Cheap Pokeballs
-Fandom: Pokemon
-Function in-series: Captures Pokemon
-Purpose: Cosplay, fun
-Paint: White, red, black, blue, purple, pink, yellow
-Materials: Tennis balls or softballs, a rubber band, a button, sharpie markers, paint
-Status: 25% (I want to make Great, Ultra, and Master as well)
Let's face it...we all wanted to be Pokemon trainers when we were little and even today we still want to. However, most models of Pokeballs sell for about $20 a piece. That's ridiculous for a little rubber ball. Your parents never paid that much for bouncy balls in the store, which in turn, gave me the idea. For the regular Pokeball I decided to use a tennis ball. In this size, it looks like there's a Pokemon inside it before the center button is pressed for release. There is a downside...the tennis ball came out looking rather sloppy, imo, but you can find old tennis balls just about anywhere making these things practically free. For future ones, I may try to use baseballs, but they are really heavy which would be uncomfortable to carry around a con. Truthfully, a Pokeball of any kind is about the size of a small softball or grapefruit (once the center button has been pressed, thank you anime reference), but once again, a softball would be too heavy and I'm not so crazy as to start painting fruit (HERP DERP I MADE A FUNNY). EXCUSE MY HIDEOUS HAND.
Reference #1
-Fandom: Pokemon
-Function in-series: Captures Pokemon
-Purpose: Cosplay, fun
-Paint: White, red, black, blue, purple, pink, yellow
-Materials: Tennis balls or softballs, a rubber band, a button, sharpie markers, paint
-Status: 25% (I want to make Great, Ultra, and Master as well)
Let's face it...we all wanted to be Pokemon trainers when we were little and even today we still want to. However, most models of Pokeballs sell for about $20 a piece. That's ridiculous for a little rubber ball. Your parents never paid that much for bouncy balls in the store, which in turn, gave me the idea. For the regular Pokeball I decided to use a tennis ball. In this size, it looks like there's a Pokemon inside it before the center button is pressed for release. There is a downside...the tennis ball came out looking rather sloppy, imo, but you can find old tennis balls just about anywhere making these things practically free. For future ones, I may try to use baseballs, but they are really heavy which would be uncomfortable to carry around a con. Truthfully, a Pokeball of any kind is about the size of a small softball or grapefruit (once the center button has been pressed, thank you anime reference), but once again, a softball would be too heavy and I'm not so crazy as to start painting fruit (HERP DERP I MADE A FUNNY). EXCUSE MY HIDEOUS HAND.
Reference #1