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earth spirit 130
Community Member
Dam Friends are the Best Friends.

yeah so, none of you will understand half of this...well no..more than half, but i need it here so i can read it again to remember some sweet times. some stories and explained...especially near the bottem, others are random, so here you go.

I'M NOT BRITISH! (quote mary in her sugar rush british accent.)
anne, you're so white. (quote mike a thousand times. it's so true...)
ZOMG the blur (good song is the video) music video. -playing apples to apples- OK EVERYONE, PAUSE, WE NEED TO WATCH THIS.
myles' redneck jokes...and his accent...so good. especially at 1 am. paige was there too...in fact, it was always me, mike, and devin till 1 am every night and ALWAYS one other different person..once it was myles..then paige...erik...maybe alex....yeah we're cool.
elvi lives on and will be our raft when we jump off the side of the boat. YAY POLAR BEARS.
hi, anne's not wearing shoes, now can i have strawberry?
first it was frisby, then no ping pong, then we were gunna jump off the roof into the pool but decided to play the 45 second game..which i won...
crow's nest. times to never forget. LOLLLLLLLLLL erick was big pimpin. devin was confused..and alex was talking to some old man...where was mike? hmm...
-mary and i pulling out all nighter...very depressing. i still dont understand why people ever went to sleep on the last night.-
i cant believe brett almost killed me with a bag of dodge balls. and if my camera is destroyed, i'll find him and kill him.
the horn sucked.
mike and i almost got blown off the side one night...scary. and karine got me with water pretty good on my back..very cold, though.
speaking of mike, we had one special night to remember. LAWLLL really scared some people though..and mike never came back to reality...i did, but he almost went head first down the stairs...thank god for erik. yeah now i can spell erik's name. LAWL.
aww man..not more shitty room service...or bad hair days....or great food...or weird chinese room service people who knew my name...
Yeah, everyone was really nice there.. you could say hi to everyone and they'd smile and love you. it was great.
the loft memories...jeeze, jeeze...at the end, me and mike did good music...but the karoke was pretty bad..LOL ALL 15 PAGES OF IT. and the repeats sucked...i couldnt play erik and colin's ps2 games bc i suck...oh well...
there was a lot of falling and catching in the ship for me. i needed catch patrol bc i have terrible sea legs. OH WELL.
yeah my brother is officially the best driver ever after the driving day in sitca...i cant spell that...
there were a lot of awkward elevador moments...like with mary's parents...and weird positions...and spilling bread...and leaving silver ware and taking a napkin and a bent spoon.
OH YEAH...i forgot about the spoon in the GOTCHA game. see, on the second day, everyone got code names and was secretly assigned to killing someone by the end of the week and whoever survived or got the most points by kdilling people got prizes. so there were 3 ways to kill someone: the spoon hand shake, the kiss of death, or marking an X on something they ate. there had to be a witness OR there must be lipstick on the kiss for someone to see. SO THIS GAME WAS PRETTY RAW.
i had adam, adam had my brother and my brother had devin...mary had her brother and erik had mary...kristin killed like 5 people in an hour...brett just lied..
wow i loved that game.
me and erik were doing 'counseling' with alex down at the lido and drinking and mike sits down to talk and 5 people sneak up and mary's brother got me on the cheek. so i was out. damn. HOWEVER, my brother and i succeeded in our plan to kill devin which was successful..bit of karma there...i kill him and then i get killed. lol.
the first few days i got sick after everything i ate...but it got better...and our sleepover wasnt successful in the loft...we got kicked out.
OH YEAH...AND EMO HUNTING. there was this group of emos on board that tried to bother us so at 12:30 at night, me and mike and whoever else went emo hunting. we never found them. they were in the ghetto on deck 1. LOL but we had to gaurd the loft at night because one night, they snuck in and broke a table and screwed up the music...that room ws 4 million dollars with a 20k couch and THEY ******** IT UP. gahhh liz was pissed.
that makes me remember when jacob was already dressed for the second formal night at like 2 in the afternoon...idiot. we laughed at him. poor guy.
now that makes me remember all the stupid shows like the guy with the puppets (howard) and the bad singers. but the american idol show was AWESOMEEEEE...tomo...kevin...omg drew. I LOVE DREW. -quote mike DREW WONT LET ME DOWN...aww man how could drew let me down?- hah
yeah canada cant do fireworks...they suck. but they have great beer and everyone smokes...-uhm dad? the drinking age definitely isnt 21...- my bro and i had some italian orange drink...wasnt too good...shoula stuck with the pepsi..and everyone had gelato's. wtf??
and what was with all the jewelry places? that ruined jeuno. FREAKKKSSS. my picture with the moose guy was good. and remember the poor guy that got kicked outta disney?? haha depressed poser donald duck. LAWLL and the dolphin guy at the glacier with all the pictures!!! ZOMG SO FUNNYYYY hahahha
you realize how long this is going to be? and i'll probably read it so often that i'll have it memorized. HAHA.
so we are gunna have phone calls every 2 weeks in the summer and twice a month during school. first call is wednesday, july...5th? yes. south carolina, new jersey, boston, northern florida, california, and montana. might be a bit expensive...oh and illinois. YEAH. that'll be fun.
i wish my friends would join gaia on here. that would rock.
oh and what was up with mel and tony dancing? wtf???? and for some reason, alex and shelby got in trouble? made no sense to me. psh i almost danced. we danced but not like THAT. GROSSSSSSSSSS. and i love how tony ditches karine for mel. wtf???? so shallow. oh well. MOST GOSSIP
haha we did awards for everyone in the loft on the last night. me and mike decided to switch awards. so, i took home his award and he has mine. he got best smile and i got most likely to be a camedian. SUUURE it was funny how we both got nominated for most likely to succeed. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA I LOVE HOW PAIGE GOT IT. she has cool hair. i think erik has the best eyes...i think i'll never forget them. and mary had a really amazing dress she hated.
ZOMG the shaggy dog is the worst movie ever. at least the seats were comfortable.
yeah i really liked the Queen's Lounge. Crow's nest was better but it was pretty nice....the movie theatre rocked.
OMG i just rememeber when we were sitting in the lounge before first formal night and josh had this candy and i was like GIMME! so i grab a piece (they looked like milk duds) and i expected it to taste like chocolate. except...it didnt...and we're all sitting there and im trying to hide it...and erik notices and he's all (in his sexy mexican voice ((hes mexican)) ) "uhm anne...are you ok?" and devin whispers in my ear "INTERCOURSEEEE" and i lost it. and im like beating the ground with my hands and frowning and this candy is so terrible and mary is laughing her a** off. i finally had to swallow it and catch my breath and im like DONT EAT THAT. so, of course they all get a piece. and love it. WTF????
this is going on hold. phone call.
ok back.
the things we did at the stops were awesome...except dog sledding and the helicopter ride go cancelled so we did whale watching. there was this one moment that we went by a bowie with sea lions sleeping on it and a bald eagle landed on top of it. AWESOME PICTURES. the wild life was incredible and the water was so blue.....looking out a window to see ocean and mountains was so awesome and the air was so fresh.....it rained a lot though..but i enjoyed it. i saw 11 brown bear and their cubs and 1 black bear. DO YOU KNOW HOW RARE THAT IT? im so lucky. LAWL. what else did we do? uhm shoppping...yeah i got a cool hat...uhkmm...whale watching...ATV rides.........what did we do in ketchikan...uhm...OH YEAHHH fly fishing. that was gay. devin got to do a zip line thing...i wouldve loved that...
spending canada day in Victoria (british columbia) ROCKEDDDDDDDDDD
we were on top deck (mike, erik, devin, me) in lounge chairs watching their fireworks and it SUCKKKEDDDD...
yeah my b/f will be mad at me...because i was always with those 3...but oh well. mary wouldve been with us but she was always grounded....we all had dates back at home anyway though erik didnt...OH WELL. GO FRIENDS!
yeah what else....this is the 3rd time ive come back to sit down and add to this..
the food was really good...REALLY good. and the scenery..ZOMG TO DIE FOR. i saw 11 brown bear (mothers/cubs) and one black bear running on the side of the road...pretty crazy....i didnt get to see my killer whale though...so i guess ill just have to come back to alaska! roflz.
one night...which one was it...maybe thursday...yeah me erik mary alex devin...well just be the 5. ok, so the 5 was up on deck 10 watching the stars..(this is after mike and i's sugar delirious drunk stage and he went to bed and i came back to depressing sanity) and so mary decides to get up and walk on the railing. erik starts spazzing, im laughing, alex is all ZOMG SHES SO HOTTT and im like THANKS, DO YOU SAY STUFF ABOUT ME TO HER WHEN IM ON THE RAILING and hes all HELL YEAH and devin's all WTF GET MARY! MARY GET DOWN! and mary's just dancing on the rail and erik is having a heart attack...
lmao yeah that was good. im like GUYS, MARY IS FINE. and eriks like SHES GUNNA FALL and im all THERES A GLASS WINDOW NEXT TO HER. RELAX and i lay in a lounge chair...hahahahahahhaha. arent i a good friend? xP.
mary has reminded me of the pillow story. so, through out the cruise, there were pillows and sleepers. the sleepers were the people sleeping on the pillows. the pillows were everyone. example: my pillow = erik. mary's pillow = the 5 erik's pillow=mainly me and mary..sometimes natilie. yeah it was cool and comfortable.
what else.
ohhhhhhh yeah hahahaha.
on movie night in the loft...haha this is pretty funny.
so we're watching batman...and me, mike, and devin are stuck on the floor. and liz walks in with a bean bag to lay on and her and jacob start fighting over it. then she's like THEYRE IN THE KID PLACE! so the 3 of us get up and sprint out and im in last and as im going around the turn i slip and fall onto the rug and mike and devin (it may have been alex?) run and get the bean bag chair and see me and get me up and we go back into the loft and liz is like "well..she fell. so, give it to her." and im like SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE but ill share. so we're all laying on the bean bag watching the movie and it was so boring..and i start drifting into sleep until mike wakes me up near the end and i start making fun of the movie. like ZOMG NINJAS! and we crack up and/or OLD MAN!!!!!!!!! or JAMES BOND IN A CAT SUIT! yeah we made fun of it sooo much until the end when there is the huge explosion and then silence and then OLD MAN! and i histerically laugh and everyone in the loft wakes up and it was hilarious. by now, mike and i are basically in histerics...laughing on the ground looking up at the ceiling histerics...and the movie is over and we run to the corner of the room and lay down and somehow got a pillow and a sheet....and we're just laughing at nothing...like me and mare...except this didnt where off for 20 minutes...so anyway...liz and jacob are trying to get everyone to help clean up and get out..so we get up and its the 5 and mike and we leave...and me and mike are like...crazy. it was ridiculously crazy and erik and mary are like WTFFFFFFFFF THEYRE ON DRUGSSSSSSSSS and we're laughing and completely falling and knocking things over and laughing. zomg, hilarious. this went on all over the ship for a while until mike got so terrible that he nearly passed out and fell face first down the stairs to his room and im like TAKE HIM TO 5158!!!(his room). so thank god for erik or mike may have died...the next day mike said he barely remembered it. LOL. anyway, so after mike was back in the room, mary stayed with me and i said go get the rest and bring them back here. ill wait. (by now i was back to normal). so they all come back to deck 6 where i was and we talked and decided to go up to deck 10 outside to look at the stars. we sat up there for a while...then got too cold and went to the crows nest. it's about 12:30. we hung out there to 2 or 3...until some waiter came looking for erik which was odd. so everyone split up and it was over. such a great night...hahahahahahhaa.
what else...

ZOMG. i forgot about dodgeball.
omg..so before the cruise, i sucked at dodgeball. i couldnt throw at all..emabarrassing. but on this cruise, we played it on deck 10. pretttttyyyy hardcore...yeah so. the last time we played, mike and devin were on my time and we were all WEST SIIIIIIIDE YOOOOOOOOOO and all gangster and posed and cheered and you know...all that jazz...yeah we were so white. but we won 2 or 3 games...yeah and i can kinda throw now...i can catch pretty well and dodge...just not throw. xp oh well, i'm learning.

yeah so im adding random bits to this as i remember them..it's so sad though..like..i havent felt this sad in a while. IM GOING EMOOOO LAWL. but seriously, saying goodbye to these people was so hard...there weren't even hugs...the first goodbye was the hardest..it was mike because he had to be gay and go to bed at 1 and not stay up. i walked him to his room and it was pretty tough...then it was devin...which i regret...we walked past one of the elevador sections...we all kept going bye and i hear BYE GUYS and look back and devin is standing in the elevator waving and i start to turn and run back to him and shout WAIT DEVIN! ILL NEVER SEE YOU...and it closes. i'll never forget that...uhg. i gave alex like 8 hugs so thats fine...then was erik...mary and i spent all last night together and decided that we would wake up at 6 to see erik before he left...(we all had to be off the boat by 7:30). so we do..me and mary get breakfast and walk down to deck 1 to erik's room and he came out and we all sat for an hour or so till 7 just talking...then we said good bye's. last thing i said to him was i gave him a hug and said in his ear "make good choices" and he said "i do." i'll never forget that look...ever... and then mary and i just walked away..just like that...it was over..i'll never see him again. ever. UHGGGGG -shoots self-......then came mary. see, mary and i will see each other again...shes in south carolina and gets her drivers license soon...(yeah i cant spell that) so we will be meeting up...still, it was very emotional...going to bed last night was difficult...and my dream...well i was back on the cruise. aww mann i sound so stupid BUT IF YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW DIFFICULLT THIS IS....uhg. yeah well...

long live the loft.

dam friends are the best friends.



Parrotheads27: omfg anne i just remembered!!
Parrotheads27: i saw the creepy faced kid at the airport!!!
earth spirit 130: OMFG
earth spirit 130: OMFG
Parrotheads27: He had a knife and was heading for new jersey!
earth spirit 130: SHUT UPPPPPPPPP
Parrotheads27: roflmao!!!!
Parrotheads27: omfg while i was in victoria b4 the cruise i saw a guy in a darth vader suit playing the violin
Parrotheads27: lol it was awsome one of my parents friends was drinking a huge mug of "lemonade" and was totally hammered by the end of the night.....so awsome
Parrotheads27: drunk people sure as hell cannot play volleyball.....

beatlesbasscake: my dad woke me up at like 10 for no reason and i was like, no, i'm sorry, go away

mgd722: we use those sometimes, but i prefer the hoby cats.

earth spirit 130: OH s**t IT'S DA PO PO!
mgd722: hit da floe, hoe!
earth spirit 130: HELL NO! DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM?
mgd722: you won't!
earth spirit 130: OH I WILL!
earth spirit 130: DONT MAKE ME!
mgd722: haha. wtf are we talking about?
earth spirit 130: oh idk
mgd722: ok.
mgd722: well.
mgd722: in that case.
mgd722: weeessst siiiidee boi!
earth spirit 130: i am so ghetto, SO HOEEEEEE
mgd722: oh yes. i'm fixin' to ******** up them little skinny white boys.

mgd722: they see me rolling.
mgd722: they hatin'.
mgd722: patrolling.
mgd722: trying to catch me ridin' dirty.
mgd722: mike is.
mgd722: white.

David's current funny quote.
earth spirit 130: morning?
kensington1@mac.com: yes coming onto 7 am
earth spirit 130: sweet, i finally got it rigjt. cool
kensington1@mac.com: picking the right half day....wow, what a accomplishment!!!
earth spirit 130: now i can retire! YAY!
kensington1@mac.com: too bad ur spellings gone to s**t
kensington1@mac.com: haha
earth spirit 130: .....................................................
earth spirit 130: .well now i may as well end my life. thanks.
kensington1@mac.com: hmmm......

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