After they all leave, I add some chocolate onto each banana and put the banana on a twig. when they all come back, they are drooling from the smell of chocolate. "CHOCOLATE! WE GET TO EAT CHOCOLATE!" they all scream, running to grab a banana. I grab 3 bananas; 1 for me, one for Crystal, and one for Tavita.
I walk into the tent with the food. "Lunch is served!" I say, giving Crystal and Tavita their lunch. "I never thought I would eat this ever again!" Tavita said before gobbling down his chocolate covered banana. "This is so good! I was wondering when you were gonna use those chocolate bars you brought!" Crystal says while washing her hands in the bowl of water next to her bed.
Then Alora wakes up, holding her head. "W-what happened? Why do I smell chocolate? am I in a hospital?" she asks, her eyes not focused."No Alora, you are in the medical tent. you were attacked by a bear, remember?" saying each word slowly so she can understand me properly. "Oh yeah. can i have something to eat?" she asks. Tavita walks out of the tent and comes back later with a chocolate covered banana. She eats it and lays back down, and she falls into a deep sleep.
After a long day, which is boring, I am in a meeting again. "How is the food and water supply?" I ask. "Still high. Everyone's water bottle is filled and they have fruits and vegetables in their mini backpack" Zoey answers. "Good. how are the shelters and water bowls?" I ask the group. They all tell me that the shelters are fine and that the water in the water bowls were just changed. "Okay! that is all i think, and I need to start my shift watching Alora. Meeting is complete" I say clapping my hands.
We all get up and I start my shift watching and observing Alora and her wounds. after Crystal falls asleep I perform medical ninjutsu on her leg and on Alora's head and arm. then Kakashi walks in to take his shift. I lay down in my bed to sleep and I wake up to my mom saying she was going to work.
YAY! MY DREAM IS DONE! for now. I had another dream last night that was the continuation of this dream! how cool is that!
next time! my next dream!! XD