I can't rightly remember what I did last night in the game (AND I WASN'T DRUNK) but I do remember what happened in the 2 hours I played this afternoon.
No wait, I remember I started out in Sybak today. So last night I got the audience with the king and Zelos offered to tag along and "observe" us as my party traversed Tethe'alla. Then we walked the length down the Grand Tethe'alla Bridge which is TOO STINKING LONG and down to the university city. I tried multiple times to go into Gaoracchia, but to no avail. Darnit Zelos!
I hate the university city, the people there are not half as smart as they should be. Especially that numbskull who "invented the machine that uses the power of the Summon Spirit of Wind to increase the power of the Summon Spirit of Fire". He'll call it bellows!
You're a little late there bud, the people of Sylvarant already came up with that! And then you have the horde of half-elven professors who are all pondering how you increase magic. For the love of Martel, you are born magic-users, YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW IT WORKS!!!
"This flower has magic that attracts people!" Yeah, us bumpkins like to call that magic POLLEN. The Sylvaranti might not be technologically up-to-date, but at least they ain't stupid!
-seethes- And I spent the whole time dealing with Zelos, who's pretty neck I'd like to get my hands around. I must remember why I was ever fond of him...I must... -groans with the effort-
Right...I had an awful time in Sybak figuring out what I was supposed to. Eventually my friend Ryan (who had a time remembering it himself) told me that I had to go back to the junk dealer at the top of the courtyard. So I did, the greedy moron made a fool of himself in front of Zelos, and we got the keycrest for Colette! Yayz! Lloyd fixed it up in the lab room, we argued over going to Sylvarant, and cue the papal knights! Raine and Genis were ousted as half-eleves (aah, but we love 'em) and hauled off. The rest of us were hustled off to the basement where we met Kate.
That reminds me of her father...oh how I hate that sham of a pope.
Kate caught sight of Presea, poor little girl, and told us the story. 'Course she didn't believe us when Lloyd insisted that he treated half-elves and humans the same way. Then Zelos' classic line..."He's going to save his half-elf best friend. What're you gonna do Miss Half-Elf?" She kicked around for a moment, then let us go.
We booked it to the bridge and almost flung ourselves into the water in our haste to get to the Sage siblings. Sheena thankfully had the sense to summon Undine before we hit and the spirit lifted us safely over the edge. Lloyd showed us how much he'd grown since Iselia by blatantly overlooking the siblings' race and plain old' accepting them.
And Freaky called Genis a baby for crying at that.
We headed on back to Meltokio to procure help from Sheena's contact and thus began the horrific sewer dungeon. I couldn't find a savepoint so I had to get in partways and back out again so I could save on the field.
And blowed if I haven't gone and left out the meeting on Fooji mount. When was that...? You all know that we had to climb back up to fetch the stinking Rheairds, Zelos led us into a luverly trap by Yuan, and Colette regained her senses! WOOHOO!!! She broke the trap, we beat the tar out of Pronyma (and wasn't that fun!) and then who should show up but Kratos?
Perhaps it's the fangirl in me, but I was so glad to see him. He poked all the right buttons on our little protagonist and got Lloyd to say he'd change the worlds. Then, with a smile and a "do your best", he left with Pronyma.
How I miss the mercenary...