- Kennedy Locke ♀
- NICKNAME : Kenny
AGE : 20
HEIGHT : 5'2"
WEIGHT : 90 lbs
HOMETOWN : Dewford Town, Hoenn
LOCATION : Goldenrod City, Jhoto
OCCUPATION : Delivery Service
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : Kenny is small and slim, but can carry more than her weight. She has medium length mahogany colored hair that has an un-kept look to it, but that is mainly hidden by her Delivery Hat she wears just about every where and blueish-teal eyes. If she isn't fully in her working uniform, then she is most likely in some form of baggy yet comfortable clothing. Mainly being a long sleeve shirt and jeans or tan slacks. She also has a habit of introducing herself as 'Kenny'. If Jasper seems leery of you she will pick-up on this and react cautious of that person.
- PERSONALITY : Kenny is relatively quiet, until she get to know you. That might take a while due to her trust issues she has with people. When she's working she is pleasant, cheerful, and mildly formal depending on if the person is a first time costumer or not, but she will always be polite. After that she is a relative happy and grateful person, she gets cheerful and excited when she finds out something new. You can tell when she is down due to her being more quiet than usual and not being too interested in things that interest her.
- ◓ Likes: Pokemon, berries, traveling, exploring, stars, medium-lit places, caves, gems
◓ Dislikes: A large majority of people, places that are too bright or too dark (caves seem to be an exception to this), boats (to a mild extent), unfair fights, small spaces
◓ Fears: Kenny's biggest fear is being complete alone, others include not having a place to stay for the night, starving and people betraying her.
- BIOGRAPHY : Kenny grew up in the small town of Dewford, where she was an only child and both her parents were researchers of Pokemon Legends. Most of the time she was left up to her own devises to keep herself occupied during the day when her parents were at work and was baby-sat by an Aron which was a Pokemon of the family. When she spent some time with them, it was just a bit difficult because she wasn't interested in their research. She wanted to explore and go out on adventures wandering around. When she did spend time with her parents, it was generally only one of them and she would listen to what they were studying, what they had found or didn't find. When all three of them got together, they'd spend time near the water and have all their Pokemon out to play with her.
When she wasn't with her parents, she was with her friend, Linda. It is thanks to her that people started calling her Kenny, because she came up with the nickname for her. Linda and Kenny spent most if not all their time together. They mainly wandered all around Dewford and would make up games, play in the water and wonder what else was out there in the vast world. They both spent a lot of time at each others houses as well, be it from spending the night to just popping in the grab a snack and then head back outside to explore.
Kenny's first Pokemon was a Sableye that accidently found it's way into Dewford that she ended up calling Jasper. He was playing tricks and pranks in the middle of the night and the towns folk were getting annoyed and coming up with different ways of how they could be haunted. Kenny and Linda decided to explore and see what was up to this new found mischief. After a few days, Kenny found out that it was a lonely Sableye playing pranks to keep himself company. Bit by bit they started spending more time together until they befriended each other. By this time, Kenny had the bright idea to take Jasper home with her. Her parents freak out about this and tried shooing him out of the house but Kenny stopped them stating the Jasper was her friend. Both her parents were shocked by this and told her that if he'd go in a Pokeball that he could stay. Kenny was hesitant at first to toss the Pokeball at Jasper, but he seemed fine by this idea and grinned bigger before she finally decided to toss it, capturing Jasper.
This was the first problem that Linda had with Kenny, even though Kenny said that all three of them would be hanging out together. The second was when Kenny broke the news that her family would be moving to Unova to farther continue her parents research. During this time period, Linda spent every single moment with Kenny. It meant that she had someone to talk to, share her excitement and fears about leaving with someone. Kenny was grateful that Linda was there for her and was worried about leaving her behind, but couldn't help that the excess time spent together was a small way of Linda trying to convince her to stay. On the day of departure, Kenny was given free time to spend with Linda before they left. Both of them played around the docks and the ships that were there, they boarded one of the cargo ships and decided to play hide-n-seek and decided that a semi-packed storage room would be base on the ship. They did this a couple times and when it came to Linda's turn to be it, Kenny made it back to base and waited for about ten minutes before she heard Linda coming down the hall. The door to the storage room shut and Linda and Kenny both started to panic. Linda said she'd be back with the Captain to open the door and let her out. Kenny waited and waited, silence was the only thing that met her. She sat on the floor curled up in a ball, waiting for Linda to come back with the Captain but she never did. Kenny didn't realized that Linda wasn't coming back until the ship started taking off. In a frantic state she tried to make it so the door but couldn't, she kept falling down every time so she eventually curled back up into a ball with Jasper with both of them waiting for someone to open a door.
Once Kenny was found, she was in Sootopolis City. The Captain and crew was surprised that someone was on this cargo ship, but trying to get information out of her was nearly impossible. Kenny didn't trust anyone, and no one knew how long she had been there either. If it wasn't for a nice couple she'd be staying at the Pokemon Center. Kenny began to warm up to them after a year or so and liked the people, but that didn't mean she trusted them. Eventually she did end up talking to them in mild detail and explore around the town and help out when needed. She loved exploring the cave with Jasper and learned about what he liked and didn't like eating.
After being in Sootopolis for a total of three years, she decided to leave and headed out to Lilygrove City. From there she did odd ball jobs, anything that paid money and had some traveling in it. Loading and unloading jobs seemed to be the majority of the jobs, sometimes deliveries need to be made the she did as well. One of Kenny's jobs ended up being semi-permeate as a delivery worker for about four years and they put in a good work for her and she now makes deliveries from Goldenrod Department Store to the needed location by bike, car or walking. which ever route is the fastest and most convent.
- № 302 - Sableye ♂
- xNAME : Jasper
xTYPE : Dark/Ghost
xNATURE : Relaxed (+def/-spd)
xABILITY : Keen Eye
xPOKÉ BALL : Pokeball
xFIRST MET : ---
- PERSONALITY : Jasper is rather relaxed as long as he's out, he isn't too fond of not knowing what's going on and isn't fond of being inside his Pokeball. He likes spending time with Kenny, he especially like hanging around her neck and shoulder area. He trusts Kenny the most and is slightly over protective of her. He isn't one to play pranks that often and if he does they are mild ones that won't cause too much damage.
ITEM : ---
- Night Shade
- № 225 - Delibird ♀
- xNAME : Carnelian
xTYPE : Ice/Flying
xNATURE : Jolly (+spd/-spatk)
xABILITY : Vital Spirit
xPOKÉ BALL : Pokeball
xFIRST MET : ---
- PERSONALITY : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac elit mauris. Duis ut eros vel tortor commodo varius. Cras at augue sed odio pulvinar laoreet. Curabitur in commodo mi. Vestibulum sit amet justo lectus, at laoreet nunc. Nullam tincidunt nunc ac velit egestas dictum. Vivamus est leo, adipiscing sit amet viverra et, cursus id tellus. Proin vitae venenatis erat.
ITEM : ---
- Present
Other Pokemon in consideration:
Farfeth'd [M] (Normal/Flying) 083 --- Aragonite [fly]
Skarmonry [M] (Steel/Flying) 227 --- [fly]
Lapras [F] (Water/Ice) 131 --- [surf]
Scyther (Bug/Flying) 123
Tropius (Grass/Flying) 357
Gyarados (Water/Flying) 130 --- [Surf]
Natu/Xatu (Psychic/Flying) 177/178
Mothim (Bug/Flying) 414
Beedrill (Bug)
Drifloon/Drifblim (Ghost/Flying) 425/426
Sigilyph (psychic/flying) 561
Emolga (electr/flying) 587
Druddigon (dragon) 621
Pawniard/Bisharp (dark/steel) 624/625
Gligar (Poison/Flying)
Zubat (Poison/Flying)
Possibly but not likely:
Chingling (cave)
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- TMS and HMs
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