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Plushie's Journal Just a place for entries, random thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. n.n

i are plushie
Community Member
Part 7 of Plushie to the Rescue; in the name of Christmas!

Zero Omega stopped in his tracks. He had heard those two words, as soft as they were. He turned to face the girl before him, who still remained on her knees in the snow, her head down as if in defeat. "What did you say?" He inquired. Perhaps she wouldn't repeat it. Perhaps it had merely been a stubborn refusal as opposed to a firm defiance. There was a difference, you see. Stubborn refusal would eventually fade and was more-so a pout-like comment whereas firm defiance would never break on its own. He question was met with silence for, what seemed to him, minutes, but then it came once more, soft and quiet as if it floated on the tail of a gentle summer breeze.

"I will."

Zero craned his head sideways in annoyance; it was a gesture done when one was growing angry but trying not to. He knew what those two words meant, and thanks to the comment he made moments ago about no one believing in Santa, Plushie did as well. She would never stop believing in Santa, or in Christmas, and as long as she still believed there was a hope, albeit a sliver of hope, that both Christmas and Santa would live on.

"You'll stop believing in Santa. It might take you a few years, but year after year, with no presents, you'll grow tired of holding onto that childish belief." Zero said, doing his best to keep his tone casual and full of confidence; he worried that, by sounding too pushy, the girl would detect his fear. It didn't matter, one way or the other. She knew that her belief, even if she was the only one in all of Gaia who still had it, would be enough. "I'll never stop believing in Santa, or in Christmas. Christmas isn't about presents. Christmas is about kindness, generosity, belief... and second chances." Plushie replied, her voice still softened, a few more tears dripping onto her hands.

Before Zero could respond with another attempt to break her spirits, something happened in that moment... something quite magical. Plushie's hands became outlined with a soft light, baby blue and silver in nature. It was a glow. She stared down at her hands with a little gasp, amazed by what she was seeing. It was magic! "That's impossible... I broke your magic scepter!" Zero exclaimed. He too had seen the light. Plushie looked up at him, her expression becoming more gentle and uplifted. "It's Christmas.. magic can come from anywhere." She told him, slowly getting to her feet.

Zero took a step back, not expecting (or liking) this turn of events. Plushie felt a warmth creep through her cold bones, felt some strength returning to her. She waved her hand through the air, silver sparkles forming a trail through the motion. "I will never stop believing in Santa or Christmas." Plushie said, feeling the 'good feelings' within growing, the glow around her hands intensifying. With a wave of both hands, she chimed,

"Soft and white,
Powdered bright,
Christmas Snow,
Fill the night."

Silver and blue sparkles projected from her hands, the magic making its way up into the sky. And then... it began to snow! Plushie smiled and spun round and round under the fluttering snowflakes. It was a wonderful feeling.

"I don't believe in Santa." Came Zero's voice, icy and full of anger. Plushie winced, the snow ceasing, leaving the night sky dark and empty once more. The glow emanating from her hands faded... but it did not disappear.

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i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 03:03am

Zero Omega could not believe what he had just seen; despite the apparent sickness and the lack of magical scepter, this meddlesome girl had managed to produce Christmas magic. He stared in both wonder and anger; on one hand, he felt curious to know how this could possibly be, but on the other he saw what it really was... a block in his path to annihilate Christmas. Plushie was wounded by the vile words, but she refused to give into them and let them down inside of her, down where her belief glittered brightly. That darkness could never be allowed near it.

She glanced down at her hands, watching the beautiful glow flicker. "I will never stop believing in Christmas, or in Santa, or in the spirit of Christmas. I will never stop being kind, I will never stop giving, especially to those who need it most, and I will never stop believing in myself." Plushie said. The bluish silver light intensified once more, shining brightly, full of life. She balled her hands into fists momentarily before opening them once more and thrusting them out in front of her,

"Christmas Tree once more to me,
Hear my call and come to be.
Stand up proud, and big, and tall,
Show yourself, for one and all."

The light emanated from her hands, coursing through the air and spiraling higher and higher. A green tree formed within the spirals, though not nearly as big as the last -- this one was perhaps only four feet tall. It was a fraction of the size of her last tree. A little golden star glinted on its tip, colorful Christmas ornaments hanging here and there as silver and blue garland wrapped it. It wasn't much, but it was something!

"I don't believe. I don't believe in Santa. I don't believe in Christmas. I don't believe in kindness. I don't believe in forgiveness." Zero Omega spat angrily at the sight of the tree. Plushie clenched her teeth as if resisting the effect of his words, telling herself over and over to never stop believing, never let this darkness win -- Christmas needed her! Some ornaments fell from the little tree, a wrap of garland dropping off as if withered and dead. The little tree itself shuddered and began to wither... but it did not fade, nor did the light around Plushie's hands, however it flickered.

Seeing that the tree did not vanish as the bells had, Zero rolled his eyes and turned, stalking towards the gates. "I refuse to play these childish games." He said. Plushie glanced down at her hand as if she held something within it before she made a throwing motion towards Zero's back. Though she held nothing physical, something did happen. The large gates before him a few feet away froze over, trapping them both inside the graveyard. Plushie had, so it seemed, thrown some kind of freezing ice at the gates. Zero turned back to her and glared, obviously not appreciating the lock-and-key gesture. Plushie stood straight, her face determined, her hands aglow with Christmas magic, magic that resonated from within her. She was not about to give up.

"You want to have this little showdown? Fine. Have it your way." Zero said.. and so he advanced..

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 03:04am

Zero advanced; the scene was one of those long, drawn out impending-clash moments that you might see in a film. The protagonist stands their ground, the antagonist slowly advances, all is quiet except for a bit of wind to make the scene more dramatic. That was this moment. If we had some eerie music it would have been perfect, but I trust you can add some using your imagination. Plushie refused to back down and Zero refused to give up on his plans -- neither would accept defeat.

"All you had to do was sit there. I'd have left, continued with my plans, and everything would have been great." Zero stated. Plushie balled her glowing hands up into fists, snorting with distaste. "Great? Destroying Christmas isn't great, not for anyone but you." She retorted. Zero Omega rolled his eyes with one of those 'you're an idiot' chuckles. "That's the only person I care about."

Ugh. How selfish. Plushie glared at him with a combination of anger and pity. Zero outright laughed, evidently amused by her expression, even overjoyed to see it. "You can give me that look all you want. I don't care. Go ahead and hate me. I'm going to destroy Christmas for you and for Gaia. I'm the bad guy." He said, encouraging her anger. His words told Plushie that he wanted to be seen as the big bad wolf of this story; he wanted everyone to hate him, to know it was his doing, to blame him, because then he wouldn't be the goof with the pie in the face... he'd be the evil mastermind.

Plushie took a deep breath, remembering that Zero too needed saving, just like Christmas. "I don't hate you and you're not the bad guy." She said. She would not allow him to deter her from her plans; she was going to save both him and Christmas. It wouldn't be right to annihilate him, but even more-so at Christmas time! Christmas wasn't about destruction and meanness. Plushie waved her hand in a circular motion at the ground, the Christmas magic trailing behind her motions with silver-blue sparkles. The snow began to roll, and roll, and roll, forming a giant ball, then another, and another. With a wave of her hands, the balls jumped atop one another, forming a snowman.

It turned around in its place, first once, then twice, finally facing Zero Omega -- it had a face! She hadn't used coal or carrots or a hat... but each was present. This wasn't Frosty, mind you, but it was a snowman! "Remember how much fun it is to make a snowman with your friends?" Plushie asked Zero. The snowman began to bounce towards him, not in a threatening manner, but more-so in a happy, playful manner. Despite the snowman being right in front of him, plain as day, Zero scowled and said, "I don't believe in magical snowmen." The little snowy friend toppled over, each ball rolling from its lower foundation. The snowman's head sat a bit away, its coal mouth turned into a sad little frown.

Plushie sighed sadly; it seemed Zero would deny any sort of Christmas magic she produced... but no matter what, she would never give up on it. He could deny whatever she showed him, but she'd keep showing him until he believed once more. The glow flickered, but still it did not fade. She would never give up.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 03:05am

The fallen snowman had not faded. He sat a little discombobulated in the snow, each of his layers separated, looking on at the two clashing forces. Zero crossed his arms in a smug manner, believing himself to be entirely untouchable by this Christmas phooey. What he wanted mattered most, not these mumbo jumbo Christmas parlor tricks. He wanted revenge; he wanted to steal all of Gaia's sweets so that Santa could not deliver presents. Gaia would stop believing in Santa and then the fat jolly man would fade away, also. Then Gaia would be as miserable as he was. This meddlesome girl and her little goody shoes did not matter. She couldn't defeat him and she wouldn't save Christmas.

Plushie thought to herself how impossible this seemed, but reminded herself that, when her scepter had been broken, she had still been able to channel the Christmas magic she believed in. That had to be a sign that this was possible, otherwise she'd have simply been defeated. It all depended on her belief, and she couldn't, and wouldn't, relinquish it. The newly restored confidence enticed a brighter glow around her hands; the magic had strengthened with her belief. She waved her hands once more, the light shining bright...

"I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in Christmas. I don't believe in Santa. You can't beat me. These parlor tricks are just that, silly little tricks from a silly little girl. I don't believe. I don't believe. I don't believe." Zero chanted in an insistent sing-song manner. Plushie fell to one knee before him, wincing with pain. The tightness had returned to her chest, her stomach hollowing out with that empty, withering ache. She clenched her fists as if attempting to hold onto the Christmas magic. The light flickered and began to fade.

"I don't believe. I don't believe. I don't believe." Zero continued, relentless in his attack. He wanted to make sure she stayed down this time and didn't meddle any longer. Time was running out; he needed all those cookies gone! Plushie shivered as if a chilling wind had crept into her bones, feeling nauseous and dizzy, the glow almost out.


i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 03:06am

The glow was barely visible now; it flickered as a dying light bulb might in its last minutes of life. Plushie struggled to remain even on one knee; her foot was in the snow as if she were moments away from getting back to her feet, but a weight came over her that was dreadful and heavy. It was the weight of Zero's negativity. He possessed his own magic, whether he knew it or not. Disbelief isn't all showy lights and magical sights, but it does pack its own metaphoric punch in that it can make all these magical things disappear... as we've all been seeing.

"Don't give up, Plushie; you can do this. He may not believe, but you do.. and just as his magic destroys, yours creates.. Don't give up.." Plushie thought to herself as she shuddered and bit back a sound of sickness. It took more strength than she knew she had, but she shakily got to her feet. "I believe, I believe, I believe.. I can do this. I believe in Christmas, I believe in Santa, I believe in goodness. He needs me.. Don't give up.. Don't give up on yourself.. don't give up on Christmas.. don't give up on him.." She thought, taking deep breaths.

"Christmas, Christmas, good and true,
Please give me strength so I may save you."

She chimed softly, only to herself. Zero didn't need to hear this, as right now, it didn't concern him. The faded glow gradually began to grow brighter, and brighter, and brighter. Plushie closed her eyes, gathering her strength, focusing on how much she loved Christmas, believed in its magic, and believed in the good spirit of all... even the ones like Zero Omega. She lifted her arms, her hands towards the sky, the glow in full magnitude. "I don't believe in Christmas magic!" Zero snapped. This time.. his words had no effect!

"Christmas Spirits, one and all,
Hear my words, hear my call.
Beckoned forth, I need you so,
Show yourselves, and do not go.
Strong and true, powerful and bright,
Christmas, Christmas, in all your might."

Her hands were completely obscured by the radiant light that now emitted from them. It grew more brightly, ribboning off in all directions. Silvers, blues, yellows, pinks, reds, greens all stemmed from one white light, each strand glittering and beautiful. It twirled and jetted to and fro, appearing as shooting stars might.

The final stand had begun...

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 03:07am

This was it. This was the beginning of the epic showdown that would either save Christmas or send it into ruin. Plushie knew that little bits of Christmas magic could not, and would not, ever reach into the dark depths to find Zero Omega, the person he had been before the pie in the face. It would take everything she could muster, in one final summon, to show him the full and true magic of Christmas. She only hoped that she could get him to believe in goodness again before she ran out of energy. There were only two possible endings to this story: the first was that she'd reach him, way down in the dark, and save both him and Christmas; the second was that she'd drop in the snow, completely depleted of all her Christmas magic, and Christmas would fade away forever. Here's hoping it's the first.

The dazzling streams of light jetted this way and that, lighting up the graveyard. One of the light streams swirled around each bit of the fallen snowman, and when it had moved on, each layer of snowman hopped back to life, stacking itself again until the snowy friend was whole once more. Another stream of light spiraled around the half-withered little tree; around and around in went and with each turn, the tree turned. Higher and higher it grew until it stood a towering thirty feet tall. The withered look was gone, replaced by a healthy, lively green. The ornaments sparkled and glistened, the star shining bright, the garland shiny and frilly. Another light stream twirled around the graveyard gates, leaving in its wake cords of colored lights, until the entire graveyard was encircled with flickering colors.

Zero Omega turned this way and that, watching the magic unfold before him. He made an angry noise, not wanting to see what this Christmas phooey had to show. Turning back to the source of this hocus pocus, he snapped out, "This is a delusion! It isn't real! Christmas is gone! I don't believe in it! No one does!" Like last time, his words had no effect. Plushie wouldn't let him into her head any longer; the sight of unfolding magic was more than enough to lift her spirits. The light continued to emanate from her hands, shrouding them from sight with the magnitude of its white glow. She could feel the magic leaving her inside, being pulled out into a visible show. She wouldn't give up.

A stream of light traveled up into the sky, higher and higher, and higher it went before it exploded. Snowflakes reigned down from the sky, so soft and refreshing. Another stream of light danced through the air as if drawing a picture against the sky. Large Christmas bells materialized, rocking back and forth, sounding their familiar holiday tunes.

Plushie looked on with delight, seeing so many familiar signs of Christmas; it was so merry, so wonderful. The snowman hopped around in a happy little dance, the bells ringing soundly, the tree sparkling with life, the lights flicking brightly. Zero seemed a bit overwhelmed; none of his negativity was working, and Christmas cheer was all around him.

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