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Another day in Dullsville
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: *still made from the time with Nate* Lets see.....I stole the diamond...emerald.....Ruby......now time for the sapphire~ *giving nate more work*
Jack: *working at salon*
Garth: Okay, so that settles it...if I can find a model to try the new uniforms...then we are good to go...
Mion: = = *in a meeting*
Angel: *shopping*
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate: *Pissed, but more of remorse*..... He's stolen everything under the goddamned sun and Mat will have my a** on a stick if he takes another....*Thinks*...I guess the next logical thing to steal...Saphirre...= = I just sent that back!D< *Goes to check*
Lance: Hmm~ Maybe I'll get a haircut~ *Walking to the salon*
Ron: *Bringing Garth his lunch* ...*Blinks at the same woman from before*....Uhm...Is...Garth busy?
Melody: *Has been getting weird vibes as of late* Yes~ Give him this at the times I told you, and it should help. Is you get no results, please come back~ Good bye~ *Smiles and waves* Hmmm~ *Looks at clock, almost time to go home*
Jo: *Dragged along* = = *Carrying bags*
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: *sneaked into building* Hmm~ *looks around and sees it* 3
Jack: Okay, Mrs. Armstrong.....you are done~ *dusts area* Hmmm~ *looks at schedule and frowns* Hmm...looks like one cancelled on me...
??: *looks up and glares* Yes....but I was told that if you show up....to let you through...
Garth: *walks out of office* Hmm...who can I get to try it on.....?
Mion: *out of meeting* ......finally.......
??: Hey!! Mion! Lets go out for a drink tonight...
Mion: *thinks: = = god damn I hate my life....* ..............
Angel: *laughs* Awww, don't be pouting...I'll let you choose my night attire~ So be more chipper~
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate: *Drives up to building and gets out* I guess I can just check....*Heads in, shows badge* No alarm, just making sure the security is good...*Looks around* Phaaaantom! )<
Lance: Hmm~~ 3 *Heads in* Jack? *Smiles and waves* You open?
Ron: *Smiles and laughs nervously* Th-Thanks...*Goes on ahead and sighs* Hmmm....*Walks until sees Garth*...Garth...Oi! Garth! *Waves*
Melody: *Off of work* Alright...Don't forget to lock up, Emma... Vincent? Make sure all the animals are fed and brushed*
Vin: Sure, Mel~
Em: Yes, Melody~
Meldody: *Smiles sweetly* Great...See you both tomorrow~ *Heads out to go to the store then home*....*Blinks and looks around, feels weird energy*....Hmm...*Continues on.
Jo: I ain't poutin'...*Grins* Babe..the only night attire you need is your birthday suit~

*Yami~Luna* says:
sorry! Brother distracted me >.<
big debate
Chelsea Fuller says:
LOL s'okay~ What bout?
*Watching a movie anyway*
*Yami~Luna* says:
Marvel characters.....cause we were watching Iron Man....
Chelsea Fuller says:
Ahh~ Marvel~
*Watching Transformers*
*Yami~Luna* says:
lol we just finished watching that...
Chelsea Fuller says:
I've seen this one already.
*Yami~Luna* says:
haven't see the third one...
Chelsea Fuller says:
We're gonna watch it.
*Isn't really into movies though*
*Yami~Luna* says:
same....he is still debating with me = =
Chelsea Fuller says:
Aww xD
I can't stay up too late tonight. *Has tournament tomorrow*
*Yami~Luna* says:
that's cool, I understand.....
Phantom: *hanging upside down* NAAAAATHANNNN! *lands on feet* What brings you here? 3
Jack: Hey, Lance~ Yeah, I have an opening....come on in...3
Garth: *blinks and turns* Ron... *smiles and waves over other to come near* .....!!! *eyes widen and then smiles* Just the person I wanted to see~
Mion: *driving with other politicans* = = *blinks and looks to see Mel* ...Stop the car.
Angel: *giggles* Yes that is true....but still, I have to wear something incase of unexpected guests~ 3
Chelsea Fuller says:
I'm playing doubles tomorrow, but we're gonna kick tail! *Excited*
*Yami~Luna* says:
whoo! 3
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate: *Frowns and folds arms* You know exactly what brings me here... Phantom...If you're angry at me... take it out on me...Not the city = =
Lance:..... Great!! *Puts down bags* I want a cut~*Goes over* Where do you want me?
ROn: Hey~ I brought lunch~*Comes over, blinking* You wanted to see me?
Melody:.....*Looks around*.....*Thinks: There's...something unnatural here, cautious*..... *Keeps walking*.....
??: *Looks over newspaper, watching Melody quietly*.....*Pulls hat down, folds paper and continues to follow*
Jo: Babe, if they didn't have the nerve to announce themselves, I'll give them a show worth seeing~ I don't mind voyeurism~
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: *looks away* Its no fun nor point to take it out on you....you could careless~ So I just give you more work instead~ Only time that you are actually show irritation or being pissed~ *fiddles with gem*
Jack: *points* Over by the sinks... *walks and gets everything ready* Gotta soak ya hair~ 3
Garth: *walks with and smiles* Thanks for lunch....and yes.... *closes door* I need you to model for me~
Mion: *gets out*
??: Wait.....where---
Mion: *smiles* Something came up....I'll talk later now....later... *goes to where Mel is*
Angel: *chuckles* I know you don't mind....but its still nice to wear something and be easy to take off.... *looked at attire* Hmm....? How about this? Or this? *women giving odd looks to Jo*
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nat: ....*Frowns* Phantom, I'm not going to let you continue this. Leave the jewel here and return the others....
Lance: Okay~ *Goes to sit* You can do whatever you want to it....*Leans back and smiles to*
Ron: *Smiles* I hope you like it. *Follows in and blinks*...M-Model...? Me? But.... No way...
Melody: *Feeling uncomfortable, thinks: It's close*......* Looks around*
??: *Following from a moderate distance*....
Jo: True~ Next best thing is to strip you clean, ne? *Watches and raises brow* Eh.....Too modest...That one's sexy~ *Blinks to women*....*Flashes a smirk, before looking to Angel*
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: *smirks under mask* Well you know how to stop me~ *turns and walks away*
Jack: *smiles* I'll do what I normally do since I love the way you look~ *washes* So....how was your day?
Garth: I know I will~ *blinks and frowns* Please~ I really need you~ *lifts chin up to meet his eyes* You are the only person that I can count on...
Mion: *dressed up and watching from roof top* Hmmmm...what is it that is going on.... *follows the follower of Mel*
Angel: Oooh! How about this?!3 *comes out in dominatrix outfit* Lovely right? 3
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nathan:...*Growls* STOP PHANTOM! If I play your game, you'll be satisfied right?
Lance: *Blushes and smiles* Okay~ Take care of me~ *Closes eyes and lets him work* Hmm... Pretty boring without you~ Yours?
Melody:.....*Waits for the sign to cross the street to head home*.....
??:....*Stops to call someone*....Yeah...? Good...She's coming your way....*Hangs up and continues to follow*
Melody: *Approaches building and heads to her door while being followed*...?*Blinks at her door* This...darkness..*Hurries to open the door*
Jo: -!! Uhm...Damn...That's....sexy...*Somewhat fears for his balls*...
Ron:...*Blinks and blushes meeting his eyes*...But....I'm not really model material...*Looks away*I mean...there's surely someone better...
*Totally skipped him somehow*
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: *looks back* That depends......really depends..... *turns to face him.
Jack: Aww, nothing much....just did four peeps hair...that's about it....oh and that a*****e came in as well.....
Garth: *frowned and pouted* Are you saying that I don't have an eye for beauty? I really was hopping you'd help me....its very important.... *murmurs against lips* I want you...
Mion: *follows at good distance* Hmm...really...is he gunna do this? He's messing with my piece....
Angel: Awww....don't be afraid~ 3 I said I'd treat you gently *goes and straddles his lap*
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate:....Well... I'll do what I have to... Whatever you want...I just want you to stop this...and come home...*calmed* Up to you Phantom...I'm listening.
Lance: Busy~ *Blinks* Inspector guy? *Frowns* Your mother hasn't murdered him yet? *blinks*...Are you okay?
Ron:I-I'm not saying that....*Frowns, feels a tad bit guilty*...But Garth....*Blushes bright and shivers* N-Not fair...*Turns head away*...If...you really want me to...I guess...
Melody: *Opens door and looks around*...Gael? Farrah? *Can't feel the usual light* Chet! Rodger?! *Looks around, desperate*
??: So you made it~ *Comes out with Gael(Black kitten) in his hand*I always knew you were some kind of freak~
Mel-Dale...*Stares at Gael who seems asleep*...Put him down! Please!
??: No can do, Miss Pretty *Comes in behind her and closes door*...
Mel: *Looks back, then between them* Where are my children?!
Dale: *Grins* Killed them... You always loved animals~ And I missed you....I didn't want interruptions...
Mel:.....*Eyes widen, Aura quickly consumed by darkness and festering, growing immense*...
??: I think you broke her...can I have her? *Licks lips*
Dale: Sure~...I'll take care of this one and join you~ *Grins*
Mel:......*Breathing deep, with no light to feed from, can't control her darkness*...Dale... *Murderous intent, slowly nears*
Jo: Afraid? Me? Psh....*black and grins, groping* Woah baby~ You''re really kinky, you know?
*Yami~Luna* says:
((Quick question, do you really want the other kittens dead? Or he just say that to break her? Cause I already have Mion ready to be more scarier than Angel....either way, just want to know...))
Chelsea Fuller says:
(( They aren't dead, *Couldn't kill an animal for her life*, he moved them out of the vicinity to mess with her so just saying ))
(( So yeah...the animals are very much alive, Dale is just a douche ))
*Yami~Luna* says:
((Okay~ Trust me....Mion is gunna be one scary a** b*****d....you'll want to stay away from black cats after this....if I can type my thoughts out right XD))
Chelsea Fuller says:
((Oh snap... xDD Caution: Black Cats: Do not ******** with))
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: ..............Fine..... *turns* I'll return this gem and go home of you can solve my question...
Jack: *smiles* Yeah...haha, nope...she has to keep our business open somehow....we need him alive unfortunately....
Garth: *smiles happily and kisses lips* Good.... here... *hands over to him* I need you to try on this school uniform.....
Angel: Hmmm~ Meow *leans to kiss but stops* ...........oh dear... *blinks and stands and looks outside*.........someone messed with he wrong sorceror...... *grin widens* I've never seen him like this...well....I have....when he and I first fought against each other..... *looks back, with a deadly murderous glint in her eye, making her look all the more sexy* Hastel is on the move....someone just pissed off the Sorceror of Faith and Mircales~
Mion: *lights dim in room, then go out* Looks like someone invaded my terrirtory... *dim lights come on, standing in room like he just appeared* It seemed that you have not only messed with my piece...but terrorized my children..... *no emotion or expression* So...let me just say...human... I'll be taking back what is mine.... *looks to Mel* I shall warn you...my darkness will make you sick....but you choose to help me...you'll have to get use to it...for my darkness is the darkest there is....even darker than the vass of space... (cont-)
(cont) Now then.... *grins widen to smirk* Come...MY kittens..... *lights go out, sounds of shuffling and breathing and hissing*
Cat1: *full grown, jumps and bites wrist*
Cat2: *jumps and grabs kitten from hand and lands* ..... *yellow eyes stares at will murderous intent in the barely visable light*
Mion: *smiles* There is no escape.....from my game.....not now....not ever......come MY kittens~ Feeding time....
??: *dark but shadow human like figures creeping from corners of the darken apartment*
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate: Fine...And if not...I'll accept any penalty along with you keeping the gem and going on your merry little way...*Cocks head* Deal?
Lance: Haha~ *Likes the feel of Jacks's hands* Too bad... I could get rid of him easy for you...Why not ask for different inspectors?
Ron: *Pouts at kiss* You play dirty...*Takes clothes and sighs to go change* {About five minutes} *Comes out, smoothing vest* How is it?
Melody: Give him back!!*Lunges at, only to be grabbed by other guy and struggles* Let...me...go!! My children!! *Slowly becoming angry and malicious*
??: No cand- What the? Where'd the lights go?
Dale: The hell?!
Mel:....*Stares then blinks* Mion...*Recognizes his darkness*...
Dale: Who the ******** are y-!! The hell-?! OW!* Trying to shake off cat* Let go!
??: *Lets go of Mel* ******** this! *Tries to run*
Mel:....-!! *Shakes and shivers from intense darkness* You....So....dark...*Holds self, feeling sick to her stomach* Too much...
Jo: Baby~ *Leans in but blinks*..Tha' hell? = =*Thinks: Him again*....*Raises brow, whistles* Hello nurse~ Guess someone's in for their funeral.
*Yami~Luna* says:
Chelsea Fuller says:
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: ...deal....now then... *points to him* You committed a horrible act.....you shall forgiven if you just say wha that act was..... do you know what that act was and do your repent?!
Jack: *smiles and sighs* Its not that simple...they send whom ever is in charge of that area.....so he's basically assigned out areas......so we are stuck with him... *blinks and kisses* you are too kind~
Garth: ....oh~ *walks over and examines* Looks good....looks good~ *was around* Hmmm....how does it feel? and what do you think?
Mion: *laughs darkly* hahahahaha ahahahaha! Foolish human mortal...didn't I just say.... *door locked* There is no escape from my game.....Melody....hold out your hand....
??: *dark figure goes over and places 'paw' on her palm, soon opens up into a human hand* .................. *pulls and guides her out of the room and into her room, apartment still dark*
Mion: Hhahahahahahaha! Go my kittens...take out the trash....feast......these men aren't worth bring my blade down on them....go and leave nothing behind~ *turns and heads back to the Melody's room, ignoring the screams that were soon silenced as the door closes* .......... *lights come on leaving Melody and Mion alone* ...................... *back to being expressionless, like his pyscho persona never happened*
Cat2: *licking Gael, giving kitten bath like a mother cat would*
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate:.... I did, hm....*Thinks* What did I do.... I've been looking all over for you....worrying about you... pissed at you...myself.........Hm...*Closes eyes*.... Is my crime....ignoring my loved one's wishes and hurting his feelings? if that's it....I've been repenting since it happened...
Lance: ....I'm sorry... I want to help still...*Blinks and smiles* Only for you~ What if he got assigned to a new area?
Ron: *Awkward*..... It...feels fine...comfy.. classy looking... I like it...*Looks to*...Is it okay to you?
Melody: *Absorbing too much of the darkness* .....Never...seen...anything...*looks to him* Mion....*Shakily holds out hand* -!! *Follow figure*...But...Mion... *Eyes widen to the screams until they stopped and lights went on* D-Dale... *Stares at Mion*... You...*Lightheaded, feels ready to faint, until she spots Gael, quickly moving to snatch him up and into her arms*Gael.....*Taking in his light to make herself sane again*.....*Looks to Mion again, now unsure*............
...((Was Gael and the cat in the same room? If not I can change it...))
*Yami~Luna* says:
((Yeah they are....you are good~ Damn I forgot Angel in my last post XD))
Phantom: ................. *looks away and places gem down* ..............
Jack: *blinks and smiles* That would be nice....very nice.... *finishes* You are way too kind to me.... *helps other up and guides to his station* ....nnn....do I still have to meet your mother? *nervous* What if she doesn't like me?
Garth: Good....its good....would you wear it like this? If you had to wear this everyday....show me how'd you wear it.... *thinks* Also.....can you have your brother and your best friend to come in and try this on too? I need different views on this....plus I'll have Zeal and some gals try it on...
Angel: *goes over and straddles* Lets finish up here and get home....I'm feeling reeeeally frisky~ *passionately kisses* pick out sleep wear for my furniture then we can leave~
Chelsea Fuller says:
*Yami~Luna* says:
not yet XD
Mion: *watches, but turns to the door when he heard a knock, opens*
Alpha: I have it sir... *brings in basket and opens lid to show kittens*
Mion: Good work....how's the mess?
Alpha: What mess?
Mion: *grins* Good....you may leave... *watches go and turns to Mel*
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate: ....Phantom...I'm sorry... I know we're opposites, and sometimes I'm too uptight...but I love you like no tomorrow....You know that....right?
Lance: I just love you....*Takes help and follows, blinks*...Well if you want to...I doubt she'd hate you. You're hot...loaded and Italian...She'll love you = =
Ron: Mnn... Not really...Okay...*Unbuttons vest and begins to role up sleeves, then loosens tie*...I'd wear it like this if I could...*Nods* I'll tell them... So.... Am I done? *Rubs arm and looks off*
Mel:....*Sighs and nuzzles Gael, light and dark balancing out*...*Blinks to door, surprised*...*Slowly comes closer* ...The kittens... *Came feel the return of light throughout her home* My dogs...and the birds...* takes a deep breath*....*looks up to*....Uhm...*Looks down, then back up* How....did you know?
Jo: *grins, frisky again* Yeeees ma'am~ *Kisses back and grinds against*Mmmkay~ *Picks up and carries, looking around*
*Yami~Luna* says:
Phantom: ....Yeah.....I know......I guess.....
Jack: hehe...that....is kind of reassuring...so how are things going with Ron and you?
Garth: Hhhmmm~ You have one more thing to try on...the summer uniforms... *hands* Try on....
Mion: *looks to* You are my piece...whom I am to make a pawn into a queen.....from a queen to a king and from a king.....to a player...form a player....to a game master....I need you in the right of mind...and nothing to happen to you.....last I check...we are helping each other....
Chelsea Fuller says:
Nate:...*Looks down*...What can I do to make it up to you?
Lance: She's hopeless...*Shakes head some*....*Blinks* Fine I guess...We get along well...
Ron; Okay....*Takes uniform and goes to change into that* {about 5-7min} *Comes out in summer form with other neatly folded* Well?
Mel:.......I see....*Smiles some* Yes... *Looks to and then bows* Thank you...I...will do my best...to live up to your expectations *Stands straight and smiles to herself*...Thank you...*Pets kitten, balance restored*
( I know you weren't done, but I gotta go soon xD *Didn't intend to stay up this late* )
*Yami~Luna* says:
(that's okay....parents returned home earlier than expected >.> wink
Chelsea Fuller says:
(Are you done for the night then?)
(Can stay up for a little longer)
*Yami~Luna* says:
((yeah...for now...I'll reply later...))
Chelsea Fuller says:
Mmkay. Going to bed then.
*Yami~Luna* says:
okay! Good night!
Chelsea Fuller says:

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