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FFCC Rp Aeon Info
(This is Info on Aeons in the world im making for the Final Fantasy Crystal Collectors Rp im making Read it if you like or don't just please don't flame)

Aeons are powerful Summon Creatures which aid Summoners in battle there are two types of Aeon's which are the Original Aeons and the Aeon Species

Summoning Orbs and Aeon Species
Because the Original Aeons were getting strained and tired from all the people summoning them they appealed to the 4 Elemental Crystals with a solution the 4 Elemental Crystals liked their solution and granted them the power to do it

What the Aeons did was each one created a Crystal orb called a Summoning Orb these Summoning Orbs create a almost clone like version of themselves but they arn't clones at all but a sort of sub-race of that Aeon the Aeon Species as they became known

A Aeon Specie looks exactly like the Original Aeon its based off of but its smaller then the Original they also have the basic abilities and attacks of the Original but do not know the more advanced things that the Original knows they must learn them from the ground up and a Aeon Specie will never match a Original Aeon in strength also Aeon Specie cannot talk like Original Aeons can not to people that is Aeon Specie can talk with other Aeons but they don't know how to speak the common tongue like the Original Aeons do they can however understand it perfectly just not speak it and a Aeon and Summoner always seem to beable to understand each other even without words

Aeon Species have the very most basic personality and habits of the Aeon its based off of but its more of the general behavior of that specie then the personality of the Individual Aeon because each individual Aeon's personality can and often does differ from the Original Aeon that their based off of and the Aeon's personality often grows and changes as it experiences the world with it's Summoner sometimes on rare occations a Aeon may be a different color from the Original as well and also a Summoner can rename their Aeon

When a Summon Orb Grants a Summoner a Summon a new Aeon of that Aeon Specie is created the new born Aeon is born with the basic battle skills all Aeon's of that Specie have as well as knowledge of their creation and history and who their Summoner is most of the time when a new Aeon is born a new Soul is born making a Aeon a new born in every sense of the word sometimes families choose to pass down their Aeons upon death to another family member or to a close friend instead of them getting a new Aeon if the Aeon agrees then that person will beable to summon that Aeon however when the Aeon is first summoned its power and everything has been reset so that the new Summoner won't have a super powerful Aeon at the start but it will be the same Aeon

When a Aeon Specie is defeated it returns to the Summoning Orb where it goes into a deep sleep to rest and recover when asleep in the Summoning Orb a Aeon Specie can communicate by dream with the other sleeping Aeon Specie that that Summoner can Summon this helps keep all Aeons informed about whats happening and allows them to become friends a Aeon can also choose if their bored to go into a dreamless sleep which is good for waiting when Summoned the Aeon is fully awake as if it didn't sleep at all

When a Summoner Dies the Aeons of that Summoner are given a choice Sleep for the rest of time in the Summoning Orb, Be passed on to another person, or leave being a Aeon and be reborn as a person, creature, or animal what happens is completely up to the Aeon

For a Summoner to be granted a Summon at all they must go to that Aeon's Temple and Pray for a Summon if the persons Prayer is strong enough the Summoning Orb will grant them a Summon some people can be granted a Summon in few minutes others have to spend days it all depends on how strongly they pray there is also a teir system a summoner must get all the Aeons in one teir before they can move on to the next this was done so that a Summoner couldn't just get the most powerful Aeons and run amok which can happen because a Summoning Orb doesn't look at if a person is good or evil it grants a person a Summon based on the strength of a person's Prayer if the Prayer is strong enough the Summon is granted reguardless of if the person is good or evil however a Aeon does not have to listen to their Summoner they can't dismiss themselves the way a Original Aeons can but they can choose to ignore their Summoner but many times souls with personalities that get along well with the summoner are attracted to the Summoner so though no Aeon Specie is evil a Aeon with a ambition for power or a more submissive Aeon might be attracted to a Evil Summoner where as a friendly Aeon or brave Aeon might be attracted to a Good Summoner but this is not always true sometimes the personality of the Aeon and Summoner clash but this is rare and most Aeon's and their Summoners get along well

Aeon In Battle
When a Summoner Summons a Aeon the Summoner and Aeon battle together the Summoner can stand back and call commands which is safer and good in intense battles or be right in the thick of it casting magic and giving commands though most Summoners who do this let the Aeon choose its attacks and only calls out commands when nessisary when a Summoner is KO'd the Aeon is automatically Dismissed so you'd think most would go after the Summoner first many Monsters will but most Race Opponents especially other Summoners do not purposely attack the Summoner if they have a Aeon out its sort of a unspoken rule and is a rule in tournaments among Summoners

All Aeon have 5 main means of Attacking which are Regular Attacks, Unique Attack, Magic, Skills, and Overdrive
Regular Attack: Is where the Aeon attacks with its fists, fangs, claws, hooves, beaks, wings, etc its a basic attack
Unique Attack: A Aeon's Unique Attack sometimes doesn't deal as much damage as their Regular Attack and it takes a while for the Aeon to beable to do another attack how long depends on the Unique Attack but Unique Attacks often have useful effects which can help alot
Magic: Not all Aeons can use Magic some can some can't some Aeon's have magic to begin with some can learn Magic via Items when their Summoner gets a Item called a Summoners Soul
Skills: Aeon's can learn some of the skills that other Job users have like Armor Break and Mental Break they can't however learn these until their Summoner has both the Item Summoner's Soul and another Item called Aeon's Soul
Overdrive: A Aeon's Overdrive is there most powerful attack and requires them to build up charge of a special power which is done every time the Aeon takes damage or deals damage except on rare occations when the Overdrive is charged the Aeon can use it once used it resets back down to 0 and must be charged again before it can be used again because the Aeon's Overdrive is its most powerful attack it really wears the Aeon out making the Aeon take alot longer to attack they are also more vunerable to attack until they rest a bit sometimes Overdrives can mean a Aeon's downfall because of the long recovery time a Aeon doesn't have to use its Overdrive immidently once its charged and if a big battle is known to be coming its often best to wait

Aeon Specie have 4 basic Commands which are Attack, Defend, Boost, and Dismiss
Attack: Attack is explained above
Defend: Defend allows the Aeon to take a hit that was meant for the Summoner or for other people for a third of the damage that would have been taken otherwise unfortunatly when Defending the Aeon doesn't charge the special power needed to use their Overdrive
Boost: Boost allows the Aeon to lower their defense in order to have its Overdrive fill up three times faster but the problem is surviving long enough to use their Overdrive
Dismiss: The last is Dismiss when a Aeon is Dismissed it returns back to the Summoning Orb a Aeon cannot Dismiss themselves but can refuse to listen to their Summoner

Defeat and Dismissing
When a Aeon is defeated it collapes and fades away just like Monsters do when Dismissed it simply fades away when a Aeon is defeated and returns to the Summoning Orb it must stay their until fully healed which usually takes about a hour Aeons heal quickly because a Summoner may not beable to wait a long period of time for them to heal when a Aeon is Dismissed they can be Summoned again at any time

Original Aeons
Original Aeon's no longer battle with the Summoner when a Grand Summoning is done the Original Aeon comes does their Overdrive and leaves Summoning Original Aeons also cost MP now where as regular Summoning doesn't this is because instead of using the strange power which has to be built up from battle to do their Overdrives the Original Aeons use the Summoners MP to charge up their Overdrives and the only reason a Original Aeon is Summoned from the Aeon World anymore is to use their Overdrive

History Of The Aeons
Long long ago the ancient creatures known as Aeons came to be these Aeons were very powerful but the Aeons didn't know what to do with their power they kept to themselves fighting Monsters when bored and guarding the place they called home many thought these Aeons were either simply creatures of legend or fierce Monsters that should be crossed until one day when a person was getting attacked by a powerful Monster the Aeon that was nearby sprang into action defeating the Monster and saving the person the person thanked the Aeon many times and left the Aeon realizing how good it felt to help others traveled around the lands and talked with the other Aeons about helping the creatures and races of the lands the other Aeons all agreed and started to roam the lands helping protect those in need agenst Monsters and other evils

After a long time of this the Aeons all having become very fond of the creatures and races of the lands knew that they would not live forever and worried what would happen if they were needed after they were all gone it was also hard to get where they were really needed so all the Aeons came together and appealed to the 4 Elemental Crystals the 4 Elemental Crystals proud of the Aeons gladly agreed and not only made them immortal to time they created a whole world for the Aeons and made it so that as long as the Aeon World existed the Aeons when defeated in battle would not go like a Monster or fall into a Death Coma like a race or creature they would simply return to their world albeit very tired also the 4 Elemental Crystals made it so that the Aeons could be Summoned by a Summoner from their world to the Summoners side if said Aeon granted the Summoner their Summon the 4 Elemental Crystals also created the Summoner Job to go with the ability to Summon the Aeons

This worked great for a long time the Aeon's could help people and get where to they were needed without worrying about there time running out but problems started to arise more and more people were becoming Summoners and the Aeons were getting worn thin Summoning Aeons soon became a first come first serve basis and incidents where some Summoners who had become misguided or evil were Summoning the Aeons and expecting the Aeons to do their bidding which of course the Aeons refused but at the time the Aeons could not dismiss themselves and would essentually be held captive until someone defeated them or the Summoner so the Aeons appealed to the 4 Elemental Crystals explainning their plight and their idea on how to fix it the 4 Elemental Crystals seeing the Aeons plight and liking the idea the Aeons had agreed and gave the Aeons the power to do their idea so the Aeons created the Summoning Orbs as well as created a way for people to come to the Aeon World and made it so that a Original Aeon could only grant their personal Summon if they are defeated in battle by the Summoner(s) who wished for their Summon also when a Summon was granted when Summoned the Original Aeon would only come to do their Overdrive and leave which considering the Original Aeons were a fair bit stronger then the Aeon Species their Overdrives packed quite a punch but to Summon a Original Aeon now cost MP and not a little either because the Summoners MP is used to charge the Aeons Overdrive instead of the special power the Aeon Specie use this is so that the Original Aeons will beable to do their Overdrive every time their Summoned instead of having to battle to charge it the Original Aeons could now dismiss themselves and can refuse to battle someone if they don't want to grant their Summon because they feel the person is not worthy or is not ready these were done to prevent past incidents from happening again

This worked great for a long time the Aeons had a chance to live their lives only the best and good hearted Summoners were being granted their Summon and the Aeon Species made a place for themselves in the Lands unfortunatly when the Aeons created the Summoning Orbs they could not make it so that a Summon would only be granted to good Summoners so that did cause a few problems but not nearly as much as before and overall things were good until The 4 Elemental Crystals were shattered not only did the flying shards distroy some of the Aeon Temples but people started to become Crystal Corrupted even some of the Summoners who had been granted Summons from the Original Aeons and on top of this Monsters of strengths that easily rivaled many of there own and some that rivaled and even surpassed some if the strongest Aeons started appearing then the worst thing happened the Great Wars broke out as people fought to own as many of the Crystal Shards as possible the Aeons were greatly saddened by the wars that broke out and felt out classed by many of the Monsters that now roamed the lands also they found themselves being Summoned by Summoners that were Crystal Corrupted and though they could now dismiss themselves they were being stretched thin again and not getting where they were needed

So with heavy hearts the they revoked any Summons they had granted and closed the path to the Aeon World pulling away completely from the Lands but they did grant one last thing to the people they increased the Aeon Specie's strength so that a Aeon Species strength when starting out would be very close to the Original Aeon's strength when they started out so that when a Aeon Specie was at their highest level a they could almost rival the strength the Original Aeons have now

The Aeons then watched and waited soon enough the Original Aeons became a Legend to the people of the war torn lands many not even believeing in them anymore which hurt the Original Aeons but they continued to wait

Finally at long last the Great Wars ended the Aeons were eager to have Summoners and such in their world again and so they opened the path to their world and waited for people to come but unfortunatly nobody did for the longest time because many didn't believe in the Original Aeons and nobody knew where the path to get to their world was anymore the Aeons were greatly saddened by this but knew this was the price they paid for pulling out of the Great Wars

So the Aeons waited and waited many long years until finally a curious young Summoner who had heard the legends and believed the Original Aeons to be real came along using the bits and pieces of lore from various Aeon Temples she eventually found the path to the Aeon World now many of the Original Aeons had given up hope that anybody would find the path so when the voice of the young Summoner echoed down the streets of the Grand City many of the Aeons were surprised and all very happy to see her she was just as happy to see them as they were her they celebrated and each allowed her to battle them but they warned her that in the time they were absent from the lands they had been training so that they could be at the same level of strength agenst the Monsters of the current era as they were agenst the Monsters of the era before the 4 Elemental Crystals shattered and so that the difference in strength between the Original Aeons and the Aeon Species was back to the way it was before the 4 Elemental Crystals shattered

She still challenged every one and despite her young age had a strong deturmand heart and after many tries agenst some Aeons and much training she defeated them all being granted their Summons the Original Aeons then asked her to do something very important they asked her to show others the path to get to their world and to Summon them for all to see she gladly agreed and waved goodbye to her new friends then left

One thing she nor the Aeons realized was a Year had passed while she was there and those who knew her thought her dead or still traveling so when she suddenly returned a year older and much stronger they were surprised when she told them where she had been many scoffed thinking she was just telling stories so she boldly challenged the Grand Summoner of the village something that wasn't done lightly the Grand Summoner agreed not only to humor her but because he was quite curious himself but was surprised when she asked him to Summon Bahamut he was consirned but did as she asked and waited for her Summon what she did was something that hadn't been seen in hundreds of years she did a Grand Summoning Summoning the Original Bahamut himself everybody was in awe of the Original Aeon who was slightly taller then the Bahamut Specie infront of him and leagues higher in strength the Grand Summoner's Bahamut took a tenitive step back from the Original Bahamut something he had never done before the Original Bahamut appologizes to the Bahamut Specie then uses his Overdrive Megaflare which easily took out the high level Bakamut Specie and desplayed a level of strength that had never been seen before from a Aeon Bahamut announced that the Original Aeons were indeed real and that they invite people Summoners or not to come to their world and visit Bahamut then thanked his friend and dismissed himself the people who witnessed what happen were stunned and shocked now knowing for a fact that the Original Aeons were real the young Summoner then showed everybody who followed the path to the Aeon World many could not make it to the Aeon World because the path was quite difficult as was intended but most did and those who did soon found themselves in the Grand City of the Aeons in the Aeon World where they were warmly greeted by the Aeons it was then that the Aeons decided to open their world up to the people of the lands but only those who were strong enough to make it through the path soon many people were not only visiting the Aeon World but living in it to as per the Aeons request the Grand City always was so big with so many buildings the Aeons had always wondered why the 4 Elemental Crystals had made it so big and now it made sense

Now hundreds of years later the Original Aeons enjoy the company of Summoners and other people as well as the Summoners Aeons the Grand Aeon City is bustling and lively and is considered a must see place for any Summoner most choose to try and go to the Aeon World after they get their final Aeon sort of like a gran finally to their journey the Aeons even built a device that will teleport anybody who has stepped foot in the Aeon World so that they can just teleport to and from the entrences without having to trek the whole path there are many who live in the city but they have many many more visitors then recidence but the Aeons don't mind and enjoy the company all the same the young Summoner who first reunited the Aeon World with the Lands has long sense passed and a statue in her honor sits in the center of the city the Aeons also hold a festival which is very dear to the Aeons every year on the day the young Summoner arrived celebrating the reuniting of the Aeon World and the lands and honoring the Summoner that was a dwar friend to the Aeons and made it so the Aeons wouldn't be alone anymore

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