Name: Yuka Kazami
Age: More than you could ever imagine
Species: Youkai
Abilities: Manipulation of flowers and plants
Occupation: Youkai moe
Location: Garden of the Sun
風見 幽香 (かざみ ゆうか). The "Flower Master of the Four Seasons".
Final Boss of Touhou's Lotus Land Story and later a recurring playable character, as well the the fourth PC-98 generation character after Hakurei Reimu, Kirisame Marisa and Alice Margatroid to reappar in the Windows generation (specifically in Phantasmagoria of Flower View).
A highly dangerous youkai with the power to manipulate flowers and reputed creator and original wielder of the Master Spark (which Marisa later "borrowed" wink . Hinted by Hieda no Akyuu to exhibit a rather polite facade, provided she or her flowers are not harmed. Rumored to be incredibly old from her dialog with Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. Once described by ZUN as "Youkai moe~". This might be meant as a pun, given that the literal meaning of moe is "budding" and Yuuka controls flowers. Frequently portrayed in doujin as a sadistic psychopath.
Age: More than you could ever imagine
Species: Youkai
Abilities: Manipulation of flowers and plants
Occupation: Youkai moe
Location: Garden of the Sun
風見 幽香 (かざみ ゆうか). The "Flower Master of the Four Seasons".
Final Boss of Touhou's Lotus Land Story and later a recurring playable character, as well the the fourth PC-98 generation character after Hakurei Reimu, Kirisame Marisa and Alice Margatroid to reappar in the Windows generation (specifically in Phantasmagoria of Flower View).
A highly dangerous youkai with the power to manipulate flowers and reputed creator and original wielder of the Master Spark (which Marisa later "borrowed" wink . Hinted by Hieda no Akyuu to exhibit a rather polite facade, provided she or her flowers are not harmed. Rumored to be incredibly old from her dialog with Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. Once described by ZUN as "Youkai moe~". This might be meant as a pun, given that the literal meaning of moe is "budding" and Yuuka controls flowers. Frequently portrayed in doujin as a sadistic psychopath.