Hey everyone, I actually meant to write this much earlier. Very much earlier actually xD
But umhm, since I didn't because earlier was 1:38 in the morning :3 I'll tell you of my adventures in Sloan.
So I went on this trip with 3 hrs of sleep and major bags and so on so forth. Lol every time I go to spell Show Choir, I spell shower choir first xD Lol x3
The day was pretty awesome actually.
Holy Sh!t thanks you douche bag for that scary ******** picture >.> you know who you are.
Just wait oh hey, its still in my head and you sent it 20 mins ago!
Ughh okay anyways. I hate going and meeting douche and then nice people. Because that whole day the douche ones kept saying hi to me and sh!t. It was extremely annoying and they were either extremely racist or extremely rude, or all in one person and that was so extremely annoying.
Lol and then besides that. I'm really sore from ninja xD
I drop rolled a billion times and bruised my knee....do bruises stay flat or stick out of your skin xD
Lol I thought it was a really good show for me and a lot people said so, in fact my friend'd boyfriend :3 he gave me a hug xD
Lol besides the fact we didn't place D: so that bummed people out for a good hour if not 2, cause my one Asian friend, was really upset and pissy o.o
Anywayy :3 I took my hair out and went walking around looking like a drug addict I swear. Like bags, and woah girl where's your brown sack. xD I thought it was bad.
I met this guy been texting him all day and woah his a cutie xD lol x3 Welp O.o Love ya'll I don't really know what else.
Lol bright sideish. I don't see the face..nevermind I still do. Jerk
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Tiffany's Life
My Life the good parts and the bad, the weird and the 'normal' but whatever you find in this I hope you read it.