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Plushie's Journal Just a place for entries, random thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. n.n

i are plushie
Community Member
Part 5 of Plushie to the Rescue; in the name of Christmas!

Plushie followed the footprints in the snow all the way into Durem. Zero Omega was around here somewhere; perhaps he was cookie-raiding H&R Wesley, the Tattoo Parlor, or even the Salon. Plushie was forced to pause in her tracking; Durem had been busy all day and there were footprints everywhere, going in every direction. She had no way of knowing which were Zero's and where he was. Darn it! The sun was beginning to set; instead of baby blue and bright, the sky was now a darkened orange mixed with deep shades of grayish blue. The winter winds had picked up, gusting this way and that. Plushie did not much fancy the idea of searching for Zero Omega in the cold and in the dark. Do not want.

She walked slowly through the streets of Durem, gazing this way and that, half-expecting the Christmas-fiend to jump out of the shadows at any moment. Shop-keepers were closing up for the evening; Vanessa was just outside the Salon, closing the door behind her and turning the key in the lock. She waved to Plushie as she approached and exclaimed, "You could use a hair cut!" Despite the gravity of the circumstances, Plushie found herself laughing, momentarily forgetting about Zero Omega. That is until she saw him running from H&R Wesley, his arms full of boxed cookies! Edmund came outside after him, shaking his fist in the air and shouting, "Fiend! Get back here with my cookies! Those are for Santa!" He was a gentleman of course, and so partook in no foul language nor a foot chase.

Plushie pointed her scepter at the fleeing Zero and chimed,

"Ribbons, ribbons, white and pure,
Stop that fiend, lest he thieves some more!"

Milk-white colored ribbons erupted from the end of her scepter, spiraling like a whipcord towards the fleeing villain. They wrapped around his legs, tangling him and forcing him to the ground, the cookies flying from his arms. Plushie tugged her scepter as she approached, hoping to wrangle the beast of a boy and stop him from doing anymore damage. Zero, however, was quite clever and quick; he wriggled free from the ribbons and got to his feet, abandoning the cookies and taking off once more, rounding the corner of the Durem Depot and heading towards the town's other path... the one that headed into the Durem Graveyard.

Gulp. >.<

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i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:49am

"Oh come on, not in there! Wait, come back this way! I'll turn around and close my eyes and you can hide somewhere!" Plushie called after Zero as she pursued him, hoping he'd take her up on her offer, or even change his mind, about going into the Durem Graveyard. With a quick glance over her shoulder, she saw Edmund collecting his cookies and both Vanessa and Moira helping him. Well, at least those cookies were safe! It was the rest of Gaia's in jeopardy now. She paused under the great stone archway, watching with a sinking heart as Zero continued on... right into Durem Graveyard. Ugh! Why, why, why did he have to pick the graveyard? It was cold, and near dark, and... it was a freakin' graveyard! It was spooky, and probably haunted, and so NOT Christmas'y! Everything in there was dead: the trees, the ground, the... people... Waaaaagh!!

Plushie paced back and forth for several long moments, rambling on and on aloud to herself, "I can't go in there... it's scary! No! I have to go in there; Christmas is depending on me! It's probably haunted! There's no such thing as ghosts and ghouls! I just faced zombies, how can I say that? Come on, do it for Christmas! Ugh, I hate this! SAVE CHRISTMAS!" You mustn't judge her too harshly for this, perhaps Gollum-like, self-debate; I don't know about you, but I'd be freaking out if I had to chase an evil villain into a graveyard at night, too. With a deep breath and a resolve like steel, Plushie took off running, heading to the graveyard.

She tip-toed through the gloomy, dead trees. The fallen snow provided some "cheer" to the area but... there was no hiding the "graveyard" atmosphere. Plushie peered around nervously, half afraid of Zero Omega and half afraid of some graveyard monster that might be lurking in the shadows, preparing to attack and eat her. The sun had finally set, the sky above darkening as night settled in. There were very few stars out tonight. Plushie began to make her way towards the tomb stones, unable to help releasing soft whining noises now and again. She was terrified! The wind rattled the bare, dead tree branches, a few dead leaves dancing across the snow.

"BRAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!" OH. MY. GAWD! Plushie screamed and screamed as a dark figure jumped out in front of her, evidently having hidden itself behind one of the tombstones. It snarled and growled and howled at her. It was a monster! She nearly tripped over herself as she flung herself backwards, shrieking in terror. It... but... wait... it was Zero. He stood grinning in front of her, obviously pleased with himself. Plushie panted and panted and panted, her eyes wide with shock and horror. Ok, not only had Zero been trying to destroy Christmas, but he had led her into a graveyard, at night, and had just tried to scare her to death! We must all forgive Plushie for her response.

She walked up to her foe slowly, almost as if in a trance; her expression was blank, her movements almost mechanic. Lifting a hand, she daintily worked her little white glove off before... smack. Yes. She smacked Zero right across the face with her glove. He recoiled slightly, I think mostly from shock. Plushie replaced her glove on her hand and took a deep, calming breath, exhaling in a soothing manner....


Bad form, Zero, bad form.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:50am

Zero Omega stood motionless for a few moments, apparently taken aback from being glove-smacked. I don't know about you, but if someone glove-smacked me, I'd be pretty speechless too. I mean, who does that these days? Evidently, Plushie does. She put her hand on her hip and gave him that "disappointed mother look."

Insert and awkward moment of silence here.

"Look, the pie in the face was an accident. I meant to hand it to you, but I tripped over one of your stupid bots." Plushie said after a moment. Zero continued to stare at her, without a word, his expression almost blank. Plushie fidgeted a bit, not much enjoying being stared at. "It was an accident. I'd never do something like that on purpose.." She added, thinking perhaps her explanation had not fully sunk in. He continued to stare. Ok, this was getting a little creepy. She didn't like being in a graveyard at night as it was; she definitely did not enjoy being stared at like this. "Can you stop staring at me? You're starting to freak me out..." He didn't stop.

Using her scepter, Plushie swirled it in a circular motion, red ribbon erupting from the end. It twisted and molded, forming a giant red sack on the ground. "Santa isn't the only one with one of these..." She said brightly, dropping down and rummaging around inside. After a moment, she pulled out a teddy bear, handing it to Zero Omega. "Isn't he cute? If you destroy Christmas, no one will get any of these..." See. A perfectly good reason to not destroy Christmas. Unfortunately, Zero didn't agree. He merely tossed the teddy bear over his shoulder before crossing his arms. Strike one.

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:51am

Hmm, alright... no to the teddy bear. Plushie frowned before rummaging once more in the red sack. She turned over one toy, then another, trying to find the perfect one that would somehow get around this solid wall of Christmas-destroying determination that Zero Omega seemed to have. There had to be something in there, something that would remind him how nice Christmas can be. Aha! Grabbing a snow globe, she pulled it out and handed it to him.

It was rather lovely. There were children inside under a tree opening presents; they were smiling and looked delighted. When you shook it, it snowed all around, making the scene more magical looking. "Look at that. Don't they look happy? If you destroy Christmas, all the children will be upset.. you'll ruin something wonderful to them, and to everyone." Zero glanced at the snow globe, gave it a little shake, and then tossed it over his shoulder. It shattered on the ground behind him. The sound made Plushie wince; it was another of her hopes shattering against his impenetrable wall of Grinchness.

She looked around his legs at the jagged glass pieces sticking up from the snow, the children broken and cracked. It was a sad sight to see, and the fact that Zero had no problem breaking the "snow globe representation of a child's Christmas" made the night all the more cold and despairing. Strike two...

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:52am

Oy. If happy children couldn't melt this fiend's icy heart then what could? With a frustrated huff, Plushie began to rummage once more. Something had to work! It just had to! There had to be something in there that would remind Zero as to the special wonder of Christmas; the meaningfulness, the joy, the magic! "I will find something...," she told herself as she searched. Plushie was not Santa, so she couldn't have found the "personal gift." You know that gift you may not have gotten when you were a little kid, but Santa still remembers, and may give to you years later as an adult, to remind you of that Christmas magic? Yeah, only Santa can do that. So our little do-gooder was stuck with her own guesswork and hopes.

Plushe spotted a practical joke gift beneath a puzzle game; it was one of those jack-in-the-box type toys where, when the jack popped out, you got a pie in the face. Uhh.... no, let's just leave that one here in the bag, out of sight... forever and ever. Good choice. After a moment, Plushie pulled out a large Santa plushie; he was nice and plump in his red suit, with his hat and boots, and rosy cheeks, and big jolly face. She handed it to Zero and smiled, "Santa! How can you want him to disappear forever? Think of everything he does. All his hard work to make Christmas wonderful. Look at those plump, happy cheeks!" She said, hoping beyond hoping that, seeing Santa, even in this toy form, would stir some humanity in him.

Zero Omega stared down at the Santa plushie for quite longer than he did the other two items. For the briefest moment, Plushie thought that at last some warmth had come into him. Her heart sank when, with an angry look on his face, Zero turned and threw the toy as far away from him as possible.

"I don't believe in Santa." He said. UGH! OH! UUUUGH! Plushie put a hand over her heart, as if wounded, and gasped with pain. She fell back onto her butt and stared wide-eyed up at the heartless boy, shocked and horrified.

Don't... believe in... Santa....? AAAAAH!

i are plushie
Community Member

Sun Jan 08, 2012 @ 02:53am

It was her turn to be speechless. Plushie sat in the snow, very much looking as if he had struck her down. She gasped and sputtered nonsense, unable to even form a literate response. How could someone not believe in Santa? She knew that he knew Santa was real, since he was in the process of ruining Christmas by stealing Santa's cookies, but the intent behind the statement is what did the most damage. He did not believe in Santa. She trembled, now fully feeling the effects of the coldness. He... he didn't believe in Santa... he didn't believe in Christmas... he didn't believe in the magic of it.

No, no, no, this was just a mistake. Without a word, Plushie disappeared into the sack, her entire upper half removed from sight. She was determined to find something else, something more special, something more magical. She would show him that he did believe in Santa, if perhaps only forgetting momentarily. Just a slip of the mind, is all, just a horrible mistake. Zero Omega, on the other hand, had no more interest in seeing anything inside that sack... except for one thing. I think all of you could see this coming, as did I, but Plushie was lost in the moment, in her own desperation to "right the wrong" that had just occurred. She was not thinking or foreseeing the obvious.

Moving around her silently, Zero Omega bent down, grabbed her ankle, and with a quick pull upward, toppled her over entirely into the sack. Plushie screamed out and flailed around on top of the toys, unable to find any footing. Before she could even attempt to climb back out, Zero had pulled the sack shut and tied the woven cord around it, sealing it. Plushie pushed and kicked at the inside of the sack, her feet and hands making impressions in the material. "Zero! Let me out! You didn't mean that! Let me find something else! You can't destroy Christmas!" She screamed, almost in a hysteric tone.

Without a word, Zero turned and began walking away; Plushie heard the sound of his feet crunching over snow moving further and further off...

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