What an atrociously dull and hot day. Mom forced me to go and help move out the old house, even though it mainly consisted of me grabbing a few things and shoving them in the car before the professional movers came in and did it for us... I realised about halfway through that I forgot to grab acouple of papers, but by then, it was too late. Oh well, if I ever get bored I could always go down to she storage unit and dig through boxes to find them.
I've gotten over yesterday's incident for the most part... Im rather proud of myself, I don't usually forgive myself so easily. Maybe I'm not so much like my screwed up relatives after all! whee Although it seemed lonlier than usual today... I guess I'm still subconciously afraid that the group hates my guts... I'll probably get over that eventually too though, especially once I see them all. There's only one person that might not go so well... but that could just be me being paranoid. xp They'll most likely act as if nothing happened.
I hope...
Sutiiven · Thu Jun 29, 2006 @ 03:40am · 0 Comments |