl names "Uta Arashi" as my daughter she helps me create the "Crimson Bar". Though the bar didn't last long before converting into a organization known as the "Crimson Assassins". I myself the master assassin as I learn all the arts rather quickly from my training with Croix. Taking bounties, and wiping out all other competition I quickly make many friends. A new occurrence for one such as myself as I have been alone longer then this world has been created. A few years later, deciding to change the "Crimson Assassins" Into the "Crimson Monarch" where I was Appointed King. The "Crimson Assassins" being one of the many branches within the monarch as the drama that followed forced me into marriage to "Akako Shiko" who changed her name after the marriage of course.

    Knowing well her past, and the other three women that wished my hand I later found Akako wished nothing but the throne, and attention. And whenever I didn't give it to her, she decided to get it from another in a most intimate way. Realizing this, and the corruption of my monarch I decide I needed to destroy what I created before things got to far out of hand. Old friends already wishing to assassinate me for the throne, and take over the well renown Crimson Assassins. After dispatching many of the patrons of the castle monarch I manage to release Croix from his prison after he slowly began to possess me. Rather then be completely possessed I release the entity from within the gem, I myself vanishing soon afterward as my job destroying the empire I built was done. With Croix released I vanished for quite some time, though my arrival recently marked many’s despair as they thought me long dead. I wish nothing now days, changing my name to "Leonardo Seisho Tensatsu" Tensatsu meaning "The murderous star of heaven" Considering myself a traveling poet of philosophy, never staying in the same spot long as I abandoned my past only to pursue an aimless future...

User Comments: [16]
Miyu Crescent
Community Member
comment Commented on: Fri Jul 21, 2006 @ 02:25pm
Intersting indeed.

comment Commented on: Sat Jul 22, 2006 @ 12:13am
I write stories and you write way better than be. Gaugh. I suck. gonk

Raistlin of a Setting SUn
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon Jul 31, 2006 @ 09:06pm
A little overboard on the TK subpowers.
But, other than that...its interesting.

comment Commented on: Sat Sep 02, 2006 @ 06:38am
xP Nah, shane's just mad cause he thinks he's better than everyone else on gaia...::runs away.:: eep...

Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sun Sep 24, 2006 @ 06:45pm
Very nice profile. Both detailed and vivid.

comment Commented on: Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 05:55pm
You will be mine, I will collect the bounty on your head so consider that a challenge on your part..... forget your unchallenged record now....

Community Member
Hyro the Shadow of Iga
Community Member
comment Commented on: Thu Oct 12, 2006 @ 12:42am
"It seems like yesturday when I was still the young Pyro Ninja and you were teaching me the fundamentals. Not that you will but if you should ever need my aid I shall be at your side with a moments notice, I have not forgotten the kindness you have shown to me in the past and I will repay it in full, I give you my word"

comment Commented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 06:01pm

Akako Akari
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 04:29pm
In the begining is where the shape of the man who is has taken place. There can be no future without a cold, hard look at our past.

comment Commented on: Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 01:31pm
omg...this is really thought-out and done well... good job!

wings of a vampire
Community Member
[Niitsu] - the - [First]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat May 12, 2007 @ 06:16pm
.....[OoC]: "Leo, that profile's way too much. No wonder you're not challenged, 'cause your character's way too overpowered. I say trim him down a bit, if you ever get un-retired."

comment Commented on: Thu Nov 15, 2007 @ 10:28pm
... Wow .... I'm never gonna fight chu!
Not that I could though.
heart heart heart

Bourbon Whiskey
Community Member
Mordred Killian
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Jan 09, 2008 @ 12:15am
Hmm well thought out and typed...I don't even see one spelling error

comment Commented on: Sat Apr 12, 2008 @ 01:16pm
I want to R with you sometime. >_< Your charry. xD

Dolly Dearest
Community Member
Setto Valentine
Community Member
comment Commented on: Thu Apr 17, 2008 @ 01:34am
Nice R.P profile, very wll thought out

comment Commented on: Mon Jun 08, 2009 @ 03:05am
eek eek eek
Now I know I need a RP with you.

x__Decadence Known
Community Member
User Comments: [16]
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