The first Alice went walking through the woods of Wonderland
Bravely, with a fearsome sword clutched in his fevered hand,
He cut down creatures in the way of her unyielding wrath
Leaving carnage in his wake by a red and bloody path
The first Alice strayed too far and too deep in the wood
It marked him as a sinner and locked him in there for good
Much like the gruesome path that marked him murdering way
His life remained a mystery until this very day
Hylian Forsenna
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Sea Green
Usual Clothing:
*Leather and chains, lots of it.
*For shirts he doesn't really care, in fact he likes to walk around with his chest bare. *Leather pants and ankle boots should be enough for him
*Acessories though, are a different thing. He has three helix piercings and one dangling earring (in the shape of a cross) in his right ear, a lip ring at the left side of his mouth and a tongue piercing. He's also known for wearing a spiked leather collar.
He likes to swear
Likes getting his own way
Pic References:
color reference*****Hylian***2***His ending***Hylian's gallery
Hylian’s a master through and through. Raised by a local illegal slave trader, at the young age of twenty he killed of his ‘mentor’ and took over the business.
pose/theme suggestions:
~ Wielding a big blade or a baseball bat, possibly bloody
~Licking his lips or a knife, a cool, sexy expression on his face
~His bloody ending. Having bullet holes/stab mark on his chest, but still standing, wielding a weapon and grinning
other notes:
~His main color should be red and black.
~Can you put a spade somewhere in the picture?