Lucius Cassian

Age: 19
School Level: 3rd year highschool
Band Position: Keyboards
Chess Piece: King- At first glance (and probably the rest of the time you are exposed to them) Lu looks like the weakest in the group. Slender, almost feminine, he’s good for quick attacks and long range support, but useless in a drawn out brawl. Still if you know them though you’d realize he’s the brains behind the brawn, and the main cause why the band was formed. Without him, there will be no Venom Dust.
~ Short, dirty blonde, always perfectly neat hair with bangs
~Dark Grey Green eyes
~Very pale skin, almost vampiric like
~Of all 5 members, Lu has the lightest, slimmest and girliest build. He’s the real bishie, a perfect trap when dresses up in girl clothes.
~Usual expression is a bored look or a seductive smile.
~Long sleeved polo shirts, pressed and neatly buttoned up. Vests are optional
~Black slacks, he NEVER wears Denim.
~Black leather shoes.
The band’s the only place he’ll allow himself to dress wildly.
~usually V-kei inspired clothing, only in Darker, duller tones. He’s the elegant one in the group, so mostly Victorian-ish themed clothing
~ If western style he’s more of Goth than punk. Usually long sleeves. X
~Pants are always tight and fitting.
~Ankle boots, usually with heels.
~Accessories are toned down compared to the others. A necklace, cuffs, not too much on the chains and straps.
Lu is the cold aristocratic vampire in the group. He’s the perfect rich kid, aloof, sexy, hedonistic, spends his money without a care in the world, and usually seems to take everything for granted, including his friends. He’s manipulative, he rarely gets his hands dirty unless he absolutely needs to since he has other…pawns to get the job for him.
Lu is a very intellectual being, taking more pleasure in much more intricate games of intrigue and deceit than the physical competition of a brawl. He loves strategy games, particularly chess where he can beat ANYONE. For a geekier twist he plays tabletop games, a reason for his friends to tease him about.
Of all the members of Venom Dust, Lu is the most powerful, and yes, he’s another one of the rumored love child of Surt Thorns. His mother, Victoria Cassian, was very, very strict and had him brought up in a way similar to nobles of old. As child he was drilled in etiquette and courtesy, taught almost every high ranking instrument (violin, piano, flute etc), attended high class social gatherings etc.
Venom Dust was created by him not as a band at first. It was a group of acuantances (and now friends) he’s come to trust. Its also a business themed group, since Meph and Blacklocke are the other 2 high ranking heirs of the company. The band just came later, when they decided on a whim.
Currently, like the others, he’s being taught the ways of business, and expected to run the company in a few years. Aside from that he’s happy enough just lounging about, seducing every girl in school and strengthening Venom Dust.
Fighting style/weapons:
Lu is a fluid fighter. Light and quick on his feet, he knew his build and just, let go of the harsher, more physical way of brawling. Instead he focused on his strength, staying in the sidelines, throwing smoke bombs, flash bombs, rocks and other things with deadly accuracy.
For weapons he chose his meteors, swinging them so fast that its hard to get close without getting beaten up. He’s also quite versed in nerves and can bring down a bigger person with a precise strike to a part of the body/
Picture References:
color reference*****lucius***2***Lu's gallery
Relationships with other members:

Wolf- Lu’s pretty neutral to wolf, seeing him as nothing more than Blacklocke’s lackey. He’s the person who’s good to have around, but not really that important in the group

Meph- meph is lu’s 2nd closest friend. Though their personalities differ wildly, Lu finds it that meph is a refreshing breath of fresh air for him. Lu would go out of his way to keep his ‘half-brother’ safe and happy.

Anthony- Anthony if lu’s bestfriend, an unlikely pair since Anthony is from a way different social circle in the beginning. Still after he saved lu’s life, Anthony’s become an essential part of it. Though sometimes lu treats him as no more than a glorified butler, he trusts him completely.

Blacklocke- Balcklocke is Lu’s biggest rival, he hates him for being so thick headed and rash and always jeopardizing his subtle attempts of flipping tables with his to early moves.