Aura did reviews of all the characters from Aura's perspective. I thought it was pretty cool and I want to do the same thing. Not all characters will get a review though since Rahvine doesn't have much of an opinion about some of them.
Aura Del Potro:
Nicole Gerton: Nicole-sama, I hate calling her that but it's better to be careful. Nicole-sama used to be part of our group, but it turns out that she was actually a spy the whole time.
Since leaving us she has caused nothing but trouble, she even turned me...I suppose with my line of work it was inevitable but still...I wasn't really ready to give up my life as a human. ...But that's honestly about the smallest of the things she has done. For some reason she seems to take particular delight in doing things that harm Aura, like the incidents with the SIN collar, trying to force Aura to harm me and the others, she was even involved in the deaths of Aura's parents.
Sometimes I think if Nicole-sama was gone Aura's life might be able to return to something resembling normal. I think if I was lucky I might manage to end Nicole-sama's life,...though it would probably mean dying with her. ...But,...if it would help Aura, I think I would be okay with that. I just hope that Aura or one of the others would think to take the Bloody Rose and my dagger to Headmaster Cross...After all there wouldn't be a body to bring back...
Blue: She's...young. And she definately loves her machines and gadgets,...I'm not really sure if that's a good or bad quality. But I guess she's not a bad kid, just kind of hyper. ...I really do wish she'd stop hugging me everytime she sees me though, and stop calling me Ravi-chan. My name is Rahvine, just Rahvine. Nothing else.
Hideki: Hideki is our group's medic. She's kind of on the quiet side but she's a good doctor, and a good fighter. She's been vanishing a lot of late,...supposedly it has something to do with her reaper training. I don't really understand all the ends and outs of it but what I've heard sounds kind of strange. And a bit worrying, especially if what is going on with Hideki right now is any indication.
Headmaster Cross: Headmaster Cross is the one that is more or less responsible for me being a Hunter. He wasn't really involved in my training or anything, but he's the one that recruited me to parter with Zero as one of Cross Academy's guardians. Of course, he failed to mention that Zero was a vampire but I found that out on my own later.
I know Headmaster Cross acts kind of...odd. But I think he's probably a lot more clever than he lets on. After all he used to be a Hunter, before I knew him.
And not only is he the one that brought Zero and I together, for which I owe him a lot. He's also kind of like a second father,...or maybe a second mother. Yeah, I know that sounded strange, but you have to know him. Anyway, my point is that Headmaster Cross, may be one of the best people I know.
Caius: Caius. There's a lot of things I could say about him, he's an idiot, a fool, he never takes anything seriously... Not that those things are nessicarily untrue about him. After all he did spend most of his time with us playing pranks, making trouble, and occasionally putting us in mortal danger for what basically seems like his idea of a good joke. Which is why he annoyed me and why I frequently had a vague desire to shoot him. ...But he did essentially sacrifice his life and everything he had to help his friend...and I have to respect him for that.
Keiro: Kiero and I didn't get off to the best start. Damaging the Bloody Rose is one thing I don't take very well, luckily for Kiero I was able to repair it. At first Kiero had a real attitude problem, and I would have been fine if he'd just left. But he didn't,...he stuck around and eventually smoothed out quite a bit. I never really got the chance to know him that well, but he seemed like a decent guy. ...Hopefully he was able to rescue his girlfriend...
Brandon: Brandon is,...well,...let's just say that I'm glad he hasn't been around lately. He causes trouble everytime he shows up, not to mention that most of the time he's the one causing the trouble. I'm not sure but I think he really is insane, after all would a sane person kill a soldier that wasn't harming him and start a gunfight in a hospital...?
Violete Deldan: Violete seems like a pretty good leader. If nothing else she's smart, and she's been a help the couple of times we had trouble with the SIN collar. Violete's not a bad teacher either, she was able to teach me how to keep her and other psychics from reading my mind. Not to mention her psychic ablities have come in handy a couple times with reading Aura's mind. If nothing else it gives me some idea of what might be going on with Aura when Aura won't tell me what's wrong.
Trace: He's another one of those people that didn't get off to a very good start with me. But shooting at me and other nearby innocents tends to have that effect. Lucky for him Aura stopped him and talked him down. Otherwise I might have shot him...well, maybe not shot him but he would have been hurting. At any rate he ended up sticking with the group for a while and even ended up falling for Aura. They made a pretty cute couple, and I eventually started to respect him. Too bad he's been M.I.A. lately, even though there have been sometimes lately that Aura probably wouldn't have wanted him to see her, I think that he might have been able to offer her more support than I could some of the time.
((I'll actually write these out when I have time.))
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Psycho-Pass, Hakuoki, and D Gray-man Fanfiction
Level 10 Alchemist- Questing Backwings
"Zero Kiryu, don't glare at me in that tone of voice."
-Rahvine Dalmira, Vampire Knight: Raven's Blood
Psycho-Pass, Hakuoki, and D Gray-man Fanfiction
Level 10 Alchemist- Questing Backwings
"Zero Kiryu, don't glare at me in that tone of voice."
-Rahvine Dalmira, Vampire Knight: Raven's Blood