Hello. I recently participated in NaNoWriMo and actually ended up with a novel, which is called Ben the Devil. So that means something; I have OCs. There are not many characters in this, actually, and each journal entry will be dedicated to a separate character. This one will be for one of the two main narrators, Daniel.
Brief Description

Build: Short (whatever you think is short for a guy, but not less than 5'5", please), but not proportioned so that you'd notice it unless he's standing next to someone taller. Slim, maybe with some (light) lean musculature.
Skin: Pale. Ivory-ish. It's not very noticeable, unless he's standing next to someone with normal-to-tan skin. Note that I said not very noticeable rather than not at all noticeable.
Eyes: Dark hazel-green, but with metallic silver flecks in them. If you can make the silver show up, that would be great. If not, then just hazel-green, please.
Facial Features: Not effeminate, but not very manly. Maybe a little angular, and certainly not round.
Hair: Very dark brown, about two shades from black. Either disheveled or somewhat curly. Whatever works best for you.
Personality: Okay, this is the part where people are going to get things a little wrong, unless a do a very good job of explaining things. He is a murderer, but he's still got a strong sense of right and wrong. He always feels guilty after he's killed, and tries not to think about it. He kills because of something terrible that happened to him when he was younger. He blanks out when he kills and is extremely dangerous. Catlike and insanely fast. At times, when certain memories are triggered, he very much enjoys inflicting as much pain as is possible.He's very intelligent, eloquent, often deep in thought, and sarcastic. He's sort of a lapsed Christian. He's given up on God, but still prays sometimes.
Clothing: I haven't really got too much of a preference.I suppose it can be something modern, if you want. If you choose to do so, he would wear something low-key, but fashionable. Maybe just some plain old-fashioned tunics and trousers. Maybe a wide-sleeve shirt and vest combo. Any color you want. Something people wouldn't remember.
Weapon: Knives. Always knives. Daggers, stilettos, pretty much any long, thin, sharp knife. Throwing Knives are also good.
Theme Song: Currently "Danger Line" and/or "Strength of the World", both by Avenged Sevenfold. You may or may not understand why these are applicable to him. I will tell you that it has something to do with the thing which changed him so irrevocably, though it is only mentioned in passing in "Dangerline". "Strength of the Wolrd" makes sense in more ways than one.
Description from the Book
WARNING: Explicit Language!
WARNING: Explicit Language!
"Well, he’s short, like I said, but she was short enough that it didn’t matter. He has really dark hair that isn’t quite black and is pretty pale himself, but not enough that it’s really all that noticeable unless he’s standing next to someone. And he has dark hazel green eyes. His eyes have always kinda freaked me out and fascinated me at the same time, because they have silver flecks in them. I’m not talking about normal eye-color. I mean like the metal. They shine."
. . .
"He’s got a sort of sense of justice and fairness and all that bullshit. He feels guilty afterwards." . . . "He has a sense of right and wrong, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less deadly. If we ever got into it, really got into it, he would kill me. I don’t care that I’m taller and stronger and possessed and maybe a vampire. That little ******** would kill my a** dead. He’s quick. And when he’s gone, he’s ruthless. He would probably kill himself afterwards, because of the guilt and all that, but he would make sure it was worth it. He’s . . . He’s not right in the head when he’s killing. He’s worse than me. I don’t think he knows how bad he is. He likes to make it last a while. Me, I just scratch the itch and go on with my life. No, I don’t ever want to find out just what he’s capable of firsthand."
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Traditional Coloring of the Second Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by Esdella Vie
Art by King Lionel
Another Piece by King Lionel
Art with Palmer by King Lionel
Art by Judas of Underland
Art by DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Stariaria
Art by Nasware
Art by Femjin
Art by Lyllianthus
Art with Palmer by Dundeleedum
Art by Kiskis
Art by UntitledTurtles
Art by Hallow Quinn
Art by Miss Putride
Art by Weirtz (Daniel is on the Left)
Another Piece by Weirtz
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Wiertz (Daniel is on the Right)
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by VoxAngeles (Daniel is on the right.)
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Art by Inoue Noriko
Art by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Traditional Coloring of the Second Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Another Piece by xXx_Sightless_xXx
Art by [[dark_kamui]]
Art by Esdella Vie
Art by King Lionel
Another Piece by King Lionel
Art with Palmer by King Lionel
Art by Judas of Underland
Art by DarknessAngelSan
Art by Cypril
Art by Githy
Art by Im Otaku Too
Art by Harlequin Raver
Art by Fuzzy Machine Guns
Art by Stariaria
Art by Nasware
Art by Femjin
Art by Lyllianthus
Art with Palmer by Dundeleedum
Art by Kiskis
Art by UntitledTurtles
Art by Hallow Quinn
Art by Miss Putride
Art by Weirtz (Daniel is on the Left)
Another Piece by Weirtz
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Wiertz
Another Piece by Wiertz (Daniel is on the Right)
Art by HeyChinchilla
Art by xX..ibitsu..Xx
Art by VoxAngeles (Daniel is on the right.)
Art by Shishi Beru
Art by Kuyusi
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope very much that you will not only take this on, but also enjoy it.