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Shadow's Thoughts
My creativity via expressive stories and poems
It's In The Bag (part 2)
I sit awake again in a cold sweat. I had that dream, that same dream that I have been having for years now. I just can’t shake the feeling that it means something. I can’t shake the thought that all those years ago, on that night, the night that changed his life. He refuses to speak of it again and he swore that he would never return to the place of his redefining. He made a promise that it would remain a mystery, and that no one would know about the events that transpired, and that I was to hold on to this knowledge and never speak of it again. It gets harder to do because that dream returns, and my curiosity grows. I feel as though every day that passes that I don’t seek answers, is another day that haunts me.

I grow tired of these constant sleep hallucinations, and every time I have it, the dream gets more vivid, and lucid. Almost like I am there in that house feeling everything as though the events were recurring and, if possible, more terrifying then when they first happened. It is this night that I now make a pledge to find out what no one else will, but before that happens I will share the dream that has sent me over the edge to betray him and find the answers that he made me promise not to find.

The dream starts with me alone in a house. All I can see is darkness and outlines of various objects that signify the one who owned the house was fairly well-off. I can vaguely make out a portrait of a man, that same dark-haired, lanky gentleman that was described to me. His eyes seemed to stare into mine no matter where I looked. I could practically hear his voice as though the portrait was speaking to me. I would then walk towards the kitchen and in the doorway there it was, the talisman of my travels, the reason for this journey. I could feel my heartbeat increase and anticipation grow as I take slow steps toward it. As I reach out to pick it up, I feel this cold stare followed by the feeling that I am not alone. I could feel the eyes burn into me from an unknown origin. This doesn’t stop me, however, I purposefully reach down and pick it up, and that is when I look up and see him. I see his tall stature towering over me. I could feel his eyes staring directly into my soul, and I felt a fear like I have never felt before, then I heard it, I heard the blood-curdling scream, and with a scream of my own I wake up in that familiar cold sweat shooting upright in my bed gasping with wide-eyed paralyzing fear. I just couldn’t take it anymore, and I had to make it stop.

With the morning sun now upon me, and my lack of sleep evident as I slid out of bed, I decided if I was going to do this I would do it right and do some research before-hand. I needed to get some air so I figured I would take a walk and brainstorm how I would go about getting accurate knowledge of this place prior to the first-hand experience I would undoubtedly get. My walk led me almost unknowingly to the place I would explore, the place where I would find all the answers I sought.

“James Nevil…” That name, even saying it brought goose bumps to my body. I could feel my skin crawling with anticipation. At that same moment as I stared at that house, a rush of dread filled me up, curiosity began to take over me as I took a few steps toward that abandoned building. My steps felt more and more provoked as I drew closer to it and before I consciously realized it I was standing directly in front of the place.

With a shake of my head I realize where I am, and back up relatively quickly until I am about 100 feet away. The house beckons me forward, but for now I must resist. My footsteps feel heavy now, as I turn and begin walking away, as I do I could feel eyes on me as if to redirect my attention back toward that now-familiar house.

With a small smirk I say out loud “We’ll have our time to dance Mr. Nevil, a little more patience is all I ask.” With that I could feel a small weight lifted as though I was being acknowledged and allowed to move without restraints again.

I arrive back at my place and I enter with a renewed sense of drive, and motivation. I decide that gaining knowledge would only go so far, and that if I wanted to truly experience what he had described, if I wanted to truly be subjected to the feelings of fear, or horror, and of excitement that he had described I must rely on my own personal encounters. As much as I would love to get prior knowledge of the place, I remembered that the only prior knowledge that he had was the name of the owner, and where the house was located. If that was good enough for him, then it was good enough for me.

With that said I didn’t want to waste anymore time, and I began preparations for my adventure that I would embark on that night. I went through it over and over again in my head and came to the conclusion that this would be the night I would be absolved of my curiosity, or consumed by the fear that had once, and still does torment him.

I grabbed a flash light, as well as some extra batteries, and put the off to the side so I would be able to see around the house as I explored it. As the night drew closer, the familiar anticipation grew more within me. I couldn’t get his story out of my head. I could recall his initial thrill as he spoke to me, and I could almost feel his initial excitement as he, himself explored the house with his good friend. He was so enthusiastic about his journey and he couldn’t wait to experience all that the house had to offer.

My reminiscing ended, and I realized that I had probably looked rather odd just standing there in one place staring into space. I was glad at that moment to have been alone. With a small smile I gather a jacket, as well as a small backpack to store the flashlight, and extra batteries in, then I headed outside again. I was a bit shocked to see that the sun had already set and I was greeted by the moonlight. I was surprised to see how much time had actually passed and briefly wondered exactly how long I was standing there.

“Alright Mr. Nevil, I am on my way, it’s time you and I had a meeting” I said out loud as I walked toward the house with relatively big strides. My thoughts consumed me as I walked and before I knew I was approximately 100 feet away from the place again. I could feel the pull that I had felt earlier in the day, this time I knew that I would give in, and accept the invitation as I had taken it to be. Oh what excitement I could feel, oh the adrenaline rush I could feel. My body tingled as I took now slow steps forward up to the front door. I gazed around taking in my surrounding, and the realization dawned on me where I was, what I was doing, and I felt a momentary lapse of will. I shook it off quickly “This ends tonight. I will discover your secret, you cannot hide anymore” I said as if talking to Mr. James Nevil himself.

I slowly reached out toward the door handle, my hand shaking a bit as I struggled slightly to keep my composure. The feeling of dread returned to me, and I had this sudden urge to turn around and go back the way I came. I could feel the goose bumps return accompanied with the feeling of eyes fixated on me, as if the presence within was aware of my arrival. I pulled my hand back to my side, and I glanced around. I could feel my nerve weakening the longer I stood there, but there was no turning back now. I had spent so much time thinking about this moment, and re-living how I thought it would be over and over again in my head, and as I stand here in this moment, at this house, feelings these feelings, I realize it is far more thrilling then I had ever imagined. I wonder if this was how he felt when he explored this place for the first time. My gaze returns to the front preparing to enter, and it is then that I realize with a gasp, that the door is open.

A momentary lapse of courage washed over me, and I could feel myself start to shake. This was turning into an already fruitful experience and I hadn’t even entered the house yet. After a few minutes to regain myself I step up to the doorway and peer inside. Darkness was all I could see, and the air became thick. I couldn’t help but feel as though somehow I had been expected, as if what lurked within that house was waiting for me. I then thought back to the dreams I had been having, and all the details they possessed. As I took my first steps into the house I removed by flashlight from the backpack and turned it on.

A small stream of light, now my only source of vision, emitted from the device and I wasted no time looking around. I stood still at first gathering my bearings, and getting a feel for the room. With my whole body now inside the house, the realization that there was no turning back set in and once again my heart began to beat quickly. I shine the light around some more until my vision is met with a portrait. Upon further inspection of the portrait, it had been the one in my dreams, and also the description matched the one he gave me when he first spoke of his story. The house was still, and the only sounds I heard were from my breathing, and as I turned to look around behind me and to my surprise the door was now closed.

Another chill shot up my spine, and now it was just me, and James Nevil. I smirked a bit as i said quietly “Yes Mr. Nevil, it is just you and I now. I trust that our time together will be most memorable”. I journeyed forward and came to a room with the door cracked slightly; I stepped up to it slowly. I pushed the door gently open letting the light guide my views. There was a bed in the center of the room, and I also noticed a relatively tall mirror on top of a dresser as well. It then dawned on me that this too was the first room that he visited when he arrived. I glanced down and noticed the tattered carpeting and then almost immediately toward the side of the bed where he had first seen it.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t there. The only thing beside the bed was the dust on the floor. I felt my heart sink a little, but I couldn’t let myself get discouraged. I turned around gasped as I gazed upon a dark shadow standing in the doorway. I jumped back dropping my flashlight on the ground. My breath quickened and I struggled to pick up the flashlight, and as I looked up the figure was gone. I stood there breathing heavy and looking around feeling more on edge now. I quickly exited the room and looked around. I used the flashlight to search the room, but it seemed the figure was gone.

Was that the man from the story? Was that the infamous James Nevil I had heard about? If it was he was certainly a man of humor. If I didn’t know better, I could have sworn I could hear laughter in the stillness of the night as everything grew quiet again. It seems the house was getting inside my head, as if to test my resolve, as if to determine if I was worthy to uncover the answers to the questions I have. “That’s one for you, Mr. Nevil, I can tell you are going to make this night interesting.”

I moved to the next room, I opened the door and shined the light inside. The bathroom, the next stop for him as well. I walked in slowly glancing around, and I looked towards the toilet, but again there was nothing on top of it. This was the sighting of the illustrious gym bag for the second time, and yet here I am in this room, and I haven’t even seen it once. I began to feel slightly frustrated. Why was he hiding it from me? Why was he so gracious with sightings before? Did he not want me to uncover his secret, or was it another test of my resilience? I would not give up, and I could feel my determination growing. The room then got cold, and I could feel my body stiffen. I looked around a bit as I stood there. I turned slowly around to face the door way, and there it was again. The dark figure I had seen in the previous room was standing there. I jumped a little bit due to the surprise, but thanks to my last scare I was half expecting it to happen again so the scare wasn’t as bad. Then the flashlight went out.

I was now consumed in darkness and in that moment I was truly terrified. I darted out of the room and did my best to find my way back to the entrance so I could once again be greeted by the light. My body was shaking as I found the door handle and turned it. To my surprise it opened. I was expecting it to be another classic scare tactic and the door be locked. I can’t tell you how grateful I was that it wasn’t. I stood regaining myself outside staring inward.

This was getting very real, very fast. I struggled to stabilize my breathing as I reached into the backpack and pulled out the extra batteries. After they were successfully placed I turned the flashlight on again. Round 2 has now begun as I entered the house again this time I would not leave until I had found my prize. My steps slow and calculated as I moved from the living from and stepped into the kitchen. I noticed there were some dishes left in the sink, and I thought back again to the story I was told, and there was yet another similarity. Almost as if the house were caught in time and was untouched since the house had its last visitors. My heart quickened again, as I looked on the stove and saw it. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I gazed at it. I temporarily forgot everything else around me as I stared at the precious gym bag in front of me.

I slowly reached forward and as if like clockwork, I heard this loud blood-curdling scream. I flinched and backed off momentarily. I look up and see him standing there clear as day in front of me. The on notice his expression was angry and menacing. The apparition moved toward me and fell back toward the door. It then lunged at me, but instead of bolting out of the door I side-stepped and bolted toward the kitchen. Just before I grabbed the bag I heard a very loud “NO!”.

The apparition then disappeared as I grabbed the bag. I looked around and then down at my well-earned prize. I carry it over to the living room and set the bag down. I then reach down slowly again and grasp the zipper. I slowly open it and inside to my surprise there are clothes, and a few toys, but more than that there are numerous envelopes with names on them. I moved through them not opening any of them up just yet. I then came to one envelope with the name “James Nevil”. I tilt my head in confusion, but I decide to open this one first. As I do the letter reads as such.

“If you are reading this then there isn’t much time left. My name is James Nevil, and I have become a prisoner in my own home. My time is short. He has only given me an hour to write this which isn’t nearly enough time, but I have no choice. There is something evil in this house and he has shown me the contents over the very bag that you have just opened. As it stands there are a few toys and some clothes. He has told me that he has been many places and killed many people, but he says he likes my house the best because of how much mystery still resides about it. He told me that he will be staying here, and anyone that comes within its walls will be staying here too. He told me his story about how he manipulates the minds of the curious and the knowledge seekers in order to draw them in, and how sometimes it takes longer than others, but one way or another they find the bag and their curiosity overtakes them causing them to open it, and that is when the games begin. Tells me there is nothing particularly significant about the bag other then the possible contents within that brings people to seek to open it. As I write this we are having a conversation within my own head it seems, and I managed to peak his interest with a game. The game is a contest if you will, and it goes like this. Anyone who he draws to this house gets an opportunity to have their lives spared. In order for that to happen I must cause the “player” if you will to flee the house before they open the bag, if I am successful, then their life is spared, if I am unsuccessful, then I am afraid their fate is sealed. It was my only chance at saving the lives of those curious enough to enter and be enticed by the bag and its contents. I managed to convince him of one final condition to this game, which is this: Once you read the final word of this letter, you have 1 minute to find the unlocked door in this house that leads to the outside. There are 3 doors, one is the front door, the second is the kitchen door that leads out back to the back yard, and the third is located through one of the rooms upstairs. Good luck, and let the game begin”

My eyes widened, but I didn’t hesitate as I dashed around to the front door and turned the knob. Locked, of course, I figured he wouldn’t make it that easy for me. I dashed without another moment toward the kitchen tripping over a rug on my way there which only slowed me down by a second or two. I reached desperately for the knob and turned. Locked as well, great, now I have to go upstairs which up until this point I had completely ignored. I race to the find the stairs finally finding them around the corner from the front door. I dashed upward, every second precious. I begin searching the few rooms that were up stairs finding no success in an upstairs bathroom, and no success in a room that seemed to be a sort of exercise room. I knew my time was short and my heavy breathing only getting heavier as I dashed towards the last room.

As I entered the room, I began moving toward the door that I could now see. I began to feel as though my body sudden got heavier. My steps became more weighted, and less determined. I felt as though the strength were being sucked from my body. Time was running out, and my vigor was draining as well as my will to continue. I started to believe I wouldn’t make it, that this would be my final resting place. I knew I had to make it out, not only for me, but for him. I owed it to him to make it out. I told him I wouldn’t pry, and I betrayed him. I went behind his back and not only dug deeper, but got myself into a situation that could have been easily avoided. I wonder if he would be ashamed of me if he could see me now.

Snapping back to reality from my own thoughts, I realized I couldn’t give up. I pushed forward. As I did I saw the door open as if James Neville were trying to assist me once again. I could see my freedom directly in front of me. I felt my legs start to lose feeling as the thoughts of my demise began to roam within my mind again. This was it, the end of my journey. I failed him, and there was nothing I could do about it. My body became completely numb all at once, and I could feel the life being taken from me. With the last bit of strength I had, I looked up and saw Mr. Nevil standing above me. I wondered if he was sorrowful that I didn’t heed his warning.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I couldn’t really move, but I knew where I was. I was outside on the porch of the house. I looked back and saw the front door closed. I wondered how I got out of the house alive. From my knowledge I was dead meat. There was no logical way that I could have made it out of there unless I had some sort of help. I thought for minute and remembered my last vision before I had passed out. It was him, James Nevil, again he had come to my rescue. I sat up slowly, moved to my feet, then began to look around. I walked away from the house only to turn around and gaze upon it in its entirety.
For one night this house was all I could think about. It was my journey, it was my sacrilege, and it was almost my resting place. Thanks to him I made it out a live, but vowed to keep this experience to myself. I wouldn’t speak of it again, nor would I engage that house again. The secrets that lie within are not mine to expose. It is obvious that there is a malevolent force within those walls, and is far beyond my expertise to try and figure out what it was. James Neville gave me a second chance, and I wouldn’t blow it this time.

Still though, I do wonder what those toys and clothes were doing in that bag. Whose were they? More importantly what were those other letters in that bag? Were they other victims? All these new questions appear in my head. I gave a small smirk as I still gazed upon the house. I can still feel it pull to me. I can still feel it tempting me to challenge it once again. Although if I did I doubt Mr. Nevil would take pity on me a second time, or maybe he would who knows. The point is I don’t know what any of those things in the bag meant, or who they belonged to, and maybe I never would. I didn’t mind though because I had accomplished my mission. I had come out of it far from without scars, but the important thing was that I had come out of it. As I turned away from the house again I began to walk away with a smile on my face. The house grew small and more distant with every step that I took. As for the answers to those remaining questions. Well, as he would put it “It’s in the bag”.

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