Age: 23
Height: 5' 2 (without heels)
Eyes: innocent crystal blue eyes
Hair: Platinum blonde, looks white at times, typically very long.
Distinguishing features: Nearly white hair and blue eyes that sparkle in the light, her looks are very striking.
Style: Lolita and elegant, dresses like a princess or a doll.
Likes: Sweets, gentle or energetic music. Romance. Loves elegant parties, dancing and flowers.
Dislikes: nothing
Greatest flaw: Thinks everyone is good, even if they are bad. Makes her naive.
Best quality: Thinks everyone is good, even if they are bad. Makes her very kind-hearted.
Personality: Gentle, sweet, innocent and shy. Marie is beautiful, stunning even with her unique hair and eyes. She isn't at all vain or conceded, and tends to affect people with whatever mood she is in. If she is happy, people suddenly feel happy too. If she is sad, others feel it and feel sad as well.
Family: Mother and Father are played as deceased.
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