I know not everyone believes the same things I do, so I hope this won't bring a storm of hate and anger down on me, but this year I really felt like I wanted to express somewhere what is so important about Christmas, to me.
Christmas is one of the best holidays because, it's the day that I and others who share my beliefs celebrate Jesus Christ's birth. The day when Christians remember the birth of the one whose coming was promised by God, back in Genesis 3:15. The one who would make a way to restore the fellowship with God, that was lost through disobedience to God, back in the garden of Eden.
Yes, I've heard that December 25th was originally a pagan holiday that someone attempted to 'christian-ize' at some point in history. ...But the fact is, whether or not that's the case, doesn't really matter or have much influence on why Christmas is important to me. I don't know what the motivations of whoever picked December 25th as Christmas were and in truth we don't know with certainty the month and day when Christ was born. So we could celebrate Christ's birth on July 4th, or October 2nd or any date and it would still be important for the same reason.
Because on some day over 2,000 years ago, God came to earth as a human baby, born to a virgin woman, grew up without ever doing any wrong, and died to pay the price for the wrong things humans have done. Just as if today a criminal were in court having been found guilty due to overwhelming evidence with sentence already passed on them by a just, righteous judge, and someone came into the courtroom having committed no crime and said "Your honor, I'll take their punishment for them. Let them go free, their crime is my responsibility now."
And that, is the greatest thing in the world.
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Rahvine's fanfics and other stuff
The fanfic excerpts in this journal are my original work based on various series I enjoy. Please do not steal or use any part them without my permission. This journal also contains stuff from my rps and pictures of my cosplays, and other things.
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Psycho-Pass, Hakuoki, and D Gray-man Fanfiction
Level 10 Alchemist- Questing Backwings
"Zero Kiryu, don't glare at me in that tone of voice."
-Rahvine Dalmira, Vampire Knight: Raven's Blood
Psycho-Pass, Hakuoki, and D Gray-man Fanfiction
Level 10 Alchemist- Questing Backwings
"Zero Kiryu, don't glare at me in that tone of voice."
-Rahvine Dalmira, Vampire Knight: Raven's Blood