They replies to all the Anon messages I have done... I'll be Posting them here so I'll still have them later...
I just wanna chat, hang out and have fun,
And say thank-you to all My Anons,
Lets go in order, one, two then three-
Don't worry about it
I've decided to dedicated this all to you,
I'll treat you all equally,
You each get to have your own stanza
Filled with my gratitude
Thats just for you.
You were, not only My First Valentine-
But also, My First Anonymous joy,
You sent me this card,
Filled with your happiness to share,
And from then on-
More came, but you were still there,
In the back of my mind,
As my first, with nothing else to spare
You never left a name,
You never told me who you were,
I'll just have to call you ' Number One ' for sure,
You may sing,
All night long,
But I never tire-
From your song,
You swept me away,
With the beat,
But there is nothing else,
As I sway-
To and fro,
And then realize,
That it was not original
Oh, not you to!
Not again,
I guess I'll have to call you a number again,
In this round,
You are ' Number Two ' ,
And I must say,
You have my greatest thanks,
You came from the stars,
With everything to spare,
You even gave me a Plushie,
That I didn't know was there,
But I do have to wonder,
How did you chose me..?
I'm nobody special,
Just an ordinary Kitsune,
With a hat and scarf,
That I've had from the start,
So how am I special..?
You still have my heart
To Rockman,
Where every you may be,
I'm not sure I understand,
Your Valentine you handed me,
I think you must have been mistaken,
For I know no ' Heatman ' you mention,
Though, if you like,
I'll ask people in the gaia fourms,
And see if they have seen him,
And let him know,
That you find him rather creepy,
On a side note,
I better get going-
Because I'm afraid that Carl will eat me
Why won't you people sign them?
Its becoming hard to make them personal,
I guess you have to be ' Number Three ' -
And wait in line,
I've ran out of witty things to say,
And funny things to do,
The most I can really offer you-
Is a hug or two,
I love the yelling,
But don't know why,
Are you happy or sad on the inside?
You want to know what love is,
But then you say you're hurt,
Will you be alright, my Anon?
Would a band-aid heal the hurt?
I wish I spoke more Japanese,
The most I can say is,
' Hello ' , ' Good bey '
' How are you? ' and ' Good evening '
I've always wished to learn more,
But its really hard to study-
When I have so much work to do,
I still don't know what to do,
The work piles up,
And I just wanna play,
So would you please come back,
And tell me what you say?
Or maybe, just maybe,
You could teach me some more,
And we could play Shiritori-
And play like know one else has played before
I honestly don't know what to say,
Who are ' They ' and why do you like my name?
What do ' They ' want to do?
Why do I need to be safe at night,
When I have my stuffed animals and teddy bears all snuggled tight?
' We ' will help me?
But what is a ' We ' ?
Or should I ask who it could be?
You confuse me the most,
My Whisper In The Night~
Why do you have to give me such a fright!
I wonder why ' They ' want to chop me so,
But will giving you my heart-
Really even the score?
Or will you leave me all alone,
To scream in the middle of the night,
To take care of them all and not be in fright,
Because I let you take my heart-
Like in the movie Coraline- but instead they used eyes,
But this is a higher price,
Will it honestly even the score-
But I wouldn't like to know this first,
How did you find out that my name-
How did you find me so,
Was I really wandering around-
All along-
Silently pleading, for you to come,
And take my heart as payment-
So that no one else will come?
' Number Four '
You really know how to leave a message,
Sending just a card and a gift-
I do have to say,
I'm in love with cats,
But why would I want you heart-
All broken and black?
I do must say,
Miss Succubus, its tempting-
But why the sunglasses anyway?
If you know,
My most inner thoughts,
Then your poetry shows,
That your eyes should be shown a lot-
Your voice is a beauty,
That no other can compare,
Though, I have to ask-
Did something happen for you to hide-
Those windows to your soul?
Or do you wear them until Valentine,
And then let the truth be told,
Unmasking yourself for the world to know?
' Number Five ' , Number Five,
Will you be my Valentine?
We could frolic in the meadow together,
And Diedrich could come,
And we'll all have a picnic together,
With tea and cake,
And sandwiches too-
But, atlas, I do not know-
Where you are and you broke my heart in two,
I know you're there,
Lurking around,
If you had given me a name,
We could be something the was sound
Oh, Crimson Calling, why not you to~
I cannot read this lovely letter-
That you've sent to me,
I can try, lets see
The first line says;
' Anata ga hontou houtou ni sukidayo '
All I really get is ' You ' and ' Like ' ,
And thats my best,
Lets see if line two can be the best;
' Anata wa sugoidesuyo '
If I remember anything at all,
That line says ' You are Awesome ' and that all,
You make me smile,
I am not that awesome,
You are the one that need the love,
And now line three- I think I'm on a roll,
' Sukidayo '
And that says ' (I) Like ' ,
Aww, you really need a hug,
And not make me blush,
I've now run out of things to say,
If you read this,
Please send another my way,
I'd really like to know,
If I can hug you and let you know-
That you should be the awesome one this Valentines Day
To Dear ' Number Six '
I really like the Gimpi,
It was a cute touch,
But, what would be even nicer,
Would be a name to touch,
To whisper- right back at you,
And let you know,
That I really need you,
You sent me this card-
And no name,
This really needs to stop,
I feel the blood rush through my veins-
I think I see you,
Around every conner,
And sometimes I think,
I might run you right over,
So please, send a message-
Or a call,
Just something instead of nothing-
Would be better than this silence-
I know
Oh no, oh my!
I really do not know what to say-
I'm not to sure what to think,
If you and I are to meet,
I have a million things running through my head,
All because of what you just said,
To you,
It may seem perfectly fine,
But as I thought-
I'll keep that in mind,
I do not know,
Why you think of me so,
Just wondering why,
You think of me as nice?
Or will you simple tease me so,
And not give me any more hints-
Of your intentions, that you show?
To ' Number Seven ' And ' Number Eight ',
I'm not quite sure if you're the same,
Both messages were sent-
At gotten at the same time,
I keep going over them-
Again and again,
Trying to see if you're fooling me,
The scary part is,
That not only were you sent the same time-
You received at the same time as well,
And matching items to boot!
Is it two separate people,
Or one with a loose screw?
Well, no matter which it is,
I'll keep my promise 'till the end-
Just wait and see,
Maybe you'll find this and read,
That I'm confused or is it you that is confused?
You could have fooled me!
Well off and on,
I cannot say it again,
The yelling again?
I think I've gotten that message before,
Let me see,
I think it was from ' Number Four '?
No, looking back it was from ' Number Three '
Hey, Number Eight -
Do you know Number Three ?
I wouldn't be too surprised,
If someone had the same gig as I,
But now I have to wonder-
Is Number Three and Number Eight,
Possible siblings?
I don't know what to say,
You've turned all my love to ash,
And that quite a feat- If I may say,
I love cats, but this can never last,
For If you don't care for me,
I'll go to another and will always be-
Sadden that you didn't care,
That I wore my love for you so proudly,
And all you did was stare,
And smile at all the laughing people,
As I tried to make the best,
Of our broken love-
That was never meant to be anything more-
The one-sided and torn
To ' Number Nine ' -
' Number Ten ' -
And ' Number Eleven ',
Please don't get mad that I put you all in one post,
I'm trying to save space,
And get someone to talk to-
Maybe if you see this, you will come,
Oh, Number Nine-
You must be related to Eight and Three,
Are you all cousins-
Or something more it may seem?
Number Ten-
You make my day,
Not may people seem to believe that I have fashion-
Anyway, You warm me up,
Like no other,
But some how,
Seeing you there,
Makes me wonder,
If I can play with you hair.
Number Eleven,
You make my day,
I love Kistune-
We are like brother-
Or two peas in a pod,
Or maybe just maybe,
You could come and we could sing a song-
Do some karaoke-
And sing 'till we can't sing anymore,
And when we're done,
We can laugh and have more fun?
I will try my best to understand,
But this little girl is quite glad,
You see her in the dark-
And try to keep ' Them ' from her heart,
She might have some difficulty ,
To understand,
With all the ' We ' and ' Them ' and ' Their ' , with all the different-
At a stand,
The most I can say,
Is I'm sorry for this reply-
To be so late,
Maybe just maybe,
You'll grace my presence once again?
And we can chit-chat and form a plan,
That will keep ' Them ' from her tiny heart,
And we can do it,
By making sure the door is locked.
I must thank you, as well,
For sending me this,
For the only reason you did-
Was because of my Sig-
I know that you love me,
So maybe you'll see-
That you get this little message,
Made just for you from me,
Hopefully it'll make your day,
Just a bit brighter.
You make me blush,
With such a rush-
That my sister came over to see what was the fuss,
And when she read,
This Valentine you sent,
She couldn't contain,
Her laughter- it rang,
Thought out the house,
And down the hall-
If I can't get her quiet now-
We'll all be sent to the detention hall!
For some reason you seem a bit out of whack,
But don't worry I'll love you still-
And even when my feet are gone,
I'll still say ' I love you ' ,
So don't worry my dear,
All will be right-
Even through tears and shame,
You will always stay the same-
And be my creepy little Candle-jack,
That has never changed.
My Mother wasn't too happy,
To see this when she looked-
Over my shoulder,
Silences swept the room,
Hopefully that says it all,
To set the tone,
My brother wouldn't have like it at all.
I must thank you to~
A hug and a kiss,
While this is such bliss,
But I'm curious to say,
What does P.I.P have to do today?
I just have a question or two for you,
The first one being-
How do you do?
And the second one,
To boot before I forget-
Is what does your name mean-
What is a P.I.P ?
I'm sorry, Amor~
I do not speak French,
Or Italian, or Spanish-
I'm kind of glad now,
That its off my chest,
I do not have to worry about the rest,
I've tried multiple ways,
Of reading this lovely letter,
But somehow-
None of them seemed to work,
Was it a mistake on my part?
I do hope it was-
For then all I have to do is try again,
And maybe just maybe,
I'll know what you're trying to send
Cold, cold, polar bear-
I do not know where you are,
But I know you are a star,
Tiny white fluff-ball you may be,
You sound a lot like Diedrich to me,
While you go and give everyone a Valentines today,
Please try and come back,
So we could possibly play-
Another day?
Is it possibly to fix you up?
Make it so you don't rust or get any dust?
To somehow fix all your leavers-
And anything else that clicks and ticks-
Make sure your gears are all clean and shiny,
So you never miss?
So your pendulum swings perfectly in time,
So you miss not one second-
And all will be fine?
I see, I have more questions then answers,
But somehow if there is a way,
Would you be fixable in any way-
So that you don't not falter and disappear?
So you don't have to linger,
While I'm not here?
The Pink Rose Princess,
You name is quite long~
It makes you stand out,
From the crowd,
You use a colour,
As well as a flower-
You the flower you chose,
Is best suited for this;
A Prince to give to his lovely Princess,
You have all the things,
To make a perfect name,
I'm just glad that,
You like fairy's all the same
You did not send a typical Valentine,
Why you sent me a paw tattoo,
Are you implying-
That I should cover my body,
With beautiful designs?
Its was snowy that day,
All could tell,
And I have to admit,
Walking in the forest was fun as well,
I did get a shiver down my back,
When there was a howl-
And then-
What was that?
This little paw,
Was all that I found,
Does this mean that-
You don't want we around?
To see you again,
Would be really nice,
Maybe we could chat,
And figure out-
What was that,
It the woods and the forest,
Under the moonlit sky,
No creature was found,
But maybe you could set things right.
I'm sorry to say,
MR. Strawberry-
I'd like to stay living,
In the most of these days,
I'd rather walk and talk,
Then be eaten by a fruit-
With a huge mouth,
And little sharp teeth that go all around,
It reminds me a bit ,
Of Little Red-
You didn't eat her to, instead?
Oh Lovely Lucy-
Where did you go?
You didn't give me enough time,
To say ' Yes, let's go~ ' ,
I'll travel the world,
If it be just with you,
Oh, Lovely Lucy,
Can we start again,
Can we start anew,
Can we run through the forest,
The trees and the hills,
Can we sail across the oceans still,
I'd climb every mountain-
Cross every stream-
As long as if it meant,
That it would be,
Just you and me
I'm sorry to say,
That I'm not that interested,
I cannot marry you,
Because you are not my love interest,
Shouldn't we first,
Start out as friends?
And that means you, Sir,
Need to stop being Anonymous?
Or you could stay that way,
I'm fine with either,
But my sister would like to know,
How will you get pass her?
She acts as my protection,
And rarely stray from the start,
She already threated someone,
To take off their head and feed it to the sharks!
I thank you dearly,
My kind Huntress,
I didn't know we could be so close,
With such a small gift,
I would love to get back to you,
And know when you're near,
So we could help spread Valentines,
To all so far and near
Ooo, you make me see,
How wonderful you can be,
I love how classy you are,
Even when we're apart,
White will be the colour I remember you by-
And Lighting the speed that you flee,
And possible you would flee with me?
I know you said you need not a reply,
But a poem to you will brighten up my sky,
It will stop it from being red,
Bleached with your sunny rays,
What more can be said?
Your word breathe more then you know,
And that is some that shows,
You and wonderful in many ways,
So I hope you have-
The Bestest Valentines Day
I'm quite surprised,
That you too, wrote back,
I didn't expect that,
You say we're stuck together like glue-
But I have never seen you,
Also, I never said that I'd get rid of you-
That would be my sister,
Who doesn't like you,
She isn't too fond of stalker, you see,
And because you're one of them-
You're really high on her hit list.
Thank you Miss T,
Or should I say Miss Honda?
Oh, that reminds me-
Of a good anime,
By chance, do you know,
Which one I'm about to show-
The only one I can think,
Is the lovely Fruits Basket, I believe.
I do not know what to say,
Many think the same way,
Maybe, if your name-
Wasn't that creepy,
You could come out and play,
Not watching from a distance,
Not hiding from the sun,
Maybe you could find-
You special lucky one.
Oh, my~!
You must be the most romantic yet-
But my voice may stumble yet,
Please do not mind it a bit,
I will gladly sings,
O beauty that is new to me-
I will not fumble, tumble or sway,
My heart will always be the same-
Thank you is all I can say,
I'm always delighted to be in your grace
I don't have anything for you,
No, nothing comes to mind,
Though I would like to be by myself now-
You kin of creep me out now,
Sitting there in your car,
I run by-
Not even getting a glimpse of you-
Yet knowing you're there
To haunt me,
Is what I thinks,
Is the scary part.
Oh, my-
I never knew I could be lovely,
Or something so anew,
Most of all-
A Knight you say?
It never occurred to me,
That I was someone so deserving-
Of something as neat as that,
A Knight with a shield to protect me-
With you here,
I'll never be in harms way,
So please just let me see your face?
Oh, no!
Little birdie,
What do I do?
I can't read this lovely letter to you,
You and I-
Eye to eye,
And not speak,
Even if we try,
We're so different-
Its like day and night,
But maybe if I try,
I could read you letters-
I had to stop,
When all became red,
I was hesitant enough-
Before touching it,
Red, red, red, red,
It seemed to be everywhere,
My eyes now wandered to you hand-
And the hole in your chest,
Your heart torn out-
More liked ripped and tattered,
The noises gave me a shiver,
Strings fell to the floor,
I honestly don't know if I can take any more!
My heart started racing ,
While I stood in place,
Blood splatter walls,
And no one else to face,
I waited patiently for you,
When you asked about forever-
I think I stared off in space,
Blood on the walls,
The floors-
The chair-
How did you get blood way up over their?
I had to pause,
And re-think the question,
Maybe if there was no blood,
I could answer more clearly?
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Meh's Randomness
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(∴◕ 오 ◕∴) [i:6cf7b3e43f]Mijimaru~![/i:6cf7b3e43f]
[b:6cf7b3e43f]My friend safari is [img:6cf7b3e43f][/img:6cf7b3e43f][i:6cf7b3e43f]Chansey, Teddiursa, Minccino[/i:6cf7b3e43f][/b:6cf7b3e43f]
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(∴◕ 오 ◕∴) [i:6cf7b3e43f]Mijimaru~![/i:6cf7b3e43f]
[b:6cf7b3e43f]My friend safari is [img:6cf7b3e43f][/img:6cf7b3e43f][i:6cf7b3e43f]Chansey, Teddiursa, Minccino[/i:6cf7b3e43f][/b:6cf7b3e43f]
Looking for safari's with any one of these: [i:6cf7b3e43f]Klefki, Jigglypuff, Ponyta, Phantump, Lapras, Ditto [/i:6cf7b3e43f]
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