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Another day in Dullsville
Frag Short Story Plan
4:07pmiCheru:Maybe I just need a good kick start back into rping.
4:08pmI got back into it for a moment and fell back out.
4:08pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Hm, and what do you think that good 'kick start' would be?
4:08pmiCheru:I'm not sure myself.
4:08pmNeverending NekoKitsune:HmmMaybe if you start reading something good?
4:09pmiCheru:Whatever it is, it can't feel like work for me. If I feel like I have to do it, it'll kill it.
4:09pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Yeah, that's true,It has to feel like you enjoy it, that you want to write it
4:10pmiCheru:Hmm. I think I'm going to try to write for a bit.
4:11pmNeverending NekoKitsune:And see where it takes you?
4:12pmiCheru:I suppose.
4:12pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Sounds good.
4:26pmiCheru:I think I found somehting I want to write about
4:26pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Really?
4:27pmiCheru:I think...I'm having a hard time putting words down.
4:44pmNeverending NekoKitsune:and I'm sure you'll know what to write after thinking it over.
4:44pmiCheru:It's more of...I'm working things out in my brain.
4:45pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Ah
5:00pmWish I could help, but I dunno what I can help with.
5:02pmiCheru:Why are other languages so difficult to work with > <
5:27pmMrr... I think I burned out on writing this for now, but I like the idea. So I make more on it later.
5:27pmNeverending NekoKitsune:At least you got somewhere, right?
5:28pmiCheru: A few sentences, yes.
5:28pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Better than nothing
5:28pmiCheru: It's like...a a Fragment into the future least of variation of what the ende could be like.*ending
5:28pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Oh?
5:39pmiCheru:It was just something I thought was kind of cute...Like what if Chamuel and Taka had to go back to heave after everything was over?
5:40pmNeverending NekoKitsune:I thought they were supposed to?If they complete their mission or die, I mean.
5:41pmiCheru:Well I haven't got that far in planning. I haven't decided with Yoko if they are or if they'd be permitted to stay if the mission is completed. I can see Kai and Izumii not wanting them to go. Case in fact, we've barely got off the ground as is, so I haven't really thought about it.
5:42pmand it depends on what happens during the story as well.
5:42pmNeverending NekoKitsune:ExactlyYang and I have planned something after I get to post, so we've decided to make things a bit more interesting.
5:42pmiCheru: So I can't say for sure what is going to happen at the end till we get close to it.
5:43pmNeverending NekoKitsune:YeahAnd who knows when that'll be, haha
5:43pmiCheru:Well I know that, but that's near the beginning of the story xD
5:43pmNeverending NekoKitsune mad DWell, just gotta keep going at it and hope we get to the end
5:43pmiCheru:Who knows what kind of things is going to happen.
5:43pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Only our imaginations from then on will, I guess.
5:44pmiCheru: I just hope the action doesn't pick up too fast.Yeah..
5:44pmiCheru: I still want the casual element in there.
5:44pmiCheru:Or to not feel like we've jumped right in head first.
5:45pmBut if it happens, it happens.
5:46pmiCheru:Like if Aaeni goes ahead with with he's doing too fast, then Xanthe will be a short lived character and his original purpose deteriorates very quickly
5:47pmI mean...I didn't intend on him being a final boss or anythign, but to at least be a prominent person in the story line
5:47pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Haha, eahyeah*But he won't take the whole evil spotlight, I'm sure
5:47pmiCheru:but I feel like we introduced one big shot, and then an even bigger shot that makes the first not know.
5:48pmNeverending NekoKitsune:I see what you mean
5:48pmiCheru:we got way off topic.
6:15pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Ah, that's rightSorry, my head is all messed up right now, haha...
6:20pmiCheru:It's okay. I was just saying that Taka and Cham go back to heaven. Some time later some years maybe a decade or so, Kai's in his home counrty, Korea, and Izumii is in Japan. muzik may or may not have split up due to Ryuji no longer being there.
6:21pmNeverending NekoKitsune:So they go back to visit them?
6:22pmiCheru:Chamuel and Taka say their good byes to each other and head off to the respective countries to find them after the Creator permits them to return to earth now that their mission is down and they've more or less have finished whatever learning business they had in heaven.So yes.
6:23pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Like, go back to the life they had before they died?
6:24pmiCheru:I wasn't sure if they were going to their past like right before they died, or if the Creator had fixed things so they could live there like having a 2nd life.
6:25pmI was thinking of the before they died thing. But that might conflict since even if they kept their memories, the whole story happens all over again.Or if Creator winds back time to let everything happen as it should've without the threat of Hell.
6:26pmI had a lot to think about.
6:26pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Hm, how about this:When they died, they were immediately taken to this mission, right?So the time they are now isn't far from the time they diedA decade later when they come back, it'll be like they just lived somewhere else for that timeLife could still be the same for them if they make it, right?
6:27pmiCheru:I suppose it can be like that. For this specific pair at least.Yeah, true.And it's a sub reality too, so I can make it happen like that.
6:27pmNeverending NekoKitsune:ExactlySo it should be fine.
6:27pmiCheru:I just had a problem of making things make sense to me.
6:28pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Haha, well, it is confusing
6:29pmA lot of time had to pas after they died, you know?
6:29pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Ah, true.
6:29pmiCheru:With everythign happening...They might've been buried already.
6:29pmNeverending NekoKitsune:Ah...Maybe they get a second life, like you said thenJust, they don't start over their life
6:30pmLike being born again
6:32pmiCheru:Yeah. What I was thinking about that was that he let them be reborn with all of their memories locked and what not, but back in time. That way, time will still happen the same way it did and after everything is said and done, their memories can be unlocked.Or...
6:33pmThe Creator and make it seem like they've been there the whole time and let them back down to earth as they are ,fully human and what not, fix their families memories or something.
6:34pmThey both died very young.Like late teens early twenties.
6:35pm So I think it'd be nice that once everythign is settled with heaven, the Creator can grant them this one wishes to go be with their humans again.Lots of possibilities with the reborn thing.
6:36pmAnyway.Once they make it to earth, they'll be looking for Kai and Izumii and since I haven't decided if Muzik is still together, It's hard to decide how to go about it.
6:37pmI may write more than one variation.But for now, they are separated.Kai in Korea and Izu in japan.I can imagine the Cham and Taka spend a long time trying to find them.
6:40pmChamuel has been doing small performances to support herself and goes to a radio station to participate ina live show contest. She dedicates the someone she's looking for and sings a song that Izumii wrote in Korean for Kai, Taka, Ryuji, and other people that she cared a lot for.
6:42pmIt's a coincidence that both Kai and Izumii are listening to the Korean radio station, although for different reasons. taka hears it too, and instantly recognizes her voice.
6:43pmIzumii calls Kai while walking down the street although he's already trying to get to the place to see if it's really her.
6:46pmTaka listens to the song till end on the street radio while Cham packs up her things to leave since she can't hang out in gets really corny from here.
6:47pmDidn't really work this meeting thing out either.
6:48pmbut what I had in mind was that...
6:49pmChamuel had already left the station by the time he gets there and Izumii starts remembering Taka. Kai is looking everywhere he can and Izumii goes to visit the dojo Taka used ot work in before he died.
6:50pmIt's around getting dark, sunset kind of deal. Just as Kai's getting tired, he hears Cham's guitar playing somewhere and heads there. He finds here and calls out to here, cliche gushy reunion.
6:51pmAt the same time, Taka goes to the old dojo as well and sees Izumii and calls out to her, gushy cornmance. And I think I was gonna end it a little bit after that.
6:52pmNow I realize I was going to type out a full length story.