Hello! I participated in NaNoWriMo for the second time this year, and came out with something wholly unexpected: a serious story. I named it The Phoenix and the King. It's about what the title suggests, but with a twist: the Phoenix is a human. It's a sort of Beauty and the Beast-esque story. Please take a moment and meet Shula, a very important secondary character.
Brief Description

Age: No one knows how fire beings gauge age.
Build: Wispy and lush. Very curvy. Long legs and arms. Small feet. Long fingers.
Skin: She is made of flames. These may be either bright orange or silver and blue.
Eyes: Two white-hot tilted spots, approximately where eyes should be, and slightly larger than human proportions.
Facial Features: Round or heart-shaped. Suggestion of a nose, which would be turned-up at the end. Very full lips (indicated by a darker area in the flames).
Hair: None, though you may make the semblance of hair using flames, if you wish.
Personality: Stubborn, playful, and somewhat immature. Fun-loving and carefree. Loves to have Estelle's attention. Usually happy or trying to make others happy. When she's upset, she makes spartks.
Clothing: None, though she has no genitalia, including nipples. Imagine a bodysuit.
Theme Song: N/A
Description from the Book
"'It’sssss borrrring,' she said, crossing her arms. She narrowed her white eyes at Estelle, challenging her to leave her here alone yet another day. Estelle reached into the flame and held out her finger to the little flameling, who hugged it with apparent reluctance. Her arms felt like hot little needles, but not entirely unpleasant. She laid her head down on Estelle’s fingertip and closed her eyes, 'Jussst prooomisssse you’ll beee back sssssooooon.'
. . .
Shula looked up at her, and though she did not have eyes as humans have, Estelle knew that there was a mixture of emotions showing in them; anger that she had taken her back to the fire, worry and fear for her friend, comfort from the flames. Though she was now back in her sanctuary, she did not leave Estelle’s hand. She grew in size in proportion to the flame she dwelt in. She did not really fit in Estelle’s hand any longer, and so Estelle put her other arm into the flames, this time having prepared herself, and placed her hands together, side-by-side. Shula sat down on them, and drew her knees up under her chin, and laid her head down on them, turning it to the side. She sighed and a small stream of smoke and gently rising sparks like miniature fireflies came forth from her mouth.
“Heeeee hasssss done ssssomethiiiing toooo yooou?” She had not raised up from her curled-up cat-like position. Her voice, odd and somehow translucent, had changed, however. She sounded carefully incredulous. Estelle knew that she did not fully understand what it was that was so terribly wrong. She also knew that Shula did not care what it was that was causing Estelle such distress, only that she was distressed. Estelle thought it wise to not let on too much, lest Shula become hasty and decide someone needed to pay for their sins. When angry, Shula’s kind could be very dangerous, even to those such as Estelle. They could cause fire to become out of human control, having taken them over. They could also cause fires to burn much hotter than they should. Fire became as putty to them. Estelle believed that fire was always subject to the whims of those who dwelt within it, though they rarely exercised this power. Perhaps it caused them pain. Perhaps it was something akin to forbidden. She did not ask Shula or any of the other flamelings, as she had found out long ago that they did not relinquish such secrets often or easily.
. . .
She noticed Shula, sitting on her knee, catching her tears, and taking them into herself. The little flamelings was slowing changing from a vibrant orange to a swirl of blue and silver. She was beautiful for it"
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope very much that you will not only take this on, but also enjoy it.